NOOOOO mutt babies.
NOOOOO mutt babies
>le duc et la duchesse du suce-sexe
Is prince harry in the line of succession to the throne?
Yes but like 8th or something.
fuck, and he wasn't forced to resign?
Resign from what? He will never be king which is why this marriage was allowed to happen, she won't get Diana'd.
She should come to France
This is what the next king of England will look like
I would breed like a fucking rabbit with her.
meh our royals are pretty autistic when it comes to marriage with non royals, they basically force you to resign your claim to the inexistent throne if you want to marry a pleb
Japan or China or literally any other Euro nation would have never let this happen.
Most Euro royals have non-whites among their ranks nowadays or in our case a Sudaca mother
Quadroons are usually much more white passing desu
In order for Harry to be king, Charles, William and all his kids need to die within a short time of each other, no one thinks this is realistically going to happen so they let the bastard child have his fun.
Brazil has been a republic ever since 1890.
Wait, aren't they just getting married?
>so they let the bastard child have his fun
Tyrone the Bastard as the UK king soon.
yes, but the monarchist movement is more strong than ever, to the point we have elected a prince to the congress recently and it was the first time since the republic declaration a royal will have political power. Also the prince is literally one of Bolsonaro's main agents, so we are closer than ever of a restoration m8. Especially when the prince himself is writing a new constitution
She's a royalty albeit a princess from a certain African country, though? At least it's a royal blood not a commoner blood.
and the line of succession hasn't been tainted despite that
She's born in Panama, I think she's American though.
Also this is their kid who is in the line of succession for Liechtenstein throne.
In the UK, are minorities (blacks, goatfuckers, dotheads) trying to impose themselves in the monarchy ?
Ah nvm, I mistook in with someone else (I forgot which one though).
>he's 6th line of the succession
I mean he will never get the succession, but still wew.
I wonder how he deals with family politics
How do you even 'impose' yourself into a royal family
The fucking schadenfreude i'm deriving from this
Serves them so right for chosing the wrong sides in 1914 and 1939. this is what you get britlards now drink up the diversity koolaid you fought so hard for
Also the wife of our king (princess) Maxima is a sudaca and their children now all have brown eyes.
Through propaganda and diversity bullshit.
it's a conspiracy to get a royal blooded president to take back the US
>royal bloodline gets YANK'D and MUTT'D
>Brexit will eventually break up UK when Scotland an NI leave
>Charles will be the KANG of Little England (+wales)
Your king is a mud chaser, literally most girls of Maxima's social class in Argentina have light eyes
The Grand Duke of Luxembourg married a Caribbean woman.
how come western men don't like western women?
a lot of people consider white skin an undesirable trait regardless of their own skin color.
this can be said about every race out there, point being whites are no exception
lol this little mexican gimp has no clue what he's talking about, people all over the world try their hardest to whiten their skin all the time, and even before they got colonised
but this is exactly what (((they))) want you to believe
>so they let the bastard child have his fun.
poo nigger
Why does she look like a less white Hillary>
this wasnt supposed to happen
she's old af