/V4/+ pals

Ourguy edition

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wake up

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I'm considering settling down in Sopron and working in Vienna.

It's an hour commute according to Google.
Is this feasable or will traffic fuck me over?

Also how much would I expect to shell out for a 150 square meter house in a decent suburb in Sopron? According to realestate.hu they go for about 180k euros. That can't be right, right?

>argie is back
here comes the horde of orbiters asking about how her day was
god i fucking hate this place

don't balme them
orbiting can lead to getting gf in v4

>they go for about 180k euros.
Seems realistic., but if you are clever enough you buy a shitier house for half the price and renovate it.

>pepik seething because nobody wants to talk to him
and she outright rejected everybody here, she said she doesn't want a long distance relationship

Kotti pls

You know it's true
besides, she writes and thinks like a child

szar fonál shiggy

>edgelord czech being mad again

suck my dick retards
this place is a trash pile full of pathetic virgin manchildren that will obsess over any female that starts posting here since they lead such pathetic lives that they can only speak to women on the internet

can we please not do this?
let's just have a comfy sunday thread

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ok fine, i'll wait until she starts posting

who hurt you user?

kek, absolutely seething
if you hate this place so much, why are you still here?

iam saying the truth
I have nothing else to do while commuting

read a book you dumb nigger

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after you stop enabling blatant thottery here

i like edge.


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Drive was a terrible movie.

>2klikphillips made a new Total War video

This morning is good.

I forgot my passsword to qtox.
What now? It's unbreakable on my shitbox.

oof found it, saved it in SublimeText




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pls reply

what's wrong lad?

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haha time for CoD

anyone buying Fallout 76?

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trafic is good, the Autobahn is in pretty good condition

7 days

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but no one will GF argie because she is like 8000 km away and I won't be in South America until next March or April


>go do farming,m fertilising me clay and shit
>gipsy family starts comign towards me on my field
>shout with my mighty lungs:
>guy freezes into groundhis wife and kid takes a hike in that moment
>"O-Ok master, I hol' up, but I need your stowe"
>I grab me showel
>guy starts running like a roadrunner

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Just found out my highschool crush started dating someone. I shouldn't care and have no reason to care but I do for some reason. Be mean to me /v4/.

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kurwa ale nudy

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It's gonna be ok lad. You desrve better than some thot.
Embrace the love of lads.

How do you deal with the thought that the girl you like had a boyfriend before and he already shagged her?

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Read a book, play some videogame or watch a movie, whatever, just make your brain occupied with anything else than her.
Life is too short and you waste it by caring about such dumb shit. Just think how silly it is.

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But it really hurts my pure soul.

go for pure girls

Most girls I got to know have been already shagged at 18. Sluts.

Imagine thinking so highly of yourself and being hurt by her daring to have sex with someone else rather than waiting for you, the pure prince for which she was supposed to wait.
Grow up.

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thank you. I've been trying to occupy myself with various think but I just can't focus. Even tried reading but I just can't stop thinking about her. I feel like teenager again.

Shaddup. No wonder she's boyfriendless now. He just pumped her and dumped. Stupid slut.

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the sooner you realise world does not revolve around you the better
I've been in similar situation user, time will heal and you'll realise how absurd it was

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oh I know. This isn't the first time I am going through this but I have no one to talk about these thing with. I dont want to look like a pussy to people I know IRL.

>I have no one to talk about these thing with
yeah this is the worst, but you should try, I mean they are still human and probably felt similar things at one point or another
come on you'll feel better

I have no problems talking about stuff like that with Anons on the Internet but I am not able to talk about feelings and such with people IRL. Mainly because I was constantly being told to keep these things to myself and to not show much emotions when I was growing up. Combine it with the fact that I don't trust people at all and you can probably imagine why I rather not open myself up to people. I mean, I know damn well that if I told one of my friends how I feel about this whole thing everyone would know in about a week or so. I'd rather prevent that

Please be by gf.

it's good to have female friends for this although they're annoying most of the time

