
/are PM/ edition

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leftypol BTFO

rock out with your cock out

never used uber in my life because i am white and I am not a pretentious southerner

reminder that anthony bourdain killed himself

on the one hand love this man's narrative arc
on the other hand he squandered the historical moment and did irreparable damage to the party and the country by not making some very simple decisions.


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found him annoying and pretentious

just woke up

would punch her in the throat and then split her head open

missed the part where he is responsible for millions of innocent deaths

that the face of a man who is kept up at night by the screams of 500,000 iraqis in his head

based piggies

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big one last night lad?

sounds based

he was murderd to send a message to his bird who was on about dirty weinstein


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hope sue dies

Had lots of clonazepam yesterday and I feel super bliss today

once you get to about 27 - 28, you can't drink like you used to

brown hands

some of you are quite mean about sue

already 19 and i cant lol

tony blair = toe nibbler

could stomach Iraq if we got British Rail back.

I enjoyed his programs and I thought it was unfortunate that he died prematurely...but that said I heard he was a prick and notorious douche in real life.

he did grenfell too?

no the alarm just didnt go off

sat next to a gaggle of extremely LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS jocks on the train lads

they're drinking rekorderligs and playing shitty techno really loudly on their bluetooth speakers

pale white tummies and thighs

blood stained fingers

Today's death day:
1758 – James Francis Edward Keith, Scottish solider and governor of Berlin.

In his own autobiography, Keith himself makes it clear that his dissatisfaction in Great Britain began with the failure of Queen Anne to settle the Scottish succession on her brother James. He took part in a failed attempt to restore the Stuart Monarchy to Britain. Keith went to Paris, where he lived in poverty. Eventually he received a gift of 1000 livres from Mary of Modena, mother of the Pretender. Later that year, in June, he met Peter I of Russia, and offered the Tsar his sword. The Tsar apparently saw no need for the sword of a youth.

When Keith was finally convinced to leave Paris (he had fallen in love), he journeyed to Spain and then back to Scotland. Keith spent several months lurking in the mountains and, in early September, embarked for Holland from Peterhead, and then made his way back to Spain. Keith joined the Irish Brigade in Spain; he then fought in the Siege of Gibraltar. Finding his Protestantism a barrier to promotion in Catholic Spain, he obtained a recommendation from the King of Spain to Peter II of Russia.

During the Russo-Swedish War, Keith was briefly de facto Vice-Roy of Finland. Subsequently, he participated in the coup d'état that put Elizabeth of Russia on the throne.Keith offered his services to Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, who at once gave him the rank of field marshal, and made him governor of Berlin in 1749. He commanded at the siege of Prague and later he defended Leipzig against a greatly superior force. Keith became one of Frederick's close friends. Keith developed a game of chess for Frederick, life-sized, that the two would play; Frederick also traveled incognito with Keith throughout Germany. He was killed on 14 October 1758 at Hochkirch. He had been shot several times. Although stripped bare by the enemy, the Austrians gave him a decent burial.

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ahh yes, 'capt. rorke' as i like to call him


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Alri George

what's considered a long distance for walking

this rorke had a pretty tough jaw but it was no match for my fist after a couple of brown ales down at the pub

How was he pretentious?

Tower over them and boom the simple truth: "Old Mout is better"
They fear the Clan Leader.


that is not pale

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100 miles +


inform them that scotland are losing

insightful response

>People genuinely listened to this
Lmao they deserve the shame they feel

he shat on American restauranteurs while blindly worshipping whatever garbage foreigners came up with

seriously what the FUCK was this guys problem?

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Original Pirate Material

a war criminal is not made but rather is born

its a perfectly cromulent word


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Will: Look, I put a lot of effort into this! I made a really nice coq au vin...
Jay: Cock of what?!
Simon: You don't help yourself, do you?
Will: Oh yes, I see, 'coq' au vin, very mature! It actually mean chicken in wine, doesn't it, Patrice?
Patrice: Quoi?
Will: Well, it does, and it doesn't mean cock up my arse, or cock on my head, or...
Simon: ...you got some cock in the back of a van...
Will: Or that I got some cock in the back of a van! Look, all I wanted was a nice, civilised and sophisticated dinner party. Just something a little different from the usual parties - maybe even the sort of party that girls are impressed by! OK, so there aren't any girls here, but why don't we at least attempt to have a sophisticated conversation? I know it's a tall order, and I'm not expecting sparkling, but let's give it a go, eh, since it is my FUCKING BIRTHDAY!

he got a taste for blood

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he probably saved a few too tbf

delete this post

doing the proverbial wank

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I had better taste in music at 12 years old than you idiots.
Can't stand that early mid 2000's gay pop punk sound, worst sound I've ever heard. I think that might have been the final nail in the coffin of guitar based music. What are those people?

>Roe Atka

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considering getting a pixel 2. thoughts?

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you're listening to the streets
lock down your aerial



for me, it's OnePlus 6

why when the pixel 3 comes out soon

don't you need more than 2 pixels?

heard mike skinner pissed away all his money in Vegas some years back and he's pretty much broke now

remember i was buzzing about the chilcot report for ages
can't remember why.


>remember i was buzzing about the chilcot report for ages
>can't remember why.

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shirts ironed yet wagie?

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Don't like anything Mike Skinner has ever done. It's all too easy. It's Limmy's Wrong Way Down A One Way Street-esque. Yeah, flats, beer, and drama, I don't need to hear about it.

I am known as the yankoidal menace

went to eat a biscuit and inhaled the crumbs into my throat and nearly choked to death

get a oneplus 6
best phone on the market

they call me the good yank

nah, he lost a fair amount when he invested in some streaming company. He lives in Highgate in London so I doubt he's short of a few quid.

Me? Samsung S8. Might be the perfect phone.

I wish I looked exactly like Archy Ivan Marshall

>the latest smartphone

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>no usb c

t. virgin no mates


you alright?

hate how android 8 doesn't let you store contacts locally and insists on syncing them with a google account

It does have usb c what are you talking about

ladies understand ladies and they hate each other

are slagposting yanks allowed here?

/brit/ more like /dead/

Simmer down rorko