ITT: post a pic that best describes how you are feeling right now

ITT: post a pic that best describes how you are feeling right now

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what did you do?

i've been called a girl twice before
how jealous are you of me rn?

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If you could take a pill that would instantly morph your body into that of a woman permanently, its NEVER possible to reverse ever.
Would you?

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I was called a girl like 5 times but i dont even look like one im just a long haired manlet

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me and the gf

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of course i would

also that is not the topic of the thread

happens like once a year at this point

My hopes and dreams are in the box. The Success Shelf (left) is unpictured

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In all forms, including physical, I am this kot

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Good night
I've been called a girl several times. How come people can't see my beard?

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A granny once asked me in my teens "are you a boy or a girl" ever since then I have a beard.

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goodnight tired lmao

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Life is pain
A-at least I'm Asian so I can hope to pass

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