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Australia says it's not okay to be white
Samuel Garcia
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Isaiah Jackson
>anti-white racism
No such thing
James Powell
What an absolute waste of time and money.
Nicholas Jones
That's Australia in a nutshell I suppose
Jack Roberts
looks like i'm boycotting australian products now.
Aaron Wood
mate your country is going to cost the EU and UK billions and has wasted 1.5 years of everyones time
Jace Phillips
lmao, and i thought finnish parliament dabbles in useless motions.
Aiden Mitchell
31-28 is pretty close I didn't know Aussies were such closet Nazis
Sebastian Gomez
All western countries are run by self hating white liberals
Jace Fisher
Don't blame us for Brexit having absolutely no planning done whatsoever beforehand.
Charles Smith
Brayden Parker
but seriously why does australia have so many FRAGILE politicians that they thought to waste tax payers money and time on such proclamations as 'its ok to be white'. what's next, a committee to ponder on a declaration of humans should breathe oxygen?
Joshua Richardson
damn we consider our parliament a joke, but maybe we're just too harsh on ourselves...
Wyatt Sullivan
KARA BOGA wins again you wh*Te dogs
Joshua Price
Thats two votes away from being certifiably based and redpilled, not bad desu. Any politician even proposing such a thing would be lynched here.
Jason Ross
They had a country wide non binding referendum on gay marriage
There's always some token issue with tons of money pumped into it to distract from public services getting defunded while not even reducing spending because it's all going to corporate handouts and a manufactured housing bubble to make property investors rich
Jacob Butler
It was to demonstrate a point.
Xavier Russell
hahaha not us
Ethan Young
Oh yeah and also Pauline Hanson is a meme politician who used to be a fish and chip shop owner in one of the biggest shitholes in the country
Cameron Moore
Virtue signalling to her 10 supporters.
Samuel Gonzalez
that great anglo culture wars have toxified the political discussions to the point where saying 'it's ok to be white' is a white nationalist slogan when it should be a true statement that shouldn't be politicized? desu i would have abstained just to make a statement how utterly ridiculous it is to ponder these things in a fucking parliamentary process.
William Myers
>that great anglo culture wars have toxified the political discussions to the point where saying 'it's ok to be white' is a white nationalist slogan when it should be a true statement that shouldn't be politicized?
Yes. Get with the program pekka and hate white people. Innocuous statements are for nazis.
Wyatt Turner
It wasn't the lefties who made "it's ok to be white" political though.
Eli Sanchez
Did no one even look at the picture OP posted? They aren't voting on whether or not ot is okay to be white but whether or not the state will officially recognise that there exist "a deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on western civilisation."
That's what failed to pass a vote, as well it should since it's nonsense.
Clause B was designed to catch the attention of opportunistic journalists that push click-bait for the dumbest and most childish of society. What does that say about almost everyone itt?
Gavin Gutierrez
>Italy pretending he has any idea what things are like in the Anglo world
Eli Ward
I don't understand why would they vote on the state of things? Aren't they supposed to each have their idea and then vote on actions based on them? Why are they voting on the state of reality? What does this vote accomplish? if the vote won would they have been banned from thinking otherwise?
Samuel Adams
It was a totally innocuous statement and bait. They just vindicated the Jow Forumsfags when they reacted the way they did and claimed it was a racist "dog whistle".
Jaxson Thompson
that's a good one
Dylan Baker
>why do people shitpost
Samuel Martinez
It's a political statement by a meme tiny party to try and rile up white people with victim complexes
Carson Jones
Ayden Barnes
it's just like those pep is alt right memes. If Jow Forums does something that thing is now connected to white supremacists. If they use it's ok to be white as slogan then it becomes a white supremacist slogan. Doesn't matter how innocent the statement is. Just like black lives matter doesn't just mean black lives amtter anymore, because it was politicized.
so it really does hurt you when they say
>let me tell you abotu your country
Adam Watson
>falling for sensationalist normie click-bait is the same as shitposting
Asher Peterson
t. melbournite
Bentley Adams
But why are they voting for it? There is no action there. Is it normal to vote on ideas?
Robert Murphy
what he meant is obviously at least msot of those who are ignoring the first part are doing so willingly.
Eli Reed
t. Mahmoud Rahjesh bin Chong
Ayden Sullivan
Newcastle actually. All One Nation does is take votes away from the Liberal party, but never enough to actually win anything. Their existence only benefits Labour.
Samuel Williams
Jow Forums also uses Jow Forums just like you do, I guess that means you're a white suppremacist now. That's not how things work Mario. Black lives matter is both an innocuous statement and an activist NGO with founders and it's own lobby. "It's okay to be white" is just an innocuous statement that nobody should have a problem with but leftists sperged the fuck out because they are in a moral panic about nazis.
