Attached: 1525283487653.jpg (450x630, 57K)

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This is Padania. Thoughts?

Attached: 250px-Padania-Regions.svg.png (250x220, 24K)


fantasy land that never existed

Are you sure?

Attached: Val_padana (1).jpg (682x504, 116K)

Honestly the movement for the indipendence of Padania was the cringiest political shit I ever witnessed. People larping has celts with horns like Asterix. They did druidic parties near the border here (like wtf) Its basically the same as niggers larping as egyptians

Attached: matteo20salvini1.jpg (800x600, 132K)

looks like shit desu

Based and redpilled country

Fluffy hair is magical.

Attached: 撫で撫で.webm (704x476, 169K)

You have to go back terrone