1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Are you for genetic engineering or cyborgism?
Gwern estimates that at current tech level genetic engineering could add up to 3 points of IQ for every newborn. This is probably what China is looking at implementing right now. However, for the rest of us I think that cyborg augmentations are the way to go.

I'm not the type of coward that is afraid of death, and I'm not the type of coward that is afraid of progress, especially early adoption of new technology. I would give an arm and a leg (literally) for a chance at developing viable cyborg tech. An eye, even.

It isn't hard to imagine a world where machines are superior to biological organisms. We live in it.

Attached: raiden.jpg (451x581, 61K)

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Raiden is a shit character and he should never have been introduced

i'd rather be a cripple or some unemployed outcast than replace a part of me with machinery. I feel it's dehumanizing.
I don't use drugs or medication, or have tattoos or piercings for the same reason.
I even despise people who overuse hygiene products or makeup because it makes me feel like they're not really human. Living longer or performing better at tasks or being more attractive or desirable is never worth giving up something of yourself.

fuck all that

>Raiden is a shit character and he should never have been introduced

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would you rather die than accept what the future has to offer?

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I know it's easy to say that now when I'm not dying anytime soon, but yes. I'd like to say yes. It's a matter of principle to me and I'd like to think I would be willing to die for my principles.

NPC detected

can you tell me with a straight face that this thing doesn't turn you on?

I think that's amazing. I'm really into all kinds of new inventions and discoveries and sci-fi and all that, and things like that fill me absolute awe. Like that one webm with the dude getting a prosthetic leg and the doctor revealed to be having two already.
Things like airplanes, space travel, instant communication and that are the most beautiful thing mankind has ever done, and it's even more beautiful when it's used to help the weak.

But still, on some level I'm appalled by it. I think there's something special about being human and those things are slowly taking it away from us. I think as a species we've been going in the wrong direction for hundreds if not thousands of years, and I'd undo it all if I could.

I appreciate your honesty but it's all happening whether you like it or not

I know, I'm not trying to fight it or anything. It's just like all those kids these days who grow up playing VR video games and have ipads before they get out of diapers or don't know how to read physical books. It all makes me feel very sad.

Neither, getting an acausal omnipotent demon-body is better desu

Attached: 1up-in-character-02-hero.jpg (250x350, 48K)

I blame the parents to be honest. Kids these days will absolutely read physical editions of Lucky Luke and Asterix if their parents provide them with the comics.

Raiden was shit in 2 and he was shit in 4 and rising

Biological augmentation is just so much more seamless than some conpletely clashing metal circuit weave jammed into your body
They could probably figure out how to print engineered organs with your immune signature ready for implantation faster than they figure out how to make a cyborg limb that has all the same functionality anyway

>a cyborg limb that has all the same functionality anyway
Cybernetics are way stronger than the meat alternative. Plus, they feel no pain

If you give a human muscles like a roided chimp you don't need more strength, and you would be able to turn off pain
Though pain is good anyway, if you can go to a doctor for chronic pain

>Raiden was shit

Attached: 1538922589166.jpg (469x463, 27K)

Doubt we will see cybernetics like in fiction until some sort of nanomachines would get invented. Way too many technological problems

I understand that you're swedish and all, but some of us don't want to be roided chimps
>Doubt we will see cybernetics like in fiction until some sort of nanomachines would get invented
fully functional cybernetic limbs are maybe a decade away considering how advanced current tech is, see the video here

Give a cyborg body right fucking now!

Functional probably. But how long until we see cybernetics that are actually stronger than normal body parts?

do you think that the cybernetic arm would stop squeezing once it crushes the larynx? it's far more powerful than a biological one

Attached: raiden suit.png (1280x724, 466K)

>2. Are you for genetic engineering or cyborgism?
I`m for both. Use the best Thing that is avaible. Making a fuss using one Thing over the other is retarded, important is ist perfomance and what you want. The end Point of Course is nanotech.

Those nations that aren`t willing to adopt transhuman tech will be outpaced by those willing to use. And that difference will be bigger if you compare baseline humans to transhuman, transhuman will perform better in any area. This development is of Course gradual - just like the Industralization. And we can learn from history what happened to nations that didn`t industralize.

The only Thing that I would criticize is the fact, that at first only the rich and then the middle class and then the poor will reap the benefits. I personally would welcome social implentationto ensure that transhuman tech will spread social wide as fast as possible.
I`m also against any Kind of pervertation of transhuman tech, so a Section 9 will be necessary and a Genetic Agencyas well.


Genetical engineering is OK, but very slow - computers progress much qucker. Cyborgisation is OK, but it wouldn't last long too. Just go for direct mind uploading.


The only Kind of mind upload I would wiling to do would be of the gradual Kind: Neuronal Replacments and Mind Outsourcing

Because otherwise you are going to kill yourself and create a copy.

What I do fear is that this destructive mind upload will be successful as it is easier and has more useage for Society - but you would kill yourself everytime you would use it.

That's only true if you believe in soul which would fly away during non-gradual transfer.

I`m Atheist, so no - our mind is based on the processes of our brain. We aren`t a pattern of Neurons but a self-improving process. you can copy that process but if you truly want to preserve the Ego of that process you gotta do it the hard way. A copy of that mind processes is not you.

If our mind is made by measurable structures and processes, then if we measure them to be the same, they are the same. If I consider you today and tomorrow the same person, then I'll consider you and your exact copy the same person.
>the Ego of that process
Well, religious people call it soul. So it's just changing the synonyms.

Such a mind upload doesn`t require your death, if the tech is advanced enough nanobots can scan your brain and make a copy without causing your death.
Now will this copy be you? Because you will soon realize that your thoughs will soon enough differ from each other.

Also you don`t die during sleeping, your mind still operates so you are making a lot of assumptions.
Guilo Tiulio and his Integrated Information Theory and Metzinger`s Ego Tunnel gives you a great theory how the mind operates

interesting stuff

He is the proof anyone can become better when he becomes a Cyborg.

That game SOMA is about the idea of the continued stream of our conciousness being integral. Pretty good.

Fucked me up desu


SOMA does a lot of Things right but one should not Forget that there is not one stream of thoughts but many. And our conciousness is product of that.
One can still upload ist mind into another Substrate, neurogensis does occur in our brain. Meaning the brain you are Born with is not the same you die with. If we could create artificial Neurons you could replace all your natural Neurons with artificial ones as Long as consciousness is preserved. That would still be a Treatment and a therapy that would require months of intense work.