

Attached: das rite.png (1298x690, 343K)

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autistic post by a mentally ill poster, seek help thank you

Why are Swedes so obsessed with us? It's getting pretty crazy

autistic post by a mentally ill poster, seek help thank you

both of those look like faggots

autistic post by a mentally ill poster, seek help thank you

they are a gay couple actually

Is topson Finnish or fennoswede?

Attached: vXxrtWla_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17K)

you could say this about 80% of the threads on Jow Forums

Who is topson?

Left: 100% Finn
Right: Nearly 100% Scandinavian

Switch the flag and this post is factual

Post face


Attached: 1535985114028.jpg (1080x1249, 194K)

topias taavitsainen who won the international 8, DOTA2

i can attest that finnish men have much stronger and beautifuly sculpted jawlines

Bad post muttie



Oh him he's Savonian with minor African blood

someone give söta bror his medications again, he's spazzing out under a proxy

Any Finnish genes will ruin the rest of the pure Scandinavian
I can't be a mutt if I'm a 1st gen

97% scandi with no Finnish match
Fuck off dumb mutt

Cellular phone was invented by a Finn

Sorry but it says he was a Swedish engineer

And here's the pic

Attached: pure scandi.png (463x432, 451K)

his family is a part of that swedish sect that is so popular in finland for some reason, can't remember the name of it though

You are insane

>1st gen
Are all Finns this dumb? I thought you had a good education system. He said 3% Finnish by the way.

Why do Swedes worship Finns?

Attached: my ancestor.png (750x652, 436K)

You mean Laestadian? They're Saami larping as Finns
one drop of Saami blood makes you Saami no wonder he has such African lips Saami come from Africa

he said he was 1% broadly western euro, 1% irish, 94% scandi/german/brit, 3% finnic and 1% central asia


Attached: blondepeople.jpg (1239x499, 501K)

What kind of fun do the orchestrators behind these threads get? What is fun about watching your countrymen and swedes chimp out at eachother? Honest question

Attached: 1518637718818.jpg (400x400, 28K)

yeah that's the one, he has like 12 siblings which is a laestadian trade mark. I can't say they are for sure though

Laestadians are white and based

Attached: laestadians.jpg (1280x4675, 3.24M)

The Swedes and Finns behind these threads are NEETs who have nothing better to do

F*ngol fears the Swedish BVL

Attached: SWEEEE.jpg (594x396, 121K)

The blondes are inferior to the strong brown hair race anyways

I will take this opportunity to try and spread the truth about germany again.

Attached: YouKnowItToBeTrue.png (1367x559, 625K)

You forgot this woman who got 100% Finnish match

Attached: 100% finnish4.png (540x636, 396K)

t. Inarishit
you are not white man you will be deported back to where you came form
No one in Oulu looks human either

Really makes you think uh
With the stiffy uh


or bedpills

everyone already knows germany is germanic in language and culture only, piotr

Why Swedes are so brown??

Attached: finnish alpha male2.png (596x744, 839K)

We are a BLACK race of Saami bulls and have always been. The girl on the right is way too light skinned

When will you go home?

Swedes are not white. This is our natural color. but haytas gotta hayt

Attached: quintessential swedish.jpg (710x318, 157K)

I am home. We Saami have been here before you wh*Teoids came. I will chase you down if you do not apologize to me.

I'm telling you, go home. Ukko gave us Finns the north and we kept you around only to tax you.

That's like, uhm, racist

Racism is a code word for realism in SJW discourse

germaner var det första folket att sätta sin fot på skandinaviska halvön :^)

Germanic thieflings

We dont associate with the g*rm man, these are finnic lands since our kven ancestors conquered the territories for us

But kvens were like norwegian and swedish mutts dude, you are supposed to be our mongolic brothers. Wtf are you doing?

Finland and Estonia are the only Aryan nations
Leader of KKK in Florida admitted it Finns are the whitest

>Leader of KKK in Florida

that hairline

Very original Pekka

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