American classrooms now have bunkers, wow.
trully the land of the free.
American classrooms now have bunkers, wow.
trully the land of the free.
the only thing that stops a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, so why are they building bunkers instead of more guns?
In all fairness that looks fun
Legit question, why are there so many school shootings in America?
It can't only be the guns, right? I mean, other countries also allow gun ownership and they don't need to make bunkers or arm teachers and the like.
So like, what part of the American culture causes these shootings to keep happening?
>be a school shooter
>you are yet another school student and have a free access to those bunkers
>set up bombs there
>trigger the school shooting alarm
>everybody hides in those shelters
>blow up them all from inside
The fluoride in the water that turns the frogs gay
Media coverage inspires shooters plus our mental health institution is destroyed. Modern culture glorifies violence with video games, movies, and music, violent actions are the norm in our culture.
Going to church happens less and less too.
>Modern culture glorifies violence with video games
>Going to church happens less and less too.
The religious zealotry is part of the problem.
This,fucking retards
>what part of the American culture causes these shootings to keep happening?
Medialization. Alienation. Pretense. Lack of discipline and most importantly, lack of critical thinking.
And culture of entitlement.
>So like, what part of the American culture causes these shootings to keep happening?
The Second Amendment.
Many churches in America honest-to-God feel more like cults rather than actual Christian churches. Obviously this isn't talking about every single church, but more often than not the zealotry you talk about is crazy people swearing by their church and their poor education in actual Christianity.
It's not as creepy as it seems I'm making it out to be but that's exactly why this mindset is so common in America.
Straight up nope.
While I also believe videogames don't cause violence, saying that most of the shit we consume isn't mostly violence would be retarded.
More importantly, the community is just too fucking autistic whenever the issue of violence pops up. Every single response most gamers make to that statement is something along the lines of "we aren't violent, BY THE WAY, DON'T FUCK WITH US"
Bro most games out there involve you shoot people, the most popular game out there right now is literally kill everyone else the game. It doesn’t have to glorify it, it just has to normalize it.
>mental health institution
It is known that antidepressants can lead to episodes of violence and many other psychiatric drugs do as well.
Americans are 24/7 under psychiatric propaganda and are completely drugging children.
When has the word of Jesus Christ ever inspired a shooting?
I think the problem is not so much that videogames normalize it (though that doesn't help), but that we're normalizing violence as something apt for all ages.
We're quick to label stuff like nudity and politics as noxious and not something children should see or hear about. Even stuff like non-promiscuous LGBT relationships are seen as dirty by most parents, yet they don't bat an eye whenever their son asks them to buy them the latest CoD.
>It is known that antidepressants can lead to episodes of violence
Literally the first page that comes up debunks your nutcase claim:
Theory =/= Fact
It's got kid friendly decorations on it though
>muh vidya
Meanwhile, Americans can walk into a grocery store and buy a gun and it's normal to have a dozen guns lying around the house
freedom ain't free son
Yes. The Second Amendment is the biggest reason why American gun culture is so fucking backwards.
Are you fucking serious?
Beta males raging out because feminism has made the winners win more and the losers lose HARD.
What if I told you the people here are actually all fucked in the head. This land does things to people. The mental health treatment available is also completely terrible.
>government just drones your house burning you and your family saying "heh nothing personnel kid"
Millions of Americans are forced to decide whether to go see a doctor or pay rent
My guess is a country-wide identity crisis. I thini a fuckton of young americans suffer from an identity crisis and depression. why deep fried memes and ironic memes are so popular in the US? Why are the US the contry with the most bullshit about transgender shit if not because of an identity crisis. They Don’t Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do
shitty mental healthcare. Why do you think there are so many homeless people? Besides drug addicts, a large chunk are usually people with mental problems.
Wouldn't that be a reason to have less shootings? You'd see how precious life is.
I remember reading one school shooter was home schooled and his mom pretty much pressure him to be a traveling pastor. You can guess he turned into a homicidal autistic retard.
A culture that unironically believes that if you have emotional problems you deserve failing at life leads to people deciding to commit murder suicide in a spectacular fashion.
>So like, what part of the American culture causes these shootings to keep happening?
Liberalism/The Democrat Party.
>Going to church on Sunday
>religious zealotry
Teenage Athishit spotted.
Is it fireproof though?
Ah yes, remember all those school-shooters that were openly motivated by Christianity? There sure were a lot of those.
This man understands
they have a cold civil war
Why are they all dressed pink? Is being a fag mandatory in the USA? lmao
>Jow Forums is now siding with Jack Thompson
Wow, Jow Forums sure has changed a lot in a mere 10 years.
Shit organization. Honestly here we're full of gun and there were attempt of school shooting. But police stopped them all
You know that picture was taken in a ghetto Pizza Hut, right?
It's almost like guns aren't the problem, but minorities and Democrat-run Orwellian Hoovervilles are.
Wait people rob pizza stores? thats strange
No social cohesion. Americans are insecure due to lack of identity and culture.
You're great at portraying a caricature
> Modern culture glorifies violence with video games, movies, and music
If this was the main cause dont you think the whole world would have that problem?
