What do people in your country think of Starbucks?

What do people in your country think of Starbucks?

I read an article that the opening of one in Italy was packed with a huge line even though ITalians are suppose to be the masters of coffee drinks. Is this true or american propaganda?

Attached: starbucks.jpg (275x183, 7K)

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They're wondering what all the fuzz is about if they can just buy coffee in a paper cup for far cheaper at pretty much any bakery. We're not fancy people, we don't give a shit about iced latte cremuccio, we just want a fucking coffee.

Hello are you Aryan?

yeah it's true about everyone waiting in line to try starbucks but it's mostly normie girls who still like miley cyrus and dye their hair blonde. it's just because of the association with america not for the taste

But people hate America nowadays, why would that make them go wait in a long line?

Anglophilia is a terrible thing to witness.

Starbucks didn't go so well in Australia. Apparently we have a strong local coffee culture.
An American news channel had a segment about it:

No idea how accurate the stats or claims in the video are. I rarely ever buy coffee from a coffee shop because it's overpriced and overrated, desu.

We don't have any Starbucks in my region but we have to follow their policies. Fuu

Which policies and why?

normies love the idea of america, they still think they can live the american dream, and that movies are real life