This triggers the A*nglos

This triggers the A*nglos

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Not really. Most of us secretly hate Norn Areland. They're parasites who contribute next to nothing. I'd be over the moon if Irish unification happened tomorrow. Let those Papist bastards in the south babysit these annoying we wuzzers.

How is the gap that wide.

Wasn't Northern Ireland significantly wealthier than the Republic at least until the 1970s?

no NI was getting slowly poorer and poorer as the british empire collapsed because some of its biggest employers were shipyards which were no longer needed

>they make only 2000 pounds instead of 2500, how poor they are

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i suffer in northern ireland
where is the food aid? my brother died last week...

>go to Northern Ireland
>park car with southern registration plate and get out
>immediately swamped by hungry children looking for food and money

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Why the northeast part of everycountry its always the wrost part of it?

this triggers everyone in Europe who believes in multinational corporations paying taxes

t. seething catholic irishman
no one in britain holds that view

Most Irish people are peasants and live in poverty, but the city of Cork hosts Google and Apple HQs, and they pay big salaries which inflates the average numbers. If you exclude Cork, the average salaries would be similar to Ukraine, that's why 90% of Irish people work in London.

das right irish boi we da true natives

you literally NEVER hear about Ireland/Northern Ireland in England and Wales, and most days you forget it's even there

we don't want NI but they're so prone to going terrorist that it's a subject that's never really touched.


Unironically want the orange cunts out, and sharpish. Unified Ireland can't happen quickly enough.

Please, for the love of fuck, take them with you when you leave.

Irish are Anglos. Atleast now they are

This isn't even remotely true you fucking idiot. A homeless person in Ireland lives better than an average eastern euro.

Must be why you pissed off to Amsterdam then

All the high IQ Anglo-Norman descendants from NI emigrated to America

Yes, this is proven by how high IQ the appalachians are

Genuinely want the republic to wipe out norn, absolute fucking waste of space.

Britain tried to give NI to Ireland multiple times, it was the Irish that rejected it

I've a few friends from Northern Ireland that like to LARP as staunch Ulstermen (I mean LARP in the humorous sense). Not sure what the deal is.

Nobody wants ulster-scot monkeys who will chimp out if there was unification

Why didn't the British cut Northern Ireland loose like the rest of their third world colonies? Do you people think that getting involved with the Troubles was worth it?

you're under the impression that the UK is holding Northern Ireland against its will
the ulster scots are genuinely nutters who think they're british despite having very little in common with the rest of the UK, and they hold the largest party

What about America? New England is one of the wealthiest regions.

literally the same false flagging paddy faggot

Ulster-scot delusion


I'm English you traitor

Fuck off, Arlene. We don't like you and we don't want you. We'd cut ties with you tomorrow, but we're afraid you orange freaks would chimp out and blow up a monastery.

actual state of you ahah

the time between these posts roughly coincide with the post timer

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>Norn Iron is disliked by the UK and the Republic
>it gets no oppression or sympathy points cause crackers
sorry bout that leds

they also got one of the most miserable accents on the island, that can't help at all
