/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Olympus edition


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honorable mention: Thessaloniki

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opium of the people

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>not posting based tomorr

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looks nice

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hey guys how was your weekend
i'm about to NOT drink because i'm not experiencing severe stress and depression at the thought of monday

rather productive
this whole week was decent actually
recording voiced messages throughout the day, and listening to them on the next day certainly helps

calm yourself man, everything's gonna go well

you know, just weebin' it out man.

cpпcки aнгeл?

>he doesn't know

fill me in on the latest balk memes

it's the serbian tranlo I think

yes, the one fyrombey calls serbian angel

>it's the serbian tranlo

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i went to sofia and spent 60 levs
even when trying not to

>people think they can meme in /balk/
if it's not medieval history i'm NOT interested

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I never pay attention to that guy's posts, I thought he was calling someone else that.

Hot take: Mount Olympus should be where Bulgaria borders Greece.

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these types of posts are unlegal :DDd

TURKgaria shouldn't even exist

>Зaщoтo cмятaм, чe пpaвaтa нa бългapcкитe хoмoceкcyaлиcти ca мнoгo дoбpe зaщитeни, чe пpaйдa e пpoявa нa кaпpиз, paзглeзeнocт, пoлитичecки и финaнcoви зaвиcимocти.
>Cъщo тaкa - дoкaтo гeйoвeтe ce дъpжaт кaтo мaлцинcтвo, щe бъдaт пpиeмaни кaтo тaкивa.
>Bcичкo тoвa, кoeтo дeмoнcтpиpaт днec нa yлицaтa, мoгaт пpocтo дa cи гo нaпpaвят пpeд oглeдaлoтo. Кaжи cи - "Aз cъм кaтo вcички, aз cъм нopмaлeн гpaждaнин, aз paбoтя и изкapвaм пapи, aз дoпpинacям cтpaнaтa ми дa e дoбpe". He жeлaя някoй дa ми нaвиpa дyхoвния cи caкътлък и тo пo eдин бeзвкyceн и бeзcмиcлeн нaчин.

t. Гeopги Mинчeв

Пpaв ли e чoвeкa? Дa. Aкo нe cи cъглaceн, cи пeдepacт.


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>mouse started to doubleclick
ahhh.. another reason to kys myself :)

Пpaв e зa пoкaзнocттa, дбч. Гeйoвeтe нe caмo, чe ca изключитeлнo мaлoбpoйнo мaлцинcтвo... тeзи oт тях, кoитo пapaдиpaт c пeдepacтиятa cи, ca мaлцинcтвo в мaлцинcтвoтo.

Meдиитe и paзни oлигoфpeни им oбpъщaт пpeкaлeнo мнoгo внимaниe. Бpeйнлeтизъм и oт двeтe cтpaни нa eкcтpeмиcткия мaйнopити oлигoфpeнизъм.

have you ever opened it and cleaned it?

not yet but it's not even that old, been like 9 months since I bought it
looked up guide to fix clicking thingie and it looks super hard, probably gonna end up breaking it completely and have no mouse at all

opium is the opium of the people nigga

9 months is enough for a baby to be formed and birthed
so there's probably a small fetus worth of junk in your mouse

is there anything better in the world than a solid pike formation?

a solid snake formation

had that happen to me before
time for a new mouse

how about several solid snakes in a solid pike formation?

I moved out from my parents to the capital ,now living in a house with 3 mates and starting university tommorow.

yeah I guess I'll have to try and fix it
can't afford buying a new one since I'm a dumbass and ordered mousepad
if only that stolen chink visa worked with local tech stores ehhh

That's good. Your student years will be a lot better, cheerful and stress-free when you're living with mates.

t. lived alone

Have you tried plugging the mouse in a different port? Maybe the port is fucked up. Happened to me.




>hat hat hat! sammu! ^^


nah it's poorly made cheap button switchers

Thanks man, what did you study for in university?

I live alone and I prefer it. Student life is a stale meme tbqh.
Why didn't you like living alone?

Can you show me some of their comfy b-sides?

thank god I don't live in a balkan country


>people think bg history is complicated
>meanwhile arab history is such a clusterfuck that it's splitting people on religious lines


yл EБAЙ ca
yл EБAЙ ca


тaнoчкa плaчит

Imagine if the durks hadn't taken over, seeing how it was going by then we'd probably been an HRE-tier clusterfuck of despoteships/principalities.

Konviktor apo shpi me qera?

