Sleepover edition.
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Eww, why would I want to sleep with someone from New Zealand?
Very rude and uncalled for.
Will not be getting invited to my next party.
oh no im devastated
The bloody Chinnnnnnnnese.
Why don't they just go away?
god i wish i could sleep
Why can't you?
Good morning frens. It's 11 am, it's pissing down raining & im still in my comfy bed. Might get up in a few mins & have some toast with strawberry jam.
Good morning buddy.
The pool out the back of the shared house will over flood today. Not long to go...
Wake up lads.
*honks at you*
Punching in at least once
Stamping my timecard? Going on the clock? Come on, Israel, this lingo is your bread and butter
We don't use time cards here usually....
What do you use? Computers? I couldn't think of common, altered lingo for those
I don't think people actually verify working hours in the places I've worked in or seen.... Everything's with cameras everywhere so they can tell if you do your shifts
Where can I meet cute girls? I've never had a gf but really want one, my standards aren't very high and I'd be willing to go out with a fat chick
>if you do your shifts
In America, they're more measuring when you are and aren't working. My printing press job paid by 1/4 hour intervals, so they'd force us into 3-4 five minute breaks during down periods to pay us less
>never had a gf
Just start asking people. One will stick. Get past your romantic phase in a year or two, break up, and the faucet will open
That's typical American.
No idea at all.
Sitting at the park in the wind & cold just to use the 4G on my phone.
Do you enjoy living in Israel? Plan on moving one day? Don't remember if I've asked
>Do you enjoy living in Israel
It's meh.. Everything's 10-100% more expensive than the US or EU while we have a minimum wage that's about equal or lower. And people are pretty rude with bad manners quite often.
>Plan on moving
No idea... It's viewed quite badly here and I don't know where I could go or how could I live elsewhere.
That sounds miserable. Is cost of living ok, at least? What do you do for a living?
>viewed quite badly here
Why? I mean, I'm ALL ABOUT supporting Israel, but living there permanently would make me nervous
I'm currently doing the last year of HS and then I'll be 19 a bit after the end, have like a few months and then I'll have to go to the IDF.
I don't have a job because I can't make myself apply and I don't talk with the person who gave me a job for a few months last time.
It's seen as bad because they say it's betraying the country and being a pussy and running away anti Israel etc...
Are you paid, or is your life paid for, at least? Does Israel pay for your education afterwards? Sacrificing two years towards nothing seems rough
>I don't have a job because I can't make myself apply and I don't talk with the person who gave me a job last time
One awful job is enough. Avoiding dead-hole work after only makes sense. I hate body-killing, mind-crushing, wage-labor
>betraying the country
>being a pussy
>anti Israel
Fuck it. Do you care much about Israel? If you COULD, would you move? I love my land (weather, ecosystem, etc.) but hate our state
You get paid like 150-300$ a month and get some benefits with rents and bank fees for soldiers.
They do not pay for education afterwards.
It's not two years it's 30 months.
I still want to get a part time job though because my parents are saying I'm a bum because I'm not doing anything...
I would probably leave because I don't like the local mannerisms and the temperatures are hellish...
>I'm a bum
Nothing wrong with being a bum.
But I don't want to be useless.
It makes me feel really bad about myself.
Sounds like a bad deal overall.
>my parents are saying I'm a bum because I'm not doing anything
Enter college, become a farmhand, and write a meme go-nowhere book so they can brag to their friends. Works every time
>I don't like the local mannerisms
>temperatures are hellish
Drop by Florida. It's hot and people are ugly but it's probably the Union's best state, ngl. You get all kinds of tax breaks if you own property
If you are part of the IDF soon then you don't be useless.
Are you one of the bloodthirsty ones?
Hyped or afraid for the next war with Hezbollah and Hamas?
I can't enter college until 4~ years from now... And I don't think I'm capable of writing a book.
I don't want to be in a hot place... I just suffer here when it gets to the 30s in September and early October....
The system isn't productive and you spend lots of time waiting around and get paid nothing almost... It's useless for most people.... I'd say 90% of the people there could do something better in that time.
You're making me tear up, Israel. What would you like to do with your life?
>I don't want to be in a hot place
North and South Carolina are nice, despite the apocalyptic hurricanes. Nice year-round weather. Been considering moving there eventually. Where, in the world, would you like to live?
Back from my walk to the park. Phone dead.
I don't know what I want to do.
I have no idea what I will do with my life and I don't want to disappear
i want to kill myself desu, I failed in life and academics
ausnz more like austismz lol
I got up too fast fainted and had a fall
My hip hurts
I'm like an old grandma
What happened matey?
>I don't want to disappear
You'll figure something out, then. That's a good instinct. Your ego will drop something good in your lap soon enough
Singapore? More like you're-ok-a-pore
Hope you're okay buddy.
