People always talk about Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, but rarely these two countries...

People always talk about Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, but rarely these two countries. They played a massive role in European history, but always tend to be overlooked. Why?

Attached: depositphotos_112758028-stock-photo-portugal-flag-with-netherlands-flag.jpg (1023x614, 55K)

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Because those aren't real countries. At least, not anymore.

no one talks about austria too. They are secretly the best cunt in europe

Shhhhh... Don't tell'em


Portugal is a real country, Netherland is a German lander.


Would you prefer living in Porto or Prague?

I see plenty of people calling Portugal cute and memeing with it whenever there's a map of Europe with some data.

about what? never heard that place

I've been to holidays in both countries this year and they were both really nice.
Never been to Prague so I'll say Porto

>never heard that place
It's a country east of Liechtenstein

>Portugal is a real country
It's not-quite-Spain. It is to Spain what San Marino is to Italy

There's an over-representation of Portuguese people here on Jow Forums. The Netherlands has a huge internet population, so their strong presence here is par for the course. We're both from smaller counterparts to larger and more power-projecting countries, so we get sort of shelved in with them a lot.

The real sneaky cunts are the Austrians. When was the last time you saw a thread about them, or even a poster?

We're to Spain what Asterix is to Obelix.



>There's an over-representation of Portuguese people here on Jow Forums. The Netherlands has a huge internet population, so their strong presence here is par for the course.
Sorry, I should've been more clear. I wasn't talking about Jow Forums, just the world in general.

>We're to Spain what Asterix is to Obelix.
I see more as Praline, Asterix Mother.

Attached: g33b.gif (173x255, 16K)

If you go to school for sciences you'll hear Dutch names all the time.

How? Portugal existed before Spain and have a pretty distinct culture /cuisine

I mean, San Marino precedes Italy as well.

We did alright for our size. We're only 11 million now, and we've had a ton of bad luck.

int is for bantz. How can you bant god tier countries?

>some backwater splitter country oppressed by the HRE
>forms up as United provinces
>"yeah nah man them swamp peasants never going to do shit"
>they actually get good at being sea merchants and outjew the whole world
>establish colonies in key strategic area, never colonised the locals they just exploited the land WHILE ACTUALLY IMPROVING IT
>ally with napoleon
>git rekt
>they lose South Africa and Colombo
>manage to get paid by the Brits for the colonies they stole off them
>keep spice islands for 300 more years, they never fucked Indonesia up

>self kebab removal
>second empire in the Americas, first in Africa, first in Asia, the only one in Japan
>longest colonial empire to date (500 years)
>impressed their culture and language on even the most resilient and backwater areas, such as Timor East
>exploited the shit out of them, never said sorry therefore non cucks (I hope I a not wrong)

It's true that we had huge impact in shapping europe and the world. About your question, i don´t know, people just don´t know.

Attached: 08_4_discoveries_by_country_first_to_reach021.jpg (2557x1173, 613K)

Didn't know that to be honest. But San Marino is just a village. Portugal is a way more interesting country

Portugal is just southern Netherlands, and the Netherlands is just Northern Portugal.

You heard it here first folks.

We're actually the 6th economy in the EU.

Right after the countries you mentioned, Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain.

Central Netherlands / Portugal must be a really strange place

Its called 'Belgium' (stupid name I know)
Yes it is.

>>exploited the shit out of them, never said sorry therefore non cucks (I hope I a not wrong)

Today, our youth is teached in our schools about muh portuguese evil colonialism and slavery and also muh evil fascism (salazar)

This is what I got in school about Indonesia.
>umm Indonesia was owned by us and then the evil Japanese invaded and tortured everyone

Maybe because Portugal indeed and always a racist country, even if sometimes they hide it.
Fascism went in power in Portugal even before it reach Germany, and you were always like that, reconquista killing muslims and expelling jows, then conquer the world and subjugate everybody and then fascism.

Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, Salazar was objectively a shit leader and held Portugal back by decades.

Because we are 2nd tier nations when it comes to European history overshadowed by the UK and Spain respectively.

Also our roles in European affairs weren't that big. Most of European history is bickering between the UK, France, Germany, Austria and Spain. It's always a variation of them that is behind every great conflict.
Both the Netherlands and Portugal their only real great contributions is colonialism and trade. Portugal of course as the main navigators and the Netherlands as the biggest traders. In general you will find Portugal discovered most of the things the Netherlands became known for. We were never suppose to cuck them but them becoming part of the Spanish empire through the Iberian union gave us no choice.

Some people like Salazar because on those times, we had no immigration problems and and we had no minorities to give gibs and we had order, people don´t look too much about economic options of those decades

Attached: salzar2-Portugal00_moc2.jpg (3049x2156, 700K)

I would say that in face of our pop and land dimensions we are and by a large margin 1nd tier, at least in accomplishments, speading western civilization and so on.

Neither of our countries were shotcallers. That’s fine by me, our national pride comes from the idea that we have so many achievement despite our small size.

Youre underestimating our cultural influence.

The Netherlands was always actively held down by all surrounding powers to ensure there wasn’t another big player in the region.

Attached: axNWbr1P_700w_0.jpg (462x660, 56K)

That forcado hat

Attached: portugal_1-forcados_1montijo.jpg (600x405, 73K)

You can meme all you want. But we have a long history with many achievements. And even more so if you go as far back as you would with other nations, before their founding.
>colonized the bongs
>invaded the bongs with the romans
>conquered gaul as the franks (and basically founded the frankish empire, which fell apart into the FRE and France)
>question the divine right of kings and become a Republic (which would later be copied by the USA and France)
>be one of the most important centers of the enlightenment
>become the richest nation in the world and basically the birth place of our financial system
>free and educate Japan
>defeat invading Germs, French people and Britbongs, and then proceed to take over the UK, starting their golden age by merging our resources
>discover bacteria
>create new york
>lay the foundation of south africa, Indonesia and places across the world (incl india, malaysia, taiwan, Brazil etc with less effect)
>supply the American independence war making sure the UK cant easily beat them
>be the example of the American states model and lay the foundation for the American dream and enlightened ideals
>even today our cultural influence with net neutrality, gay marriage, weed, hookers, abortions, euthanasia, obama care etc goes on
>the benelux is one of the founders of the EU and we have a ridiculous amount of important positions there
>we are to blame for Pakistan, Iran and North Korea getting their nukes

If we hadnt existed then The UK, France, the USA and Japan wouldnt have been as we know it either.