The problem is kids that worship TV and the internet and the suburban way of life in USA
>why are there so many school shootings in America?
There actually aren't, statistically. There are more than there should be, which needs to be examined and culled, but the perception of the phenomena is exaggerated due to media-magnification and politically-biased/agenda-driven journalism.
There is also no "trend" or "epidemic" of recent mass-shootings, as rates of this kind of crime have remained generally the same since the 1960's.
America is the third most populous nation on the planet, and the only one in the Top Three that isn't an impoverished shit-hovel. Any First World phenomena when analyzed numerically is obviously going to be more present in America. That's why analyzing rates based on frequency and population are important.
The media also fellates itself over any school-shooting that happens, both by the American Media because they want to disarm law-abiding citizens and by the Media all over Europe because they want to convince the law-abiding citizens that they have disarmed that giving up their civil liberties was the right decision. This is why Leftists and Eurocucks, including ITT, generally overestimate the frequency of a considerably rare event.
Meanwhile when a Muslim runs over 5 or 6 people in a major European city every two weeks, an eye is hardly batted because it's "just a part of living in a big city".
>lol, facts and logic are silly
What a great way to approach a discussion.
hyper competitive society.
We all have unrealistic expectations of life in the west in general(and out of it), but americans seem to be suffering from it the most. The bar of what is and isn't an acceptable life is set too high and those who sould be failing under normal circumstances feel like they are failing harder. Instead of getting sympathy they get mocked.
>Modern culture glorifies violence with video games, movies, and music
Culture has "glorified violence" since before video games or movies were even invented.
Why is Jow Forums so full of dumb boomers?
This "muh shootin' was caused by muh vidya" bullshit is something I would expect to see belched by an uninformed grandma being interviewed for a local Fox News report in 2006.
It inspired all your presidents to start all those wars and call em crusades instead of look after the health and wellbeing of its citizens and vets.
Not the 2nd as an amendment, but rather how it is practiced in such a horrible way
Millennials/Generation Z are fucked up in the head. America had plenty of guns in the 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, etc., and this shit wasn't happening. Schools treated guns so lax back then too, high school students would routinely have guns in their cars and no one would care.
The current generation is fucked up. What causes Millennials/Generation Zers to want to shoot up their schools so badly?
The media makes mass murderers famous. Look how we learn every little detail about Adam Lanza's life. What attention whore doesn't want in on that?
In an era of YouTube e-celebs doing anything for attention, shooting up your school is the quickest way to gain permanent widespread notoriety; your name will be etched in the history books.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>Black people
>Going to school
>muh coloured folks and team blue
Yeah, you got me epic style there
Also excessive punishment or looking down on hand-to-hand violence.
>middle school
>new kid in town, get bullied
>fight back constantly in first few months, everyone lays off
>once a grade, push somebody's shit in
>another kid, same situation
>never fights back
>one time, tries to fight one of my friends
>not sure why they're fighting
>kid tries to kick friend, friend catches his foot midair and makes a laughing stock of him
>next week, they find a hit-list in his locker, gets expelled
>couple of years later
>auditioning for metal band
>oh hey, it's that school shooter guy
>also asian kid who also had bullying problems and also never stood up for himself
>both have mellowed out and become stoners
>audition is crap, my voice is way worse than I think it's going to be
>after audition, talking with them
>both admit that they wanted to shoot up the school really badly
>both say that they consider me their brother because we were all loners back then
Also possibly a cultural preoccupation with violent revolution, lack of familial connections, lack of friends, overmedication, and media glorification of shooters but I don't have cutesy greentexts for those.
There aren't a lot of shops being built in those shitty neighborhoods besides pizza shops, convenience stores, and liquor stores. When somebody in one of these neighborhoods wants to go rob some business they usually gravitate towards those places because they have no cars and the phrase "Don't shit where you eat" seemingly means nothing to them.
Capitalist malaise and hyper individualism
What part of "other countries also allow gun ownership." was so hard to get through your skull?
The first big American school shooting was in the 60s lmao. It's what led to the creation of swat. But even before that school shootings happened in the 50s. It's just that it is was students mostly murdering their teachers or principles.
This doesn't seem like a construction strong enough to stop a serious rifle round.
Fucked up education, fucked up social services, fucked up parenthood.
Wrong, it's socialism and lack of family values. Most school shooters had a shitty childhood and/or lacked a father figure.
>t. neocon drumpfy
Guns in grocery stores? Not around here.
The tower at the University of Texas remains closed to this day, decades later.
Society's attitude towards death has changed radically. Nowadays the youth grow up watching liveleak videos and fucked up shit in cowadooty campaigns. I know there's numerous other factors that cause violence, but video games and the media definitely shift our culture's attitude towards it.
To give an anecdotal example my boomer dad was shown a video of a russian jeep carrying troops shot down byy a ukrainian rocket. The ukranian man who showed it to him tried to frame it as something cool and victorious, but my dad was a little repulsed. "Those were still boys with souls, you know". That king of gut reaction is fast disappearing - and frankly it worries me a little.
Biggest factor that probably causes school shootings is a lack of moral education among the youth.