
based and redpilled edition

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good bit about the siege in Lucknow and the 1857 mutiny

smoking crack is actually loads of fun and ive done it loads of times at the weekend and never felt compelled to do it in the working week

honestly feel sorry for racists

Just woke up lads

just learned the origin of the word "teetotalism" is from a guy advocating for total abstention, or "totalism," had a stutter
the word teetotalism comes from pintmen taking the piss out of his stutter


why? it's wogs you feel sorry for. they're the ones being discriminated against.

just became woke lads

the names Quakers and Shakers were taking the piss out of their perspective religious societies

a life without drugs and alcohol is so boring. a cup of tea before bed at 9pm before some vanilla missionary sex with my frigid wife for the first time in 3 weeks. fuck that

hope you like going broke

as long as i can toke

Why don't Jews like the Khazars?

respective* I mean

bit moreish, I hear

just think you have to lead a very sad existence and have self esteem issues if you actually get upset about blacks or whatever

khazar milkies XDDDDDDD

no you don't you passive aggressive idiot
but thats all you can say to make yourself feel "above" people who believe in the importance of race.
everyone is racist. you are racist.

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it's leveled against them usually to imply they've no right to be in Israel and little connection to the historic Hebrew people

Sometimes when I'm in a difficult argument on Jow Forums I jump in pretending to be a different person supporting the other side and make easily-picked-apart arguments under that persona, aiming to make the other side look bad and possibly making people on the sidelines jump in to pick apart the easy straw target's I've provided and possibly getting invested in the argument on my side. If no one bites I can always just reply to them myself from my 'real' position.

Ironically this is even more effective on boards with poster IDs since I just use a proxy and there's much less risk of samefaggotry being suspected.

By the same token the best way to get an explanation about something (asking a direct question usually won't get you anywhere), especially on boards like Jow Forums, is to deliberately something uninformed and stupid . Some frothing nerd is bound to show up and set your strawman straight.

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ah yes the belgians

crack. now.

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This lad is on suicide watch


stfu thailad you spotty little virgin

i never argue online but this makes you seem leagues sadder and more pathetic than the people you're trying to bait

have you ever had sex

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thailad is here

had sex about 12 hours ago

if this is true its so sad. why are some sections of humanity so self defeating? they crave human contact and acceptance yet go out of their way to sabotage it

how old was he you flaming nonce?


How big was his benis?

I am sad and pathetic but they are the puppets dancing on my strings.


for some reason only black people ask me to hang out with them and black women show sexual interest in me
tough that I'm a racist

oh man, now this is epic

doesnt count when you have to move to asia to managie to have sex at all, with chinkys
youre literally still a virgin


thaitwat is here
all the bumlickers come out to play desperate for his attention
/brit/ turns to shit
i'm off to bed

Thailad is an upstanding young man with a normal social and professional life that cannot return to his native UK for legal reasons

The NPC gimmick is so painfully insecure and lacking in self awareness

fuck off sheeple

can you vocaroo this?

the white nationalist who lives in thailand...

Not really no

You're clearly insecure about the idea of being an "NPC"

such an NPC remark

Scientists at stanford uni have demonstrated that men become sexually aroused when they touch a robot's bottom

NPC tier reply

Yeah you got me

NPC replies detected

no he isn't. nobody is an NPC. it's just a meme for social misfits and autists who feel other people are too conventional and normie for their high brow esoteric self. when in fact normal human interaction involves blending in and meeting people in the middle. then they wonder why they are loners

I am high brow and esoteric

I am

Ah yes
Picture of a screen because work computer

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Saw a mudcrab the other day. Horrible creatures.

How do I become a Player Character?

Tired of saying the same things over and over again.

why can't Yanks stop intervening conflicts in Arab?

i like you new zealand lad. you seem to share my hatred for the mentally defective and schizos

>boy, everyone is stupid except me

Hold up, money make my old bitches hate

But isnt all of Jow Forums an NPC because they're all Non Politacally Correct?

in the space of an hour i ate:
>crisp sandwich
>slice of bread
>cup of tea
>1 spicy chicken roll with lettuce, cheese and mayonnaise
>1 spicy chicken breast with ketchup
>3 toenails

Actually made me think, this one

not everyone
but you specifically

business idea: a video game in which all the npcs are painfully socially awkward

>boy, I'm stupid except me

new zealand lad are you english living out there?

no, not everyone is stupid. you are, though. specifically.

no I've spent a total of about a month of my life outside of new zealand

seriously considering becoming a rent boy

Tired of saying the same things over and over again.

yes you're very clever and I'm stupid

Wish I was dead.

Were you bullied in school anons?

come to england we'll snort huge lines of coke together and get strippers to spit on us for the pure bantz while these spastics post dogshit you'll love it

and yet you lampoon americans on a regular basis for not having a passport and not traveling etc.
exposed once again

Smartest, most insightful remark you have ever made in this general.

got bullied by a group of girls who had been my friends
girls are much crueller than boys though only to other girls, or homosexuals i guess

Just want to experience having a gf.

>boy gkejqjrifjvlurndjaj except mdjdjdje

boy niggers are supid

When have I lampooned Americans for doing that.

The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence

yeah you reckon

Had Aspergers so of course.

poof nigger


If we weren't living in an age of decadence i would have a gf.

Its probably the best post you'll see all night

we will kickstart The Age of Discipline

c-can I do that with you?

its embarassing how much my mates girlfriend fancies me. she is a real leftie feminist vegetarian type though. she told me she had lesbian sex with another girl i know and i asked if there were any videos and she told me to drop the "hyper masculine act". she is also in an "open relationship" with my mate but i'm still not going to shag her ouyt of respect. think she only ever been out with soyboys i love lesbian sex and if you my gf id batter you for shagging other dudes