What are you doing right now...

What are you doing right now? Reminder that no matter what it is it would not be possible without America because either the Soviets would have forced you to work in a labor camp or the Germans would have gassed you in the holohoax

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Reminder that Amerimuttland wouldn't be possible without Europe

I'm in bed reading this book.

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lmao booklet

I was just thinking about life. Thank you America for inventing the human ability to think.

>or the Germans would have gassed you in the holohoax
I doubt that

No problem my friend, to be able to think freely you require freedom itself which wouldn't be a given if the USSR or Nazi Germany occupied your country

Nazi Germany did occupy us but it wasn't you guys that liberated us :/

But would the UK have been able to liberate you without American support in the war? If America had maintained total isolation (no lend lease either) parts of your country would likely have been under Nazi occupation for quite some time

Alright lads.

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