Iran has a glorious history, as great as Greece, India, and China. Why isn't it more well known?
Iran has a glorious history, as great as Greece, India, and China. Why isn't it more well known?
Fuck off Ali Rehza you smelly sandnigger
Modern "iranians" are just turko-arab-mongol rapebabies
because they got ISLAM'D and are just discount arabs nowadays
No you fuck off nafri scum
And you're a spanish rapebaby.
And this is why nobody takes you seriously.
It's just a shitty desert majoosi country full of dark manlets.
brown majoos fire worshipers
Yeah, we're as Aztec as you are ancient Persian :3
Why do Arabs get so butthurt when you mention Iranians?
Modern day Iranians are genetically the same as ancient Persians m8, look it up if you don't believe me.
Nobody's butthurt. Iran is a poor failed state with more people getting into poverty each year.
They'd kill each other to live in Arab countries.