>alternative timeline
>Norway manages to beat back d*Neoids
>Norway establishes great maritime empire and establishes naval dominance
>expands westwards
>meanwhile Sweden is the dominant military power on land
>swedes expand eastwards
>both cunts maintain great relations
this would have been the best timeline. ugh....if it weren't for all the danes and cucks and sjws
stop, you're making me cry over spilled milk
Okay and then the final twist: both kingdoms merge into one and establishes the GROSSuberNORDICmassiveCOCKandbigBALLS mega-kungadömet and goes on to conquer all of Europe
unironically would be based
What could've been...
also in this timeline the Swedish invasion of Russia would have been successful because Norwegians came with ships to restore the supply lines that were cut by tatars and cossacks. In this timeline Norway has complete control over all of Britain+Ireland and Sweden has all it's 1699 territories+ Russia
Denmark should have controlled all of Scandinavia and England t b h
Kys norgecuck