I do have female friends. But I don't trust people since they gossip and talk behind your back all the time. The less they know the less info for that they have

>I have no one to talk about these thing with
what is there to talk about? you are sad, boo hoo, give it a few weeks tops and the sad gone

>I know damn well that if I told one of my friends how I feel about this whole thing everyone would know in about a week or so.
then they are not your friends at all, fuqq I hate "people" like them
sure it's easy for me to say, but you should find some real friends, I'm an autistic introvert and made friends by complete chance
have a benis, sorry hunbro

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It's just you speak liek a woman.


yeah? I'd break your thin paprika hands like it ain't shit

I don't mean they would to it out of malice or to make me look like a pussy but sooner or later everyone would know. Normies talk about these things quite regularly as far as I know.

let me ask you again motherfuckers is anyone buying Fallout 76 to play with me

ahoj, Litwin

Okay, darling.

/gloomyautumnday/ need soup desu

>Witcher show casts a pajeet and african in major roles
>Sapkowski is suing CD Projekt red
How big of a controversy is it in Poland?

I was told by a Czech user that Czech society did not have a culture of last names and people gave themselves humourous or silly last names that people are now stuck with after generations. Is this true, can you please give some examples?

Can you please tell us about major allies of Hungary? It seems you have frosty relations with Ukraine.

>why don't they lemme fuqq?
>áááááá woe is me
>those dirty unpure fucking whores
>those fucking sluts
try to explain why this type of thinking is poisonous for him
>you speak like a woman

it's all so tiresome

*sips kvass*

nice try Todd

are you a woman?

How big is islam in India? I met a half indian half malaysian girl but her parents were objected to our relationship because they muslim


>I was told by a Czech user that Czech society did not have a culture of last names and people gave themselves humourous or silly last names that people are now stuck with after generations.
No it's not. Most last names are related to either a profession the person was doing, a trait the person had or in many cases a czech version of a German last name.

>Is this true, can you please give some examples?
Yes, there are some last rather humorous last names the unfortunate people are stuck with.
I've seen a guy named Zmrd, Kokot etc.

>After 2010

>Can you please tell us about major allies of Hungary? It seems you have frosty relations with Ukraine.
Hungary has no allies. We are alone. Indon-niggers are trying to destroy our country for a milennia.
Should I bring you a white canvas?

>tfw wake up sweating again because you've been dreaming about no gf again.


>mom's cousin has some lands (20-30 acres)
>he is from the Austrian branch of the family
>Hungarian Peoples Army veteran with combat experience in Czechia
>has some forest where he hunts big game
>cousin has no wife or kids
>his sis married a mudslime in Vienna
>he knows that I'm a good Christian who would burn up the Middle-East with nuclear fire if I had the chance
>he wants me to inherit his lands instead of his muslim relatives

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Carry on the Yellow race!!!! Huj huj, hajrá!

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the manga is better

the whole series got stale after 10 chapters and hina is shit

gona a buy a Nóniusz foal and call her Rigó

Dear Femvak I have to tell you the truth about males. I know it's hard to understand for you, but men dissing whores is totally reasonable. It's evolutionary. During the ages, humanity couldn't do sexenings without making children. So if woman do sexenings with you, then that would mean that she is going to carry your children. As an animal your evolutionary goal is to pass down your genes. So what happens if some else fucks your girl? She is going to carry his children and sabotage your evolutionary goal. I know that today it's stupid and unreasonable to hold somebody acountable for having sex with many partners, but my guts still tell me that she has been impregnated by other men. Same when I see a dead animal or a turd. I didn't knew that those could carry bactery, but I was still disgusted by it. Sorry, but technological advancement can't overwrite hard wired evolutionary instinct. Now please call me a polcel.

happy ending

Do estonians post here?
Pls help me find estonian song, I only remember that it's in English and the music video is recorded in a forest and a boy is in the music video

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Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on PC r-right guys?

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>How big is islam in India?
15% of the population, so 200million people

>I've seen a guy named Zmrd, Kokot etc.
What do those mean?