For me, it's Polish women

For me, it's Polish women

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>Full blown make up during Olympic contest
the absolute state of Polish sluts

Generally a bad idea to wear make up as an athlete.. it's been proven to have a negative effect on your endorrine system

Boys get yourself a thicc girl

>that face
>that body

there are 3 polish women in my flat, they are very nice to me, I keep expecting them to banter me but they never do

sheeeit I aint black nigga

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dozen strong sons

Imagine her rushing home from winning the olympics in her division and she was so excited she forgot to shower. Wouldn't that be funny if she forced you on the ground and sat on your face, making you breathe in her strong scent, haha

If I were in their shoes I would say "Buddy, you do know that Pink Floyd has dissolved, don't you?"

lmfao she is overweight.. why are there so many meme disciplines in the olympics?

she has low body fat % for a female. most athletes that are centered around strength will have some fat on them

>she has low body fat % for a female
are you retarded or blind? she's literally overweight.

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I wonder what will be left after she dies.. a neutron star or a black hole?

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Quite nice joke t bh, but my answer is her black asshole

objectively a 5/10

You want to toss your javelin at her. You know you do.

She's 5'9" 170lbs. Considering she has a lot of muscle (she's a Polish record holder and finished #4 at the 2016 Olympics), she's not fat. She just has a lot of muscle with some fat on top.


would drop a load in her after my 30th day nofap

>lot of muscle
lmfao.. either you're polish diaspora or you don't know what muscles mean. She doesn't have A LOT of muscle, she's slightly above average, if at all. Pic related is a real athlete wil high muscle mass and low body fat.

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were you bullied by an overweight girl or something?
why the obsession?

She has enough muscle that she's a national record holder, nearly earned a medal, and her qualifying throw would have earned her a gold medal in an Olympic sport centered around strength. She's obviously very strong for a woman.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

no, fat people are just disgusting but to each his own. what triggers me is that such a fat whale calls herself "athlete" and desperate weebfags on this board actually find this "attractive" .. just look at and .She's a fat disgusting whale.

not him, im a polish diaspora and think shes gross

too bad she's fat

>record holder
record holder of a "sport" that really isn't a sport. throwing a fucking spear is a skill, not a sport. let me guess, star craft players are athletes too? lmfao

you mean that Polish whale or Helen Maroulis? I don't think either of them are good looking but Helen is an actual athlete with an impressive physique.

>literally part of the Olympics since Ancient times
>not a sport
0/10. Get better bait

the whale with caked on makeup

maybe you should inform yourself a bit more you brainlet. First of all, just because it was PART of the Olympics since Ancient times, it doesn't mean that it's a sport. Second of all, Javelin throwing was just one part of Penthalon which required a bit more than just throwing fucking spears around.


Everything in that webm is male attributes attached to a vagina. You're a closet fag.

>javeline throwing competitions were around since ancient olympiads
>not a sport
your bait is terrible m8

check your testosterone levels

>no jenneke posters yet

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Unironically the highest level woman I've ever found
I'm in love lads

She looks Portuguese. No wonder you are in love.

she's a big guy

What makes you say that?

The face. She has a face similar to a lot of the PT grils around here.

i have to agree. im feeling a bit of a med vibe from her.

it's been pretty widespread in the last couple of olympics

>the absolute state of female sports

I can see it. Blue eyes are not that common, but I can see it.

I wonder if that's why I liked it so much. How can a Slav look Portuguese though.

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>A polish ship rolled into the dockyard i am stationed in.
>few hot Polish officials
>catcall one of them
>turns out to be British
>get fined £176

This. She looks like a fucking orc.

jaw is too squared and face too wide to be portuguese, she has a 100% polish phenotype

I want her to crush me as I orgasm inside her bareback after 4 hours of furious sex

nice face (still not in my type) and overweight, so no.
But for me it's also polish women, no joke we really have a LOT of attractive women

Shut up mutt.

>How can a Slav look Portuguese though.

poles are not 100% slavic though. they mixed with austrians and bavarians in the west. some other things came to the mix too.

Wew. I want her to clean my toilet, not the fat polish grandmas we get now

Portuguese are suebi aka nordic. So there's bound to be some resemblance, since Poles are mutts

she looks like the golden one

In the old days we called them handsome women. A beautiful, strong woman capable of bearing you many strong sons and daughters.

>they mixed with austrians and bavarians in the west.
What the fuck are you babbling about

>How can a Slav look Portuguese though.
I thought Jow Forums already established that Portugal is undeniably a Slavic country?

>What the fuck are you babbling about

some poles in the western half of poland mixed with austrian and bavarian catholics. that's a fact. it's one of the reasons there were so many volksdeutsche in poland.

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