After a 100 years of siege, Serbia has finally fallen to the Reich!
Fellow Reichsbürger, let us celebrate this vicotry! Glory to Mutti! Sieg Heil!
After a 100 years of siege, Serbia has finally fallen to the Reich!
Fellow Reichsbürger, let us celebrate this vicotry! Glory to Mutti! Sieg Heil!
Disappointing, Lidl tried to invade here but norwegians were having none of it and they were forced to retreat after a couple of months.
Lidl and Aldi are literally better companies than whatever native supermarket branches your shithole has, mine included.
>have highest consumer prices in Europe/world
>don't welcome Lidl
In retrospect to my comment lining up like this for a fucking supermarket opening is just pathetic, like those Italians standing in line for the Starbucks opening.
even albert heijn? dutchies seem to like it
Prices isn't everything fren, it's the principle of supporting local businesses and farmers over imported EU wares. And norwegian tax policy on imported goods is ludicrous so I'm guessing unless Lidl hit is big at first try they were gonna start losing money real fast.
It's a love hate relationship. Everybody acknowledges that Albert Heijn is the best supermarket but also by far the most expensive.
I do my shopping there and it's just getting ridiculously expensive. And then I have dinner at a friend we go to Lidl and the bill is maybe 70% of what I pay at AH for the same items.
1. Norway cannot tax any EU imports
2. I don't believe that Norway has a lot of local businesses in the supermarket branche. It's more like domestic chains vs foreign chains.
are they standing in line for a fucking lidl
To think about it, only not indigenous supermarket chain here is Billa.
Also Globus and Metro exist but only in hypermarket format.
Well of course it will be the first time amazing items such as Freeway Cola and Oettinger beer are sold in their country
amazing post. a tin of conserved ravioli to that, brother. amen.
Lidls not really all that tbqh, do t see why people go mad about it
ugh i hate balkanian town dwelling normies
yeah Lidl was a lot cheaper, Aldi was kind of meh, cheap but very few customers unlike Lidl for some reason
what are your thoughts about Jumbo?
>they're in the US too
never seen it.
Aldi is widely considered an even trashier alternative to Lidl, especially since Lidl a few years back did a nation wide overhaul of their shops making them actually feel like normal supermarkets whereas Aldi feels like entering a giant discount freezer.
I like them but in general the Jumbo has worse penetration in cities are focuses more on suburban and rural customers using cars. Also their own brands are not very good, but overal Jumbo is known to be cheaper than Albert Heijn.
The real difference between Albert Heijn and Jumbo is the fact that Albert Heijn has the highest prices but has gigantic weekly discounts selling some products far below cost price, whereas Jumbo almost has no discount actions but generally lower prices.
so far only in 4 states, but it will change soon
Tbh I think Aldi here has better products.
Lidl now has in-house bakery meaning you can get 'fresh' bread there and stuff like croissants which Aldi doesn't have.
So for many people now Lidl is a better supermarket than Aldi.
They're all in a stretch from Virginia to the New Jersey border with New York on the East Coast, and they seem to mushroom out from DC. There's maybe one Lindl in my state. ALDI's more common in my state.
How can you even sustain a supermarket business with so few stores so stretched out?
Wouldn't it be better to mount a full frontal attack and immediately build 100+ stores in a densily populated area such as urban east coast?
> Aldi, Lidl
White trash and other subhumans
> Albert Halal
> Jumbo
> Coop
True alphas
There's an aldi nearby where I live and it sometimes feels like a mental asylum full of hobos, schizophrenic people, alcoholics and single mothers with black children and such. Really grim place
i got a wrong map, my mistake
so far lidl planed 100 stores in usa
Hofer (Aldi to most of you) is trash but it is cheap, and Lidl is so dogdy that merely shopping there makes you worry about your health, even if you live the NEET life like me. Mercator (the local chain store) is preferrable, and the only supermarket in the country that is better than it is the French company E. Leclerc, even though they treat employees like industrially-farmed cattle there.
What about Spar?
We call it a camping supermarket because it has completely disappeared from any major inhabited place and now only operates on our islands and nearby holiday parks
oh yeah, forgot about Spar. It used to be the best in the 90s but now it is on level with Mercator. The two are pretty much interchangeable in all regards.
Lidl is weak and cannot compete with the power of ICA. It mostly exists in small towns here.
i can understand german domination in car market, but fucking supermarket isn't that complicated isn't it?
most of products they're selling are made by local domestic companies, so their only contribution is to build metal shack with a huge lidl logo on it, what a disgrace to a nation which can't compete in such simple bussines.
Supermarkets have to fight over a few cents and Germans understand (and have) the power of big numbers.
If Lidl expands to Poland or the Netherlands they don't enter a new market, they simply expand their current market and incorporate most of the new stores within their supply chains.
On top of that both Lidl and Aldi have little overhead for such gigantic companies. It's also a power.
Planned, but there aren't a huge amount actually up right now, from my cursory look.
Also, I'm wondering what their strategy is for dealing with states with heavily established chains. Unless they are targeting areas where there aren't any strong chains?
When was the last time billa had American weeks?
t. Eating Mckennedy brownies
Undercut them and offer better price-quality making poorer people switch to them.
It's how they have won over all of Europe. Everyone already had established chains and they had no problems gaining ground here.
t. Lidl producer
It's called McEnnedy
Like I care.
What's Biedronka like?
How did the Dollar General take over the entire US? Or Walmart before them?
People are unloyal dogs
supermarket chains are our new Panzer divisions
I wish Lidl had more stores in Finland to break the fucking duopoly of our food and grocery market
My dream is that coscto will become popular in Europe. That would be fucking glorious and another great amerimutt blow to europoors. However it won't happen because of our trade war autism
>yet more corporate discount ware shoveling
Consumerism was a mistake.
walmart failed miserably in germany, costco would also fail
And because of European purchase habits. We're not big fans of buying gigantic bulk packages of prepared foods to save a little money.
Why the fuck are there no young or at least middle age people there?WTF don't Serbs breed?
the young serbs are all in germany
Walmart is different from coscto
Habbits change. Coscto is doing well in japan and uk. Also coscto online is pretty good. The tech there is cheap and you don't buy it in bulk
Habits shouldn't change in this case because this Costco bulk horse shit is promoting use of unhealthy processed foods in a pursuit of cheapness and laziness.
Coscto actually has relatively healthy food compared to Aldi at least. They make their own bread and other bakery stuff. Their meat and fish ia good. They hace kino 11 dollar wild salmon
Easy to play Jesus when you have all the money in the world.