Y-You too.
Something like that happened to me once or twice.
It won't because if I am not forced to do something else I'll just be a shut in.
I thought you said you felt bad doing nothing. You'd sooner do nothing and feel bad than do something and feel better?
Med student?
I do feel bad about it.
I don't know if I'll be able to do anything because I've got anxiety and stress problems...
Nobody wants your penis
>Nobody wants your penis
*gives it to them anyway*
Willy the woodpecker
Why did the wood pigeon win nz bird of the year?
Jokes on you, I don't have a benis to gib
Everyone has anxiety and stress problems. I feel guilty for existing. To cope, I try to give people happiness things, or you-aren't-alone things. Try or die, my guy. Doing nothing makes me want to vanish forever
Obtain sex then.
Stop being a bitch and get it, then. Soulless sex isn't hard
Convince someone to like you enough to have sex with you then. Problem solved. Or you could go to a brothel.
Now, I love all guys, but
All the other guys i met or been with
They're just so sexy, and you're not good enough for me...
You're just small, so wimpy and pathetic...
They're much bigger(MUCH BIGGER (
Someone will eventually.
I try to make others happy because I can't feel happy myself.
That right?
Do really not get this brand of humiliation play at all
You're probably on the brink of cumming right now, aren't you, hm?
>I try to make others happy because I can't feel happy myself
All the more reason to try, right? Every success validates another person's hopes and dreams
Shhhhh it's good shit
>Shhhhh it's good shit
Personally much prefer restraining the bigger target and hurting, teasing and taunting them in a loving way, plus the occasional bit of affection that confuses them till they go all subby
but you do you
>everything you said
Well, sure, ideally. Doubt you could/that exists, though. What's your deal, unmarked Kiwi?
I mean it's stuff I actually do with some frequency
I like it, partner likes it
Its fun
That's my deal
Aye Westy, the thread got snipped by an awful angry sanitation administer
Just want you to know I appreciate you for givin me the time of day when I yap on about my home state, it brings me a sort of happiness I can only hope you know too
Cheers bud!
>experience morning
>use HECK
I saw that.
God forbid we talk about accents and the regional culture of a country, no it's best we stick to >no gf and >cocks...
I know the cleaning team isn't exactly the brightest bunch, I mean you'd have to be pretty thick to work for free, but come on.. this is fucking ridiculous.
I don't mind chatting away with you at all, was enjoyable for me as well.
You're a funny bugger when you're pissed, I'll have to have a drink or dozen with you sometime.
Explain your situation, please. Of my years searching, Russia's the only person I like mostly top to bottom, and he's a man. So clarify and specify, por favor
Were you one of the ones shilling that tele group?
Did any of you live in Christchurch per earthquake? Has it always been this depressing?
I have to stay behind on school and delay graduation by a year or more, now its not a big deal but I rather just quit school desu
Nah I've been shillin for Dakota's plains n prairies Fair
God I love my homelands
I know, right?
/dixie/'s been persecuted even though it's one of the generals that's been more to the point n purpose for Jow Forums what with how they're willing to through out absolutely scrumptious recipes, accents, lingual tips, and Christ knows more
Bless them for all they've done to save this board
and I'd absolutely love to spend all night just chatting along with ya bud but I've got a sneakin suspicion that I might be encroaching on the specialties of /ausnz/ by my being an insufferable chatterbox and I'm not fixing to make myself unwelcome
>You're a funny bugger when you're pissed
I'm not pissed in the slightest, I'm at most somewhat annoyed when drunk if i've been bullied about by people, like gettin called a Minnesotan by people who actually know what Minnesotans sound like n whatnot
God fucking bless I'm not a violent drunkard, though truth be told if someone managed to be convince me to walk a blizzard I'd do it in a heartbeat
Naivety is a blessing and a curse I tell ya
What was I talking about?
Christ I love Finnish polka, if only the US had more Finns we'd be a heavenly republic I tells ya
Even more heavenly so with Kiwis and Aussies, you buds are an absolute Godsend II tell ya!~
>met in high school
>stayed friends after high school, really fond of the person
>one day guessed their fetish, realised the level of compatibility with mine
>talked to them about plus some other stuff that they needed help with
>offered an arrangement to them under no pressure
>they accepted, and later negotiated changes to the relationship
We just work together well. Only one of the two people I would lewd on this Earth. The other one doesn't talk to me so that's a nonissue.
Didn't live in it before the EQs, what aren't you liking about it?
Do you even need a monster or character's backstory? At this point, I'm doubtful
11 more days!
