It's been 2 years since Trump was elected

Why haven't Americans built the wall already?

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So he can use the promise of building it when he runs for re election. And if he doesn't get re elected he can say it's not his fault it didn't get built.

because the pedros are cheapskates and are trying to get out of paying for it (their job). It's going to happen though. And when it does. Boy. Its going to be huge. Trust me the mexicans will pay. I know a lot of mexicans who will have to pay (maybe in pesos but they will pay).

mexico doesn't want to pay for it and america is broke

Most of it already has a fence because of George Bush checkmate libtards


>More jobs outsourced under trump than obama

What did MAGAman mean by this?


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Too busy enriching his jewish family

but will you build it?

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Americans are low energy people

The same reason Trump settled out of court for Trump University fraud: he has a decades long history of promising pie in the sky to gullible rubes and when the deal goes through, he never could provide what he promised.
And yet 40-something percent of the population will still support him. Because education is a fraction what we give for the military.

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how does it feel knowing brazil will have its own trump?

The guy is going to sell out the country for pennies. Doesn't feel too good chief.

I feel sad, not just for you but me too. I thought I could escape by leaving theUS, but now I realize Trumpism is a global phenomenon. Who knows which country will fall next? It's like the zombie apocalypse.

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We have to clean up our back yard before we fence it.

Saudi and Israel need more weapons first MAGA

Israel really needed those 38 billion in USD more.

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Who said the wall would be made of bricks?

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>let's build a wall in the largest area of the continent instead of the tiny bottleneck, what could go wrong?

Drumpftard ACTUALLY, FACTUALLY thought the wall was going to get built!
By Mexico!

They have the minds of small children. Universal suffrage was a mistake

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If it weren't for the Libtards and people boycotting Israel the wall would've been there.

Wonder if Trump has any idea of just how large the Sahara desert is. What a dumb question, of course he fucking doesn't.
Why exactly did they vote in this syphilitic retard again, because he appealed to the lizard brain of bigots? Bizarre.

Sí, venga

When you actually read what Trump says in his speeches you realize how illiterate he actually is

I don't think Trump is the kind of guy who thinks before he speaks. He has this stream of consciousness form of speaking where he blurts out whatever is on his mind. Though even I have to admit sometimes he probably is joking around or not serious with his comments.

GOP wants to use DACA as leverage for the wall in one comprehensive immigration bill.

it doesn't matter, GOP will blame obstructionist or socialist democrats for preventing its biblical construction

I wouldn't be surprised if Israel inspired it for Trump

No its even worse than this. He unironically wants a country, which is not even close to the Sahara, to build a continent spanning wall across a dozen different independent nations in an inhospitable desert. Cannot make this up

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holy fuck
how is THIS man a native English speaker? how the FUCK is this the leader of the free world? hahahahahahahaha I've seen so many of Trump's speeches in text and they still crack me up. this man is fucking demented

I hope he forces a stallmate and price reduction with the tariffs, we all win in electronics if China backs down

what did he mean by this


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