/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
good thread pic
sasho veliki was macedonian
This thread again
Found this story when looking for the OP pic
The Atlas of Beauty
I met Monika a few days ago on the streets of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
When she was a little child she experienced a terrible car accident. The drunk driver of another car caused the crash but was never sentenced to prison.
Today, 15 years later, this strong and beautiful woman wants to use her knowledge to prevent such terrible events. She now studies law, because laws are not only about punishing, but also about preventing.
People like Monika make this world a better place, dedicating their lives to such important causes
What's wrong my byzantine bro? We'll post anime later
alright, so the good thing is that I don't live in a balkan country but I wish you balkanians a good day
What a fucking boss.
Anime is not /balk/. Where is that one good Albanian with the spicy anti-anime memes when you need him?
Interview with the voice actors of Assasins Creed Odyssey, all in English apart from the intro fyi
eat shit, musliman
thank you, oh foreigner from a strange and distant land
First day at university wish me luck guys
good luck albo
be warned: all uni staff members are full of themselves, and will pull "rank" on you, even if they act friendly before
What does "rank" mean?
лмao, there are people falling for the uni meme in 2018
Good luck albo bro
oops posted in wrong
feel free to make fun of my stupidity
good luck hope you'll become wealthy diaspora
"pulling rank" is a military term
it means they will say "don't call me doctor, call me professor, i'm not a professor, i'm an assistant, why don't you use my last name, don't tell me you don't remember my last name, you person who i don't remember the name of"
etc, they will act casual, and then they will spin on a dime, basically demanding to be worshiped
just b yourself. YOU are paying THEIR salaries
so what happens now
does it say anything else?
OK , I will keep it in mind
I can play any vidya I got and so on, steam works as usual but can't trade\buy etc
responded to steam support telling that I'm a good boy and dindu nuffin, guess they remove it eventually because gaben needs money and I provide it to him
>playing games in 2018
maybe in a few months
don't worry, i will defiantly keep /balk/ (a.k.a. my personal blog) updated
you're welcome
Reminder that the dumbest person in history was a Serb
balkans are the jackass crew among the family of countries
reminder that if you think that gavrilo caused ww1 you are the dumbest person in history
Don't you dare blame Germany.
So who's to blame?
it was the international jew, currently sitting in the USA
nah it was the sea jew (greek)
Good post
Excellent post user!
the international jew emerged during the era of mercantilism. the semites have a history of being good traders, but during the ancient times, the trader was a pleb. the citizens in ancient greece didn't really engage in trading, this was something that the poor and the foreigners would do.
retarded ts*r and germs
It's Princip's fault for assassinating the Arch Duke and then Austria's fault for starting a war over it.
actually, imp*Rialism is to blame
>killing a duke in europe has something to do with the price of tea in china
If anything A-H should of publicly hung Princip in front of the Kaiser and annex Serbia for revenge. But nooooo
Jews never died nothing wrong
what can fyrom be called other than macedonia?
>its da joos to blame for german autism
The network of alliances, guarantees and power checks that Bismarck established to make sure Germany isn't destroyed as it grew was such that as soon as the germs get an incompetent guy in charge of diplomacy, a world war would erupt. Krauts were playing with fire and they burned the whole house down, ending european empires, weakening the continent for commies to rise up, and giving the USA the torch as world leader.
>another episode of kellyfat shitposting through his proxies and nureditors falling for it
nice legs
west tatarstan
Actually I blame the britbongs and the russkis for everything.
Maybe we needed to fuck his mom and leave
se ebeme so kucheto
actually I blame bulgaria for WW1
they just wanted a reason to reunite with their best allies and masters(TURKS)
what's on her wrist??
geçmiş olsun
Merhaba balkanalar turkler dusmanlar subhumanlar
why the ruskies?
I agree about the bongs, they were and still are the ultimate evil
also hi everyone :)
did you got away with humble bundle gift? or it was other turkish poster
Blagodarya brat
Panslavism guaranteed wars every generation.
It wasn't me
Greeks are based and redpilled you fucking hayvan siktir you'll die soon when I'm in Constantinople (Tsiprasgrad 2019)
ke ti doam na goske
there was never such thing
ke se cekame na ulica vasil gjorgjov
Its the russian casus belli for multiple wars with Turkey.
idem zimaj kucheto
>w*te boi is mad
blacker than you, mustafa
Lmao fucking balkanshit turks, gtfo of my peninsula and go back to Asia
дyш, мaн
she needs to be blacked
nema da dojdesh picko dzabe ke chekam
nemas pari za manga pretplata a ne pa za da patuvash nekade
Kara Boga is a dead meme, fucktard kaMAL subhuman hayvan siktir git, whites rule your kurdish asshole
when the war begins, the kurds will be on your side malaka, literally nothing wrong with them
spoken like a true white... get out of here Europoulos...
Fuck kurdshits and Turgay
Our only ally is Russia
Some guy posted your royal family, all whites like they're from Denmark and everything beyond Ankara and towards Izmir and Istanbul is white as fuck you fucking kurdshit monkey cuck
best poster
>taking the words of some soyfag nite to be true
:D :D :D
daj guz
no u
its u, u even made some OC I think
Fuck off homofags
>se ebeme so kucheto
haven't updated in years
Which one of you is tranlo and which is the furry manlet?
I wish you both good health and happy lives, by the way.