What do you mean? Though it depends on the character and monster. Most of them only need traits and hints, and only few chosen ones need backstory, so they can feel more unique
I live on the east side, maybe it's better in other parts. You see wrecked buildings everywhere, tons of homeless, beggers and crazies on the streets.
Such a shame, they're getting a bit too heavy handed these days.
From what I've seen of /dixie/ its perfectly suited for this board, regional culture with a bit of shitposting in the mix, so I don't see why they would give you guys grief.
You're more than welcome to be a chatterbox buddy, not like a lot goes on here anyway.
>I'm not pissed in the slightest
Pissed mean drunk here you silly goose.
Should have used a different word, it may have been a bit confusing for ya.
>Naivety is a blessing and a curse I tell ya
You're too much of a kind soul buddy, it's nice.
>Christ I love Finnish polka
Is that what you're listening too?
>you buds are an absolute Godsend II tell ya!~
You're too kind, you're a sweetie.
>east chch
That is the problem right there
It got more earthquake damage and there was less money in the area so it didn't really get fixed
There are better parts
Which one of you heckers force that paralyzed thot?
Its not me, I'm more likely to shitpost my own face tbqh
I mean, if you saw characters uncovering and ripping a monster to pieces, you wouldn't need some detailed backstory?
What are you talking about? Enlighten me
They give us grief because truth be told the modern moderators of Jow Forums wouldn't know culture if they'd been left in rural China by their lonesome
I still do apologize for being a chatterbox, it's unbecoming to say more than must be said, at least that's what I've been taught
>Pissed mean drunk here you silly goose
Christ I'm so sorry, I'm not versed enough in other cultures' lingo, I shouldn't make such base assumptions
I'm so very sorry for even daring to think that way friend
>You're too much of a kind soul buddy, it's nice
I'd hope so friend I sincerely do
I'd be happier than any Saint to have lived and have died a pauper but to have brought joy to someone somewhere at sometime
There'd be nothing greater to me than to spread love and joy to the whole of Earth, no matter how much so it was above my meager soul and body to do so
>Is that what you're listening too?
That, local polkas, locals musics, and Southern music that reminds me of my childhood
I'm so happy to have been raised in the way I was, I have no regrets for it I truly don't
>You're too kind, you're a sweetie
You know nothing of sweet if you think I am
Kiwis and Aussies, you're sweet
You're all the definition of sweet I tell you, not even a dictionary of the Queen's proper English could do you sweethearts justice
In my darkest moments as a teenager, the Aussies have been there for me
The Kiwis soon followed, oh I love you all as though you were my own brothers and sisters
Till death do us part buds, we're thousands of miles apart but I swear upon my own sinner's soul I'd give my life before I'd see injustice befall your isles so sweet and fair
I weep once again for your beautiful people, and cheers to you blessed folk who've been through the thick n thin!
What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, I love you all! God Bless!
Definitely not me
>I'm so very sorry for even daring to think that way friend
Not westie but: nah mate, lingo clashes happen. Gives ya an opportunity to learn if you don't jump the gun too much
Maybe I would maybe I wouldn’t. Depends on the mood I guess?
>enlighten me
Some kiwoid keeps forcing psychotic paralyzed mad woman and saying that she’s somehow cute/good
I'll try my damnedest not to
I'm often absent minded and I'm terribly drunk at the moment so if I do please don't lynch me on it ;_;
Don't talk about your Tsaritsa like that
I hate how self-decisive storytelling is
>psychotic paralyzed mad woman and saying that she’s somehow cute/good
I will talk about that dumb whore who wants the world to be reduced to radioactive ashes however I please. Go jerk off and gain some post-but clarity to see how retarded she is
She is best girl and will reinstate the monarchy and make Russia great again
She used to be a meme on Jow Forums around the time of the Crimea stuff right? Or am I remembering it wrong?
>psychotic paralyzed mad woman and saying that she’s somehow cute/good
Can you not describe me pls. I take my pills every day, unlike Lachlan.
I wont lynch you. If westie likes you you are alright in my books.
I don't know...
I just feel kinda bad in general...
Alrighty alrighty bud, thank ya for the chance to be a decent person in your eyes
>she will destroy russia if given the opportunity because of her double digit IQ and shizophrenia
Just stop forcing her, it isn't funny. It's just sad, that they let mentally ill people in position of power. Those nazis should've beat her, so she's fully paralyzed, and not partially.
She used to be a meme of a horny jap teenagers.
>I'm so sorry
You don't need to apologise buddy, no biggie.
Just a wee bit of miscommunication.
>I'd be happier than any Saint to have lived and have died a pauper but to have brought joy to someone somewhere at sometime
Well I'm sure you'd be darn god at it, you're bringing me some joy with your chatterbox self.
I didn't know you were such a talker.
>Oh yeah, I love you all! God Bless!
God bless YOU my friend.