Walking in NYC as a Homosexual!


>Most liberal city in the world
>Full of rabid homophobes


Attached: gay_pride_parade_new_york.jpg (2000x1294, 460K)

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Why are Americans so rude?

Attached: cry.jpg (512x512, 178K)

Ikr?? Canada is the only nice country these days.

More like full of easily payable people looking to get famous in a shitty viral video.

wtf burgers

>literally could just be gay while wearing normal clothes and no one would give a flying fuck
>decide to dress like a faggot and get treated as such
Why do homos do this?

>as a homosexual
So he decided to dress like an offensive stereotype of a fag, complete with a pink purse?

Doubt he's actually a homo.

I'm gay and most of us don't dress or walk like that

Gay or not, dressing like that makes you deserve to be bullied.

I have a question faggot, why do you all try and sound the same and have the same mannerisms?

>false flagging this hard


we don't, you only notice the ones who do because you couldn't tell with many of us that we were gay unless told so. confirmation bias

Do you think gaydar is a thing or mostly inaccurate.

>Most liberal city in the world


Every gay I've met has the "gay lisp"

did you even read what i said? You notice those people are gay because they have the lisp. You don't notice gay people without the lisp because they blend in, you assume they are straight.

depends whose. usually wrong though

Are traps gay?

okay sure, the 1 gay guy doesn't have the lisp while the 9 fags do. I get it.


tell me where do you live so i can send your neighbours to lynch you

I knew it

it makes sense, just like the most multicultural/diverse countries in the world usually are the most violent and racist ones
looking right at you, Brazil and LOS..

False flag

faksse fag


All blacks. Also that super creepy guy at the end, holy shit

All *Americans

>dressed as a homosexual
How can you dress like a homosexual? He's dressed as a flamboyant man, which is something entirely different. Still, these reactions, if not faked, which is common for these kinds of videos, were pretty disgusting.

>All harassment came from blacks, mexicans, and women

Attached: apu detective.png (436x361, 177K)

do trannies walk down the street without harrassment in brazil

Just checked out his channel. Man, Americans are fucked up.
