Why are northerners so based?
Why are northerners so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
>innocent romans
>You will never live in the Norf, eat a daily sausage roll from Greggs, and zealously support a footy team in between shifts at the mine
I could move to West Virginia for a similar experience but it just wouldn't be the same
'ate romans
'ate scandinavians
'ate civilization
luv gruggin
luv paganism
luv boudica
nuff said
What do we call this? Nurfpostin?
based. the british man marches on. the *nglo-s*xons have largely been limited to the southeast. may liverpool remain forever britonnic
i live in the north of england you wouldnt be in a mine there are none left you'd be in a call centre or working in retail
Camon Arminius score a fackin goal
Are Greggs sausage rolls really that great?
norf fc
what a freak show
higher testosterone, darwinian philosophy
bullshit fight. norf was surprise attacked, which did not allow him to ready his gravitational field
*blonde woman in wheat field*
boudicca was from the south
yeah m8 its dem fookin tories again
not you kek
this guy
>The Irish guy in the comments having a crisis about whether he wants to fuck the slag or not
Lamo Doncaster mentioned, bet they are all on spice
This meme is shit because the people who keep posting about it are historically illiterate about the eras
Boudica was from the south. The Saxons were pagan tribal invader savages who were hired as mercenaries by the British to fight off NORF Scottish/Irish pirates, while the Britons were Christians with a Romano-British culture after having been Roman for centuries.
ate youze layin bungs, git bak ta lundun
also the whole NORF thing is about the way the modern northern English are perceived.
The modern northern English and the 5th century southern British being roughly opposites.
The nonsensical image with the norf Britons and the Saxons makes more sense if you make it about the norf Anglo-Saxons and the Normans.
sufen pooftahs
Isn't poofta an Australian term?
I'd fuck the blonde girl desu
Nords are subhumans
If I could get a good job there gaurenteed would unironically move to the bird in a heartbeat