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We better be nice to Canadians from now on

Or mass migrate here and take our stuff by force.

>South America
It's already 40°C here, more 4 isn't going to make any difference
>Everyone dead except Russia and Canada

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Fuck me I hope Europe understands that all of Africa and MENA can't come here. The Italians and Greeks can live in high-rises here as our brothers, who wouldn't want to order in mediterranean food from floor 34 i highrise 299, in a new warm world, but god damn it if it has to be the home for every single non-European.

Only chile and argentina would survive down here.

South america will be one of the nicest places to live

>southwest usa desertifcation

>people will migrate north

Bre, we already live in a desert and nobody goes anywhere this map is dumb ass shit

>Northeast uninhabitable
>Dikes, dams and massive resiliency projects to protect everything from once in infinity dont exist
I've worked on many of these projects. Even before shit like Sandy we were headed in the Dutch direction.

We are raising and barricading everything we can.

t.Literally part of my job.

>dude let's just put all these giant pseudo-mirrors that capture heat and make it even more hot in the desert!

At least China is fucked.

The land of ancient history and great men turned to desert because of chinks and mutts

bullshit map
our southern islands are mountains, no way they would be underwater

but it is home to every single non-european anyway

>No Indonesia
I'm ok with this

>antartica - literal big iceberg
>foodgrowing zone

russia and canada better train your army nao

If it's 4°C warmer it's possible that the ice sheet melts, but at this latitude you can't grow shit anyway.

How can I buy a patch of land in Antartica?

That's the more likely scenario. Same with Russia and China. China is just going to take half of Russia's land, and stake claim toward the Arctic

Russians are absolute fucking retards for picking a fight with the West at this point in history. They will look back to Putin's era and wish they had acted differently, because the US is just going to let Russia get crushed under a Chinese jackboot.

>more 4 isn't going to make any difference
It will to plants and animals, dumbass

Due to air conditioning, which is predicated on the oil energy economy. Guess what happens when oil is out of the equation, sandnigger?

>Guess what happens when oil is out of the equation, sandnigger?
We use solar power?

Nothing can output as much energy as fossil fuels, unfortunately. Solar will obviously be the path forward, but it will require a slash in living standards. Or population.
This is why politicians have been kicking the can down the road -- because they cannot campaign on "we're going to cut your living standards." This is the hubris of the human race. Democracy unironically failed us.

Kek would get stomped 1 v 1


with or without nukes?
It would be interesting to think of whether nuclear mutually assured destruction theory holds up when one's own country is getting hit by desertification (like China will)

would they accept Beijing being nuked if it meant the remaining 500-800 million Chinese can zergrush Siberia and Mongolia? who knows

not too much to panic about, Russia and Canada have a lot of empty space for the whole world, that part of Antartic too, maybe we need to decrease the global population a little bit.

Just hold them while they die from starvation

population density map of russia.jpg

you might need to shift some people around in the next 10-20 years

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They’ll conquer Russia by then

>It's already 40°C here
O Nordestino

It's already hot and inhabitable there, wouldn't make a difference. That power could at least be good for something, like purifying saltwater.

>maybe we need to decrease the global population a little bit.
The West, Latin America, Russia, and Japan have been doing that for a long time. Our birthrates are

You guys are likelier to just pull a Fallout and annex us

Good point. Temperature isn't the only factor for agriculture. There's also soil quality and sunlight. While the former could potentially be circumvented, the latter couldn't. So what if a frozen wasteland gets a few degrees warmer? The sunlight output still won't change, it's defined by latitude.

Reasonable post by an American. It's a dilemma.

We should have never fallen for the democracy meme. The future is in enlightened dictatorship.

>you might need to shift some people around in the next 10-20 years
Why lol? Even if chinks move here they'll just become second class citizens/russian workforce. We could use more people.

It's easier to defend territory with local forces, which is why Normans built castles in England and why the US has surrounded you and Iran with military installations

>and why the US has surrounded you and Iran with military installations
what does that have to do with local forces then?

>etards for picking a fight with the West at this point in history.
>why the US has surrounded you and Iran with military installations
lol. so yeah, it's unironically you boomer politicians that are being retarded, Russia is just reacting.
> They will look back to Putin's era and wish they had acted differently,
I mean so far we're getting what we want, soon enough you guys will get desperate with regards to China meanwhile we have a great relationship with them and will eventually resume full-scale trade with Europe.

Because if you were to attack Poland, a US base in Poland has a faster reaction time than if we had to send forces from the UK or Germany?

>Russia is just reacting.
Reacting to a defensive alliance?

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yeah, a """defensive"" alliance
nobody is that stupid
So are they American or Polish bases?

I'm seriously considering dropping my studies and going inanwoods.
Fucking psyocopath CEO's ruining it for everyone.

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Greenland will be green again. Big win for Denmark.

>average current temp in the world is 15°C
>average temp in the world during jurassic period was 30°C, and it was the most green period on earth

You can't take seriously people who believe in global warming, all they do is posting fake news and apocalyptic predictions, very intellectually dishonest.

>le china going to conquer the country which can end the world several times
Their only hope is to do what Arab refugees do in Europe.
But about that...
There is a program for free land in the Far East.

If you think global warming is real you're a legitimate NPC

>changes in global temperature over the course of hundreds of thousands of years is the same as changes over the course of decades

I will probably do a half assed verison of this (just live rurally with a little money) but I'm paranoid about meth heads or criminals robbing me. Would be a huge hit to my living if that ever happened just once

>defensive alliance
You aren't fooling anyone.
NATO was literally founded on the principle:"Keep the soviets out, americans in, germans down".
It's a tool for America to control Europe and contain Russia. That's why EU wants to create its own army.

where would you guys go?

i'd go to the forest in Northern Russia or Canada

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They would never take spics like us. You will have to move to tierra del fuego, or punta arenas

>Brazilian education

>average temp in the world during jurassic period was 30°C, and it was the most green period on earth

It's almost as if plant life can adapt better when the changes take 50,000,000 years rather than 200.

Bolsonaro can't collapse your nation of retards fast enough.

Kerguelen islands.

Could someone redpill me on New Zealand under a global warming scenario?
In my country heaps of people say that we'll be safe and prosperous while most of the world collapses into chaos.
Is this wishful thinking? Or are there no other places better to live than New Zealand to safeguard against the future?

starts harem kingdom in western Antarctica

El Loco Maximiliano is coming! (mexican version of Mad max)

New Zealand will be more liveable than many countries, but you live on a planet, not only on an island, what affects the world will affect you.

If global warming benefit your country. You will get mass migration

I'll just stay where I am and ded. Imagine the smell of the packed people sabotaging each other in the green zones.

Wont change anything since the country is totaly arid lol

>no-one would take shelter in binland even in a world like this
and that's a good thing

Showing Norway as green is retarded, it's extremely mountainous. Moreover the soil quality is so shit our yields are used for animal feed, you can't change that over the course of a decade or two without causing further harm.

Plus the crops really don't like when the sun shines 22 hours a day.

We'll just have to cool off the planet, nuclear winter style. No biggie