This is average japanese face

This is average japanese face
40% jomon-ainu blood 50% east asian blood 10% south-east asian blood

Attached: baduk-20180818-203021-002.jpg (640x434, 86K)

What point are you trying to make?
This looks like a normal East Asian face, not unattractive or anything.
Why do you Koreans post threads like this without making an explicit point or asking a question?

Do you love Japan?

>This looks like a normal East Asian face, not unattractive or anything.

I'm pretty sure Japanese people are more attractive than Koreans.

>Normal East Asian face
Looks nothing like a Chinese

Attached: portrait-13.jpg (400x604, 34K)

come home takeshi

thats just personal preference.

they are all so cute :3

I wish that was the average Jap girl, so qt.

me with the camera

This girl is Chinese.

Attached: 15877424_701772923337580_1486090548778369024_n.jpg (1080x1349, 122K)

I myself like little Japanese girls. those in OP's pics are just roasties.

Lol. You clearly haven't seen an "average" Chinese face. They are hideous on average.


Fuck, I have to fap again.

Ainu are based Siberian-Mongols

What are you doing in Korea, Takeshi?

Attached: IMG_1766.jpg (240x180, 17K)

arr rook same
walk up to your wife and kiss her; find out it's a total stranger

Here bundang?

Turn off your proxy, Chang Wang

almost close to average when i been to fukaido and fukuoka

this is 乃木坂46, singer , not average japanese
Gook lie start , Do not trust gook,

Wow really? No wonder they both have fuk in their names.

More like 100% ant blood

I saw a composite of the average korean woman face and it’s obvious how common plastic surgery is

shut the fuck up
please don't lie. why korean lies about japan?

ignore all his shitposts please
all of them are fucking lie

Kek i love asians arguing when we yuros beef each other we totally forget that other people do hate each other too. Iam rooting for nippon senpai, since japanese are closer to us than gooks.

my bebis is erect

I had asian pusy once, it was quite good

Those girls actually look pretty good. The girl that's center in the bottom row is a qt

Also I take Top right pls