>be Japanese
>import a word from English
>stick a u at the end and call it a day
Japs are subu humanu
Be Japanese
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be Jap
>Export prostitutes to feed economy
Whatu youu sayu aboutu Nipponu, Vietnameseu subuhumanu?
I sayu Nipponu womenu are-u whoru
literally just ingrishu, what the actual fuck lmao
>be japanese
>50% of your language is English
basudu andu redupirrudu
I hate english
Even our words are full of imported english words.
Sofa, cola, drama, piano, orange, fork, spoon
It is really weird if you think of it, especially when things doesn't exactly need to be the weird Japanese translation of the pronunciation
frenchs > viets > japs > anglos
>be chinks
>import a word from English
>call it a day
Leafs are subhuman (It's 1 word btw)
And nothing of value was lost.
>Be Finnish
>Import English words mainly by adding -i at the end and call it a day
-bussi (bus)
-händsfri (handsfree)
-brändi (brand)
-passi (passport)
-sportti (sport)
-pissi (piss)
hehe boi bussi :-DDDDD
>be croatian
>import words from french and german
>just transcript them
>shit on serbs for transcripting names
transcripting names is still fucking stupid
>Be Swiss
>Stick "li" at every Geman word making it sound completely retarded
>be Swiss
>import German words
>add an -li at the end and call if a day
Do Swisslis have smalli brainlis?
>watch a nip toyota j70 review
>nip points to the glovebox
>ching chong grovu boxuu
>he points to the speaker in the back
>ping pong spikeruu
*Whatto yuu sei abauto Nippon, Betonameezu subuhuuman?
do you rike hotto doggu? :3
Why are Charlieposters so based?
I remember bursting out laughing when I first saw the japanese word for Ireland
We do the exactly same but add "i"
Is it possible to make a sentence using only English Loan-words?
>be brazilian
>100% of your language is portuguese