>what's that? you DON'T want to kill 90% of the worlds population? well aren't you a fucking NPC
What's that? you DON'T want to kill 90% of the worlds population? well aren't you a fucking NPC
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dude, it's not okay to kill innocent people
>I don't want to exterminate all multicellular life in a nuclear firestorm
If you don't believe in mass depopulation then Reddit might be more your speed.
I mean, yeah. There's no value to be gained from killing an innocent person, that isn't provided to you in larger amounts than just asking them to hand whatever you want over.
Strictly speaking, killing innocent people is a terrible long term strategy, it completely destroys any pragmatic reputation you've had so far, and you've probably inspired a couple of extra curricular volunteers to ruin your life.
>There's no value to be gained from killing an innocent person
Innocence doesn't exist
>Why does the left want to suppress our freedom of speech? We simply want to install an authoritarian regime that will eliminate all forms of free speech that do not conform to our ideology.
>There's no value to be gained from killing an innocent person
But in doing so you’d end up creating a trillion new universes from every split atom. Is this really what you want?
Brits invented
>concentration camps
>Churchill starved more people to death than died in the entire....
>also wanted to gas all Axis cities
>Brits support actual White genocide in S. Africa "FEED ME BOER BLOOD"
>killed ten fold the amount of civilian in indiscriminatory air raids
>AFTER Bolshevishm had killed tens of millions of people
>to hand half of Europe to communism
Yeah, muh Nazis though. Muh boot lickers. Careful you don't get v& for *hate speech* in your Orwellian police state.
At least you don't speak German. Only Arabic.
I just don’t get it. Why are there still people who don’t think I should be listened to because I’m a Nationalist? It’s like they think we’re just a bunch of criminals instead of regular people with love for our people and our land. If only there was some way to show them this and break the “genocidal maniac” stereotype.
>Starts praising Nazis for killing Jews and Slavs and commiting a shitload of repulsive war crimes.
all of those things are based
Try reading a book. Maybe something from a decent Anglo for a change. Like David Irving.
>all of those things are based
said the Eternal Anglo as he craved the Aryanide, followed by a scream for Aryan blood
>muh tens of millions of victims of communism
>can't even edit an mspaint comic
It's actually around 100 Million world wide. Also
Not surprised anymore
>there exists such a thing as innocent people
cringe and bluepilled
>22 years old
>Haven't grievously hurt anyone in my lifespan
>Going to die this way
I'm pretty innocent.
Jews are responsible for everything bad
This is actually partially true.
Jews hurt other races and destruct them from the inside out so that they can put their own kind in Academic/economic positions. Jews are smart enough to understand the value of genetics and engage in racial warfare, and they do it all of the time.
Even Einstein supported the Civil rights movement in America, but he wrote racist shit about Chinese and Japanese. He was a racist that supported black people to negrify the white race to support his own kind.
They're not bad people, but they are fixated on survival. Jews are sickly and mentally weak, so they are poor fits for manual labor. If I were Jewish, I would do the same thing their leaders push for.
>l know the sekrit motivations of Einstein and they obviously relate to my white genocide conspiracy theory
shut the FUCK up liberal
stay cucked
lol cry more libtard
Not him but that was written 10 years before nazi germany took over Germany and made the world wake up from the wave of aryan larping
but that doesn't matter because it serves as good propaganda to destroy the enemy right and make yourself feel better for it? America #1
cringe and bluepilled
>Not him
>Appeal to Novelty
>Wow, people who get mad at the NPC meme are mocked here
>I'm going to get mad about it anyway.
>The climate prevents them [Indians] from thinking backward or forward by more than a quarter of an hour
-Albert Einstein
You're a fool
This is how he thought. He took it multiple steps past "White = good!!!"
He found a concrete basis for all of it.
>He was a racist that supported black people to negrify the white race to support his own kind
citation needed
20 years before the holocaust
But it doesn't matter cause einstein's a jew so you gotta get rid of all of the accomplishments, of people like einstein, bohr, kubrick etc so you can elevate yourself to be the best and keep everyone else down to the ground
seriously good post
People born in Christian countries are naturally akin to commit genocide
Do you think the holocaust changes the truth?
>NO i would never want to kill people that disagree with me, what the hell?!?!
Goebles went from a communist to Hitler's second in command and leader of Germany for a day in 20 years.
People change due to their environment over long periods of time, gn
Einstein's IQ was at least 140.
Do you think he would lose 140 IQ in 20 years when there's only one true answer to the human species (evolution)?
>all the money
>all the power
>highest IQ
never understood how retarded WNs could claim that jews aren't the master race
Einstein was a brainlet who stole from intellectually superior whites. A true Jew!
Big if true
I'm pretty sure he did steal, but he was still smart to do that. Something about him just screams "LIAR" to me.
>Indian immigrants to the USA have the highest per Capita income
>Jews don't have all the power, idiotic
>White European Episcopalians have the highest average IQ
Never mind you are also cherry picking Ashkenazi IQ and brush Mizrahi and Sephardics under your rug, Goldberg.
>Authoritarianism is bad!
>Killing people that aren't like you is bad!
All Jews are liars and criminals! That's why l never trust em.
>Non-Ashkenazis are jews
>it's a religion not a race
>>Indian immigrants
The h1b visa is very selective when accepting immigrants from shitholes like India and China. That the smartest Indians come to America and make more money proves literally nothing.
Whatever happened to pushing for reform? Why does everyone wanna be an edgy revolutionary these days? Do they really think that their perfect guy is gonna get into power and fix everything? Because looking at history it's usually the most blood thirsty, batshit insane ideologue that gets in.
>Because looking at history it's usually the most blood thirsty, batshit insane ideologue that gets in.
But that's what I want
Okay but I can't see how that would possibly help anyone.
Underrated post
Why does your region have the gay flag?
It isn't. Actually our flag is older than the american-born pride flag.
how could those families of the stupid kids that got raped and kill be satisfied when you give 4 years or just free the Muslim into the streets?
He was a brainlet
>Harvey removed and weighed the brain at 1230g
There's no way he had an IQ of 160 when the average male brain weighs 1330 grams
Project harder with a post like that, larper
>you DON'T want to kill 90% of the worlds population?
And he wasn't even short.
He was 5'9
The white male average
His brain weighed 106 grams less than the average white male. It's not likely he was an extreme genius.
I wonder how a progerian brain would look...