Robert Peterson
Our parliament is retarded. Who keeps voting Hanson in? She's a ranga mong, for christ sake.
I used to listen to Question Time on the radio. They spend so much time bickering over pointless shit while all of the actually relevant questions Australians care about are always "I'll get back to you on that."
I'd say you get what you pay for but we don't even get that. They could at least be entertainingly stupid as opposed to being dull and obtuse.
Samuel Lewis
The first part is objectively true
Kevin Sullivan
>Jow Forums also uses Jow Forums just like you do, I guess that means you're a white suppremacist now.
people literally think that. I am not saying it's the correct course of action. But this is so normal it is beyond politics. If everyone who says or uses somethign that you know belongs to a group, people will connect that thing to that group, it goes double if the connection makes sense. It doesn't make sense of course, but it's how it works. the fact remains that neither black lives amtter nor it's ok to be white are innocuous statements anymore. Because political people use statements and they become mroe meaningful then what they actually mean.
Dylan Bailey
>Australians care about
The actual problem is the garbage they discuss IS what most Australians care about.
Jaxson Russell
it doesn't matter, he was mad you were ignoring it, i told him you were willingly and it's not like nobody read it.
Brandon Murphy
If that's the case then I'm more out of touch with normalfags than I thought.
Now I feel even more apathetic about this whole shebang, if it were possible.
Jason Peterson
There is a subtle difference. Neither of those statements are wrong but "It's okay to be white" isn't the slogan of a literal activist organization. Leftists normies sperged the fuck out before they even knew it was a meme from the internet. Remember how outraged women and soccer moms were pulling down "it's okay to be white" flyers around schools because it "felt racist"? It's a stupid moral panic and leftists took the bait therefore making it popular.
Parker Turner
Go back to Jow Forums already you silly cunt.
Jaxon Walker
I don't know about that, i didn't follow the development of it. I was just talking about the now.
Justin Hernandez
Leo Martinez
>what do you mean people are ignoring/rejecting my loaded phrases
Carter Smith
You live in Italy. I've never met an Italian who was halfway politically correct, or gave a fuck about appearing so.
You're judging a country that chastises people for looking at woman the wrong way, reduces any political disagreement to skin colour, and throws around rape accusations for political expediency. "It's OK to be white" is a stupid reaction to that, by a stupid country facing stupid political struggles.
If Italy was half as bad as the USA you'd want to blow your brains out, trust me,
Nathan Scott
You live in Italy. I've never met an Italian who was halfway politically correct, or gave a fuck about appearing so.
You're judging a country that chastises people for looking at woman the wrong way, reduces any political disagreement to skin colour, and throws around rape accusations for political expediency. "It's OK to be white" is a stupid reaction to that, by a stupid country facing stupid political struggles.
If Italy was half as bad as the USA you'd want to blow your brains out, trust me.
Aaron Gutierrez
Loaded? kek If you find significant negative emotional implications from such a innocuous statement you're a fucking retard.
Owen Nelson
0 (Z E R O) of what you said changed the fact i said. (and i also knew that stuff already, but it doesn't matter )
Grayson Phillips
Landon Gray
How is it possible to be this retarded but still literate?
Noah Barnes
t. gets tirggered whenever he sees "black lives matter"
Jeremiah Morgan
>Jow Forums memes are being debated in our national parliament
Why the fuck do people fall for Jow Forums bait?
Christian Rivera
You said it wasn't leftists who politicized it. It was. It was a statement that nobody rational should have taken issue with but because the left sperged out it gained traction. Literally everything is code or "dog whistling" to a leftist so naturally they take issue with the statement "It's okay to be white" proving they are in a moral panic and bigoted against white self interest. That was the whole point.
Bentley Powell
Gonna elaborate, friend?
No I don't, they are irrelevant niggers
Wyatt Cooper
God these people take bait like starving piranha , fuck me no wonder Jow Forums's shitposts are being taken seriously
Parker Edwards
Says more than that though.
Luis Nelson
Sure buddy. The first clause is not only untrue, it is comically retarded.
Luke Ward
Says the shitskin breathing my white air
Evan Young
>Says the shitskin breathing my white air
t. stormcuck
Carson Martin
Reminder this was funded by our tax dollars
Kevin Flores
The statement was use with a political objective. It was made political by Jow Forums. It' wasn't amde political by the reaction it gained. It was made better by it. Yes their reaction contributed, but one side is conciously creating and using the phrase politically, while the other is jsut reacting to it and unconciously giving ti added value. You see the difference here?
Carson Turner
Do everyone a favour and fuck off.
Colton Watson