This mutt would be considered white in your country?

This mutt would be considered white in your country?

>Brazil: yes

Attached: 78879990.jpg (620x465, 63K)


She has a nice body

If your mother has tattoos you're not white

>that hair
>those shitty tattoos
>that 30 years old crisis makeup
>looks like she is fat
she looks like shit and also looks basic as fuck

> white
Give definition

Attached: 1538588226287.jpg (980x979, 144K)

she used to be a feminist, leader of the femem group in brazil

Attached: sara-winter-.jpg (600x329, 79K)

Attached: Femen2.jpg (640x335, 85K)

But then

Attached: sara winter.png (600x400, 301K)

oh nononono