Dagestan: Where are the women?

I just saw a documentary about Khabib (MMA fighter) in his hometown in Dagestan, Russia.

I didn't see any women. Where are the Dagestan women?

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_Dagestan.svg.png (900x600, 697)

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At home like they should

Here is the documentary:


In kitchen :-DDDD

The Muslim majority neighborhoods in Denmark are full of veiled women.

But I literally didn't see any women in the documentary.

You don't want your daughters or wives filmed as though they have rights like real people

Hardly a documentary at 12 minutes. Looks like just a quick tour of a few places so not too weird to see no women. Only place it was weird was at that huge dinner. Btw I only skimmed it.

you dont need islam for that
you can be nonconformist and lead a life outside of the degenerate free society (not only christians are degenerates, old romans were ever worse, it has to do with a failing society near its end)
You can take almost any pending roastie and if you are strict enough, smart and tough enough, you can make her into a proper wife that knows her place
that is, if you have means to be the only true provider of the family
if you are a sissy, nothing can change you

The documentary are in several videos but I accidentally only linked to the last part:



There is this one guy from Dagestan called Abdulabek, who is the exact opposite of me in terms of personality, but he constatly wants to hang out with me.
I'm telling this because he's sometimes talking about his homeland and I could ask him.

Jesus that is heartbreaking.

The title says: Stoned afgan beats his wife

Daily reminder, Dagestanis are Arab rape babies.

Attached: JUST.jpg (900x746, 163K)

Alpha af

i heard Khabib's wife is hot, is she from Dagestan?

Based and redpilled

You did see them


J originates from Caucasus, it has nothing to do with Arab conquests or Roman empire

Stay delusional, Gogi.