The Finn; the envy of the swede

The Finn; the envy of the swede

Attached: my ancestor.png (750x652, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread:örk

das rite

Attached: 1516998783601.png (1298x692, 498K)

how come you have not become sick of these threads yet?

I approve this post.

Attached: sanna_maria_v..jpg (310x400, 130K)

Swedes are scary.
I am glad we have Finland between us and them to protect us from them.

based swedes

Attached: 1528569476657.png (500x501, 50K)

Attached: das rite.png (1298x690, 343K)

Why do high and low class englishmen look so different?
Born in rich families guys have these strict facial features with narrow heads and blue/grey eyes while average joe looks like a blob with mental disabilities.
They look like different nations altogether

What's Kalervonpoikas real name? I think he might be Karelian