>arab history
>arab history
>My pride lives in this piece of deserts in tents we syrian
>in desert next to us live Al-Iraqi clan
>arab history


is this nigga wearing 5 layers of clothes or what

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duh, it's bullet resistant that way
the top jacket is also covered in water, so the bullets would slide off

birds sure are noisy today
sounds like ww3 is starting tbqh


yep, that's me

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>tfw no gf

>tfw no affair

>tfw never been raped

>me in 30 years

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you can take a horse to the river, but you can't make him drink

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some guy just fired 3 shots to shut them up
never change balkans

thanks god I'm semi-attractive and not virgin so this will never happen to me : ) one day I will find beautiful rich bulgarian cougar lady and she will buy me videogames

>one day I will find a beautiful rich bulgarian nation, and she will buy me an alphabet, a religion and history

>samo tatari vo tredot

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>thanks god I'm semi-attractive and not virgin

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seething incels
if you can't handle your women, I will

back from church i see

i am going to bulgaria in winter,what am I in for?


people who speak bulgarian
... i guess that's it

Anal sex


how will muhammadans every recover? owo

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youtube comment tier

So that's why he called those divers pedos
. Cause he's one himself lol

why the fuck do people make such a big deal if you're a virgin or not.
I can only hope that someday I will end up like him, neeting it off alone with no roasties or family members



based and salvinipilled

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"Terrorists IGIL Ready For War In Kosovo Against Serbs !
Jihadis are back in Kosovo - "caliphate is not dead"
British daily the Times has published an article under the headline, "ISIS jihadists back in Kosovo ready to die for caliphate." ~

It states that according to what is known to authorities in Pristina, since 2012, 348 adults had gone from Kosovo to Syria to join Islamic State.

The newspaper says that "many have died there, but many have returned," and that "in the absence of a coherent program of de-radicalization, (Islamist) prisoners get out of jail and remain loyal to Islamic State."

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Among those who are now free is Fitim Lladrovci, who, as a 24-year-old, watched a Syrian man get tied up to a stake and blown up with a missile launcher. It is alleged that the killer was Lavdrim Muhaxheri, "a notorious Kosovo Albanian who was flagged as an international terrorist threat before he was killed with a drone."

The Times writes that Kosovo Albanians have also participated in several recent terrorist attacks and that "six Kosovo Albanians, men and women, were arrested in June last year in Kosovo and in Germany for participating in two conspiracies targeting NATO troops in Kosovo and civilians in Belgium and France," and recalls that "a month earlier eight people were arrested in Kosovo over a plot aimed at killing Israeli footballers."

The paper estimates that the case of Fitim Lladrovci, a Kosovo Albanian who has twice fought for Islamic State in Syria, and then returned to his home where he continues to preach radical ideology, shows that the Pristina authorities cannot curb the problem of terrorism.

The author of the article, Anthony Loyd, describes Lladrovci's case:

"Four years have passed since a young Islamic State fighter from Kosovo witnessed one of the organization’s most abhorrent killings. Fitim Lladrovci was 24 when he saw a Syrian tied to a stake and blown up with a rocket-propelled grenade," Loyd writes.

"It was certainly not the worst thing I saw among many executions, beheadings and burnings. Even kids got used to seeing such things," Lladrovci is quoted as saying - "reflecting in Pristina, capital of Kosovo, on his continued loyalty to ISIS."

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Even a dumb fucking dog knows to not try and sleep on a crossroad
And that faggot went and made country there.

post local cunts, you normie faggots

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Lladrovci was not put on trial after his first trip to Aleppo 2013, where he was part of the al-Nusra Front: he was questioned for 11 hours and then released. Only after the second departure to the battlefield in 2015 - where he served in the Albanian unit of Islamic State executioner Lavdrim Muhaxheri - was he sentenced to prison. However, that did not come even close to solving the problem of his activities.

"The caliphate is not finished," Lladrovci said this week, four months after his release. "I want to create an Islamic state in Kosovo and I will be happy to die for it," the Times quoted the jihadist as saying.

Prosecutor Fikri Krasniqi, meanwhile, told the British outlet says that the Kosovo authorities have no problem convicting terrorists, but struggle with de-radicalization - removing the consequences of the indoctrination the jihadis went through in Syria and in the training camps. The de-radicalization program is not obligatory, and most terrorists are irreparable anyway, said the prosecutor.

Kosovo judges often find it difficult to pass judgments against members of ISIS because of the lack of evidence from Syria, and they mostly give short sentences, regardless of the gravity of the crime. In addition, the insufficiently strict system of probation leaves many terrorists free to continue with the spread of extreme ideology.

According to some security assessments, "the number of Kosovo jihadists is equal to the total number of extremists from all other Balkan countries put together." In addition, the Albanian unit is "the only one from the Balkans that exists independently within ISIS, which shows that the number of fighters from the ranks of Albanians is quite large."

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Kosova is historical Albanian land you filthy Slav

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SEGA is moving from London to Sofia, how cool is that

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Cheap labor. You won't get London tier pay, but Bulgarian tier pay, but will be expected to provide the same or even greater effort.

too tall

Bulgarian Dreamcast

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hey greeks, start being smart again

i have learned to guess the height of women based on their leg appearance
long gone are the days, where I would go on a date and the lady would turn out to be taller than me

Hello burgas manlet

>goes on dates

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how tall are you? i'm 1.95. I feel like us serbs are disproportionately much taller than other balkanites. there is a theory by a psedo-historian that we descended from a different planet 6000 years ago which could explain our superior height.

i am a manlet and people in Sofia are very tall, especially the young generations, several firends are 190cm and above. many women are around 175cm.


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