No one in United Kingdom kills themselves

>No one in United Kingdom kills themselves
>Only people in places where the white people are part East Asian is suicide rate high in Europe

Does anyone know how much pleasure the races receive from being alive?

I think it would go like this (1 being highest amount, 3 being the least)

Black man = 1
Arab and Indian man = 1.5
White man and Native American man = 2
East Asian man = 3

Attached: 1537734232767.png (208x212, 37K)

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When are you visiting?

Probably never


Attached: me on the bottom right.png (460x1157, 74K)

> Native American man = 2
Dude they are like 2.5, the rates of alcoholism are kind of bad

Who the heck makes a scale between 1 and 3 with 3 being the lowest

Why the hell are you brits so anti social

People are horrible, drunken NPCs.

why arabs and indians in second place?
what about latinxs?

haha yeah just open myself up to criticism and humiliation for no real benefit

Where the hell do you live that people would criticize and humiliate you for talking to them? Better yet why would you care what some randy has to say about you?

>Where the hell do you live that people would criticize and humiliate you for talking to them?
It's a national pastime to find a flaw and mercilessly mock people with that flaw to feel better about ourselves.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Latinxs are just a cross between White (1.94) and Amerindian (2)

They're 1.97 according to simple mathematics of 50% white, 50% Amerindian

They are just addicted to alcohol, but their suicide rate is still high wherever they exist.

So I think 2 is the true Amerindian number.

They are on par with whites because they are progenitors of East Asians.

This sounds very racist, but East Asians came from Native Americans.

That's depressing and concerning

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There are exceptions of course, you can't mock Muslims or blacks; but whites, Christians and especially gingers are a free-for-all.

I'm definitely not part of that 9%

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I wonder if the 9% is smarter or dumber than the general populace

I had the rope around my neck, i put the other end over the top of my door and jammed it in the door then used gravity to strangle myself. It took too long to die so i stopped

What kind of an idiot can't even make one friend

mostly pensioners I'd imagine

We're a very judgmental country.

Dumb people are actually really good at making friends.

hah, yeah

Everyone's down but it's part of the culture so no one does anything about it

I had a depressed day today honestly. Weird because I was happy the day before. It's like if I'm happy I have to crash and be miserable later, then return to just being sort of flat.

It's probably what you're eating and doing.
If you do cardiovascular exercise, drink 2-3 bottles of water, and eat a daily multi-vitamin, and moderate your sugar intake, you will never feel depressed.

You will be grateful you're alive most of the time.

My diet is shit but that's not the worst aspect of my life. Even eating well doesn't fix having stupid standards for happiness.

Made me thonk

Attached: Global_AS_suicide_rates_bothsexes_2016.png (1123x793, 272K)

Fix your diet and you'll fix your depression and lower your standards for happiness because everything will become more pleasurable.

You're going to cringe, but my IQ is 130. I'm not leading you astray.

I'd rather be depressed than someone who unironically bangs on about their "IQ"

Most of the places with abnormally high suicide rates are in Africa because they're starving and suffering inordinately because the people are stupid. It's not fair, but it's just life.

Not all Asian countries are pure East Asian either

But it's true.
I've got more connection to reality than most people. If you want to keep hurting yourself be my guest, but the truth is you just don't have to suffer, and you can enjoy existence even more if you take my advice.

Life isn't fair.
I'm extending a hand to you. It took my entire life to understand what I know. You should accept it and see what it does to you.

Well, students suicides tend to be high in Asia (at least they are in East Asia and South Asia). IDK much about Africa though.

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But most of the Asians in USA are Chinese, and Chinese are only 81% East Asian