5 nordic countries in the world

>5 nordic countries in the world
>4 nordic generals on Jow Forums

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>5 anglo countries in the world
>3 anglo generals on Jow Forums

Americans aren't anglo

What is the fifth Nordic country?
/Brit/, /cum/ and ?

And the most ridiculous thing is that those generals are like 5 people tops in a perpetual cirklejerk.

/brit/, /cum/, /ausnz/

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Never seen it. Is it like /Balk/?

its a bunch of weeaboo homosexuals blogging about their lives, much like sverigetråden

Does anyone else find the Danish general a bit pathetic? At least the sexy and perfect Norwegians put some effort into their images.

We really ought to put the Danes out of their misery

It's the worst general on this website.

They are 44% anglos

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Is /balk/ a hive of homofaggots taking a break from blogging in order to ERP and half populated by foreigners?


Why don't Iceland and the Faroe Islands have a general?

We tried to create a /skandi/ thread but only around 30 people bothered to check it out. Most stuck to their respective country thread.

Those countries are full of asocial, bilingual autists so yeah...

Too smol.

Why do anglos get so assblasted when skandis make their own threads?


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You'll have to get through Lachlan first.

Because you're literally all the same

Lmao which poor countrylet got cucked?

probably iceland
i think i only have seen an icelandic general pop up once


Don't know about the Finnish and Danish generals, but Norway and Sweden general is 5-6 people talking only. Generals are mostly for incels who need companionship.

I don't know why these dead generals that are just a few people don't just make a discord when they just use the threads like on anyway. Shit some of them actually do but still make general threads and chatroom post in them anyway.

Nords should know their own place, and Swedes should be blamed on being pioneer of cancerous general

danish one is just 4-5 people talking about chips.

we had a nordic general once but people prefer to stick to their own

Brits have a general on almost every single board

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There's around 50 posters in sverigetråden, which is decent. Only time when there's a handful posters is when it's like 3-6 AM. That said I don't see the point of always having a thread up just for the he'll of it, and Jow Forums was significantly better before "generals", it's basically just a miniforum full of the same shit, namefaggotry and drama you can find on other sites.

>one north american general
>forced to make new editions after page 7/8 because it can't make the bump-limit fast enough