
Before and after making the switch to mobile games edition.

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RDR2 or a good quality steak

Read dead 2


Me on right as a non gamer

keep flipping between my life is over and there's still time to turn it around and its doing my nut in

What's for dinner tonight lads?

I'm a mental health advocate

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any bleeding to death at work man in

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why do people get random nosebleeds

Spent 30 quid on a lobster tail. Wasn’t even that good

hello watch nonce

Keep thinking about death everyday.

thermidor you philistine

you've got red on you

prince harry and duchess m'bogu have come so now the media aren't going to shut up about them

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that was the first time it's happened to me in years, was the strangest thing since the last time was ages ago
just came on really suddenly out of nowhere but I managed to rush up to the bathroom in time so now I have to clean the scene so people don't think someone died in there


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How The 'NPC' Meme Tries To Dehumanize 'SJWs'


any of you men ever wake up in the night after a scary dream and feel even more frightened

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Annoyed at everyone for playing red dead 2
People have such shit taste in games


never have dreams ahahaha what am I like

Have never had a nose bleed in my life 2bh.

>tfw if /brit/ existed in 1940 Hitler would unironically be reading it

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where did you develop such a hot opinion incel?

sad how much luck is involved socially relying on meeting the right people at the right time in the right place

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you are like somebody who smokes too much marijuana

>Annoyed at everyone for playing red dead 2
>People have such shit taste in games

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That seat hes in is unironically peng
Wish i had one just like it

I'm a hemophiliac so if I get them I could probably go unconscious if enough time passes since it wouldn't clot

yeah nazi shit is pretty elegant

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more like homophiliac

>I'm a hemophiliac

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haha nice one

>if my favourite fascist dictator was alive he would browse my forum filled with funny internet racists

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disgusting freak

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nazbol gang nazbol gang nazbol gang prrt

hitlers office

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Even Northern Ireland has blacks now


been browsing r/britishproblems lately to get a better understanding of british culture before I take the plunge and become an established poster on /brit/ but it seems like everyone just complains about continentals attempting to queue and the local chav teenagers harassing everyone

Listening to Elvis Costello

Look at all that wasted space

>been browsing r/...
can't say I read past this

you know nothing, child

Are coolchur bruv

/brit/ doesn't actually discuss british culture it's just a forum for funny internet racists.

Are small crowded rooms aesthetic? No they are not.
He was the fucking fuhrer he can do what the fuck he wants.

an old rap that i wrote
let me know what you think lads

melvin melvin that is me
i can count from one to three
my dad has a big ol dick
dont (you) me you stupid mick
im really cool im really swell
in primary school i rang the bell
i live in the depths of hell
i thought that jontron was josh bell
i am the man with the cool raps
i wear fedoras not dad caps
the greatest poster /brit/ has ever seen
watch melv shine like mr clean

couldn't win the war though apparently

Don't like these wogs in the UK me


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Can someone please explain this NPC meme to me?

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don't read australian posts
not racist just don't think they quite make the cut in civilised society

ow my life

stopped reading right there

I'm sure if the mighty New Zealand auxiliary force had aligned themselves with Nazi German we'd be living in a different timeline.

how do you become more interesting
the thought of only being able to answer "what do you do" with watch movies and sport is sad


2 more weeks of uni lads

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Don't worry. It won't be part of the UK for much longer.

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literally just r9k trying to convince themselves they're above "normal" people

Good luck.

>post tricky dick spence
fuckin knew it
crypto jew

normies, normalfags, same shit different name

A rebrand of sheeple

hankering for a toblerone me
if anyone's heading down to the paki shop soonish be a dear and fetch me one x

wont have sex again until Thursday im gonna go INSANE

Oswalt Mosley tbqh

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Don't tease me like that

I have it on good authority tricky dick is unironic controlled opposition

transgenderism is sexual hedonism

Yanks? Love them. Decent, decent people. Love them love them love them.

unironically checked the knowyourmeme page for it bout half an hour ago haha

did he get caught noncing a tranny too?

my classmates getting married and being parents is upsetting

what about the finals?

Lads at work are now telling me to us tinder, think they know i'm a virgin.

which is explicitly forbidden in the Quran

this is scarily accurate portrayal of internet leftist lingo
loathe when they use yall and stuff like transfolk

where do you work

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don't count the finals as part of the semester

I am a NEET

should i start using the word nigger in my raps?

well if you complain about >no gf
and they help you why would you complain further


>don't count the finals as part of the semester

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Warehouse, just got in front he night shift.

I just never mention anything about my non existent love life.

Fuck sake they ruined aw sweetie

grim being me

imagine, just IMAGINE working the "night shift"
what vile and wretched creature would even consider demeaning themselves in such a way