You have to permanently move to one of the Baltic countries. Which one do you choose?

You have to permanently move to one of the Baltic countries. Which one do you choose?

Attached: Baltic-countries-940x627.jpg (940x627, 109K)

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If I was forced to, I would move to Estonia. But only if I was forced to. I despise wh*tes, and I would never willingly choose to live among them.

>implying you would be welcome there


latvia so I can live in ogre

It should be ours anyway.

This is so mutual because I don't like poopskins.
btw do you live in Detroit?

Lithuania, right to Visaginas

Eesti of course

>Suur Munamägi

But it's full of rus-

Never mind

I know nothing about them so I'm fucked

there is not a single white person in the Baltics, they all fled in 1939 and 1944ägi
>big egg mountain

>Suur Munamägi
It's 318m suur :DDD

Literally the most boring and unremarkable people on the planet.

loool... they are not white, they are half russian, and kanye west sux ass..

Big Cock Mountain, more like. Although I don't if the Estonians have a different word for dick than us.

It refers to balls.

Lithuania, i guess, because it is just an unofficial part of Poland.

fuck of oppressor!!

I've been considering moving to Estonia out of free will. So Estonia.


estonia, is this even a question?

did you fall on your head as a kid?



It's in the middle
Riga is comfy (or so they say)
Their language is the least ret..difficult to learn

>t. speaks the poor man's serbo-croatian


Latvia so I can find a stinky zirga galva Latvian gf!!

I'd kill myself at the airport.

I slept once with a latvian girl, so Latvia it is

Lithuania because it's basically Little Poland

Estonia of course

Eesti, what kind of dumbfuck question is this

I want to impregnate an eesti girl (boy).


Estonia if you want a gf. They love foreigners.

>poles come here
>litwa je polska kurwa
>gets beaten
>kurwa why liths hate us
had conversations about this with several poles

I already have Latvian residence permission and house Jurmala.

Latvia, because the girl I love lives there

estonia, i guess

Kek same but I have a flat in Daugavpils

>estonia "20 results found"
>latvia "13 results found"
>lithuania "3 results found"

Like pottery considering latvians and estonians are minorities in their own "countries' LOOOOOOOOOOL

Baltics are mongol

Lithuania because they absolutely (!) crave (!) German (!) cock, I've been there

Whichever one won't hate me for being American.

Attached: 1523835438606.png (800x602, 474K)

Maybe Lithuania, no reason in particular, I just imagine it's less colder.

Estonia I guess. I have some muh-polish heritage and I heard they bully people with polish ancestry in lithuania. I know nothing about Latvia besides there were some anti-jokes about it and potatoes and politburo.

they'll hate because you wouldn't be a poorfag

oh ha ha ha, the baltics are surprising warm even though they don't have any business being so

well we do get about a week of down to -20c every year, but it's not bad at all

yeah, as someone who find the AC on 66c cold enough, nvm, it seems I won't be able to survive such temperature.

I remember ordering an amulet there and then looking up the return address on google and it looked comfy as h*ck desu

which one has basic income

None of this commie shit here, comrade slacker.

I pick your country then it's closer to walk to finland