
Eagrán fuck anime

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eircom dns is down lads

That's bad buzz sorry to hear it

Reminder that 3D Waifu's are superior

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Down for me too, the cunts. For some reason I can get stuff on my phone without data too.

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>not using
I thought this was common practice these days

wtf this isnt /jerma985/

dream girl fellas

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>le edgy manchild maymay
dankass meme, son

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Thst's a man, user

>>not using
Use a VPN provider's DNS server with DNScrypt

I'm using a VPN as it is, is that bad?

It's not recommended
Depending on your VPN provider that should have a DNS server that you can use
Or you could just use simple dnscrypt which encrypts DNS traffic as well


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Tae. Liath Iarla. Te.

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Speaking of chickens, do you know of a Irish breed of chicken? I’ve looked into it, but it seems like ireland never developef its own domestic chicken- only the Irish game fowl, for cockfighting.
Obviously, game hens aren’t suited to laying, or to be eaten..

No we only have rats

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>another day gone
>still no qt spanish gf

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i think watching cartoons and playing kids games as an adult is also just as sad

Get yourself a nice German or English gf instead

>English gf

cuz blood, killing, and carnage for kids, man

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It's called payback, stop being a cuck

sex and violence are just childish

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'Sé mo laoch, mo ghile mear
'Sé mo Shaesar, gile mear

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Payback is razing London to the ground and the starvation of all Anglos, not getting some Chav whore pregnant who has already been BLACKED 500 times.

The Spanish are way too fucking loud lad

Yeah but we're not able to raze London, we can only cum inside their women, don't be a cuck

As I said, all their whores are full of KARA BOGA seed, why would even bother?

Euuugh!! What the fuck! Why is Dublin full of fucking immigrants! This piechart is just typical of modern cucked europa. Good thing taoiseach justin barrett is a redpill who will Make Ireland Great Again and deport all the fucking niggers back to Africa. Now, lets get to work.....

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Stop with the memes lad, that's just pol bullshit

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Limey is mad lul

Actually I agree with this. Breeding with anglos is not payback because it is contaminating your linage and is an awful thing to do to your children.

Put the slashes in.

Ugh... the WASP menace is spreading...

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a dhia... an créatúr sasanach dubh...
an solas múchta...

/éire/ - céad eagrán

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No, the original payback is getting a norman gf.

Get a french gf, cuck.

>L.O.N. dragging up the Ulster case again on RTÉ
You'd swear the lads were found guilty. Fuck the bridgehead.

Holy fuck Russia just declared on the entirety of NATO for Chechnya

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Just like in real life.

>yikesanon is also gsganon

Why are you implying I'm yikesanon?

France are our allies

Plus the only place N*rmans still form an identifiable part of the population are Ireland and England.

And Normandy of course, but those aren't the ones that did anything to us and they've basically been indistinguishable from the general French population for centuries.

>Frenchwomen coming into my thread looking for bf's

Evening lads. How's your Saturday evening going so far?

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It’s only inevitable.

Pretty good so far desu.

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Alright now, but things could always be better. You watch the match?

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Share details

>Alright now, but things could always be better
What do you wish you were doing instead?

>You watch the match?
I did. Duncan Williams really stepped up. A draw is a great result and should set us up well.

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Who are the staff working on Gridman? It has a unique look to it.

>Duncan Williams really stepped up
I forgot the match was on until I saw it on the news (remind me from now on!), but is he really that bad usually?
I saw an article during the week saying there was a scrum-half crisis in Munster because Murray and the Kiwi replacement along with some others of lesser note and from the academy were injured.
Didn't realise people had Keatley-tier levels of faith in him, and speaking of Keatley I see he didn't even make it on the team for this match. Feel a bit bad for him. Is there a consensus on which is better between him and JJ?
>What do you wish you were doing instead?
Eating less taytos (though I don't eat them very frequently).

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Thanks for reminding me about the school in Tullamore that successfully prevented some Nigerian family from being deported. Fucking RTÉ had that clip on repeat as if it was the biggest news of the week.

Game started off with them in power and they have 55.4% of the vote, don't know what the fuck is going on. I think the 1992 start date was abandoned or something

>Share details
I played video games and watched anime. That is the maximum amount of details my memory is capable of holding.

Probably down to the toku influence. Akira's directing it but Imaishi and Tattun are busy with Promare.

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Dunc is a much improved player in recent seasons but he used to be a serious liability and far more so than even Keatley. But he seems a late bloomer and is holding his own at the top level these days.
Keatley seems to be behind both Carbery and JJ this season and possibly bleyendaal as well who is returning to fitness although he always seems to find a way to become involved as the season moves on.
>Is there a consensus on which is better between him and JJ?
I wouldn't say so but JJ has better impact and is more versatile for positions he can cover so I'd feel he's the better bench option. If Joey got injured it'd be a really tricky one to pick who replaces him.

>Eating less taytos
Presumably decent flavours like cheese and onion or smoky bacon and not the more suspect salt & vinegar?

