I don't smoke a pack a day

>I don't smoke a pack a day

Attached: 0b4vvpq4f6d01.jpg (960x492, 51K)

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>I don't smoke

Attached: IMG_4280.png (928x608, 218K)

I smoke cock.

lung cancer at 45 is the CHAD way to die

I must not smoke so I'll be cute and my boipucci will stay tender in my early twenties :3

Attached: DIiPaZEW0AAb_fk.jpg (635x778, 103K)

>I care about my wellbeing

Attached: black.png (228x237, 53K)

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ONE pack? what a little puss!

Attached: image.jpg (968x681, 42K)


Attached: natsijäbä.jpg (1450x917, 101K)

All smokers must be genocided.