What is the most NPC nation and why is it China?

What is the most NPC nation and why is it China?

Attached: npc2.png (416x435, 114K)

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It's Japan though. They have the strictest set of cultural rules defining how to carry out life.
Chinese people are infamous for doing whatever they want.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is UpMcQmT we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

Attached: 51412.png (555x417, 111K)

Nice try fbi not joining that

why not goy

Attached: 987.jpg (712x795, 70K)

t. zhang

it's true though... something as simple as walking down the street can distinguish a japanese from a non-japanese because there are so many social rules taught since birth

Because its an email and IP harvesting honeypot for law enforcement, they backtrace your ip through image files in the chat

They're a big world player though. Xi Jinping is probably the least NPC person on earth.

Why wouldn't law enforcement just subpoena Jow Forums for your ip if they actually wanted it?