Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself faggot tranny enabler nigger soyboy i hope you will catch blood infection from all the shit and cum getting into your anal fissures
I cut my hair, do you like it?
not a tranny though
Luve u :3
I want to fart up your nostrils
Is that a boy?
Burn yourself, you pathetic faggot
t. Closeted homosexual
I know you want boipussy.
kind of
Is this your relative?
>if you hate faggots then you are closeted homosexual
This is what losers like you actually believe.
I wonder how tight will his bussy be around my cock
don't be rude to mommy
who is supposed to be, a famous person?
what'sa bussy?
No idea.
better not be something lewd
J'aime ce genre de filles
N-No not at all I'm pure I swear.
oui oui monsieur
Hon Hon madame
Looks a bit like an Armenian chick I fucked once
fuuuck I thought I was white
also nice one dude, I am jealous
could you give me her number?
My new waffle
I wonder if you still look cute as a boi.
>I thought I was white
what did he mean by this
I want to cum on her cheek even if she doesn't like it.
>still no hormones
no what did HE mean by this
genuinely have some pics of me when I was 16 I genuinely look the cutest even I have to admit, I understand why girls didn't take me seriously then.
nowadays i'm just rugged and cool and handsome!
I would headbutt you in the dick
don't do it nigga be a cute boy
Stop pretending to be an attractive female, you're not fooling anyone.
>be a cute boy
i cant do that whitout hormones
I'm not though I'm prentending to be a lad who looks like a hot girl in faceapp
and let's face it, it's either here or /brit/
what do you look like?
>what do you look like?
like a m*n
throwback to the very first thread, plus a bunch of japanese hikkos commenting on it (very interesting read)
men are based, get a gf
>get a gf
cis women are boring tho
maybe some girl camwhore from r9k, i dunno, it's them get that kind of autisitic following
>nowadays i'm just rugged and cool and handsome!
>Stop pretending to be an attractive female
doubt it's your pic since for instance it's posted with a different flag as the op pic
skin: pale
hair: brown
eyes: beady
this is THE white phenotype
cis women are the tits, not boring in the slightest. They are nicer and have more intellectual interests than men
>They are nicer and have more intellectual interests than men
maybe in the first world where theres equality, ive never met any interesting woman here
>more intellectual interests than men
a good one
>maybe in the first world
Is it you? Maxmaxmaxumus?
dm mate
should become a camwhore an all
how can you look at those pic and not want to be a girl?
because I can look at that pic instead and still have all the benefits of being a boy
have you ever had a small cute girl cuddle up in your shoulder as you watch netflix and felt her heartbeat against your chest?
no, and i dont want to, i want to be the small cute girl cuddling up in my bf shoulder as we watch netflix
9000 hours in faceapp
fair enough tb h
but I'm far too tall for that
what's netflix?
popular film/tv streaming service