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a clear sign that immigration must be curtailed

respectfully agree x1

Is he looking to be back in the next couple of months? I presume he would come in second, after Carbery.
Wonder will they look to get rid of one or two of them. Bleyendaal will be Irish-qualified in a year or two(?), so they may keep him but then again is he even good enough for the Irish team, probably not. And JJ just got back, hardly going to send him away again, and Keatley seems to not want to leave now with his young family Also the question of whether Joey will go back to Leinster in a couple of years, despite people saying he is here to stay..
>Presumably decent flavours like cheese and onion or smoky bacon
Not sure if I've ever tasted the smoky bacon ones, but the ones I was eating were shamrock and sour cream... ya, they were alright, but just alright. Not Tayto branded taytos, for the record.

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Tyler is a great talent and international level when at his best but he's literally been injured for 3 out of the 4 seasons hes been at Munster. He has some very serious recurring neck issues so he might be let go in the summer unless the medics believe he fully recovered.
>Wonder will they look to get rid of one or two of them
They'll have to. Two ideally since Bill Johnston is a young and upcoming 10.
I was surprised none of them moved to Ulster int he summer since they're desperate for a 10 or two up there. Though I suppose I could see why they wouldn't.

>Also the question of whether Joey will go back to Leinster in a couple of years
He'd be foolish to considering Cullen seems to value Ross Byrne over him and at Munster he gets to play alongside the Irish number 9.
But, can never trust those from the Pale.

>Not Tayto branded taytos, for the record.
Been a while since I've heard someone use Taytos instead of crisps.
>shamrock and sour cream
Sounds great, sour cream is probably my favourite flavour.

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Good night, sleep well

>3 out of the 4 seasons hes been at Munster
Didn't realise he was here that long. Thought it may have been two and a bit.
>Though I suppose I could see why they wouldn't
Indeed, lot of Ulster people up there, so I hear.
>But, can never trust those from the Pale
My thoughts exactly.
>sour cream is probably my favourite flavour
I like sour cream Pringles, or used to as I feel like they changed a bit over the years but it depends sometimes. I picked this packet because it seemed a bit novel, and I wasn't planning on being the one to eat them. Are they not novel, there exist other tayto brands with that flavour?
>Taytos instead of crisps
Well I'm not a *insert word implying unsavoury foreigner here* like the other 80% of /éire/. Are you too surrounded by people who use the incorrect term?

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>S*nn F**n are just an opposition pa-

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Oíche user.

Sligo for the Sligonians!

>Fianna Gael ever doing that badly
I wish.

Amazon website broken for anybody else? CSS looks off.

Thoughts on the shtate of the virtual youtuber?

Which one?

Audible any good?

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Well these competition entries. If this is the final round I'm not really thinking the process was worth it.

If you like audiobooks.

>order something from amazon
>it casually decides to never arrive
some day I'm gonna go fucking nuclear on the hippies running my local post office

>If you like audiobooks
I've never listened to one. I haven't read a book properly in years and want to get back into it. Ordering physical books is probably too much of a hassle, especially if I don't like it after buying it. Feel the ebook or audio route might be more inexpensive, plus I probably have some free stuff from being a Amazon Prime member.

>Talk to the family over dinner how non-whites are ruining ireland and are parasites that will make ireland never speak irish or be irish yet again and be majority brown and or chink in my lifetime dismissed yet again with the usual canned responses of I've had a long day at work don't wanna talk about it/why have you never got a job you're 23 yo going to stay here 'til your fifty?/ why are you so obsessed about race/shut up/ why didn't you leave your room today/ have you done anything i've asked
how can these people be so bluepilled they don't realise the problem is immigrants and darkies and always try change the subject to shame me?

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How about you get a job and then give out? Won't be able to refute you then, or use the long day at work line.

We need to get involved in local politics user, that way we'll be solving all of their "responses" at once and forcing them to consider the issue.

(How does one get involved in local politics?)

tá sé seo ag dul i mo cringe compilation

State of you quares sittin in on a Saturday night ur da would be sick with embarrassment.

Idk but I am sitting infront of the fire without a stitch on me because I can due to no one about
/comfy/ af
Why would me da be embarrassed, user? He'd completely sympathize I think and I'm pretty sure he'd do the same

Any good book recommendations?

JFK and the unspeakable

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth

He's quare as well is he, made a tradition of stripping by the fire and relaxing on a Saturday he did?

Are yee soft lads, or what's wrong with yee

What is that about? Better not be some faggot shit
Sounds ok. I will see

thanks lads

No! I just do it because why wouldn't you? I mean, i have boxers on if it makes it less quare

>What is that about
Tolstoy's timeless novella about growing up.

Never even heard of him but reading about him briefly he seems interesting. He might had wrote some interesting books.

>want to go to bed
>can hear knackers shouting outside

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I am done shouting for the night. Time to turn in.

Apparently the boy with the deformed chin yikesanon likes to post is posting a thread about the meme tonight. Or else it's a fake.



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