How are indigeneous people treated in new world?

how are indigeneous people treated in new world?

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in modern times they've been given a lot of benifits but they squander them and just end up becoming obese drunkards. In a way a free ride and handouts might have made things worse

not that bad here

t. Amerindian

are you quechuas?

pretty bad

here they are seen as subhumans. only the indios that live in tribes though and not the ones like

>Drops bombs rockets on them
Nothing personel kids

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How do Asians feel about their mongoloid cousins?

Attached: sihu_1.png (540x666, 487K)

They are treated fine.

Based alpaca herders

Like trash

What's your interest in them?

what war was this.

No matter which part of the new world (USA, Mexico, South America, Canada) they're from they'll always be annoying. Wish Asia would take them all back

Why do people only hyperfocus on the benefits?

what's her name

They aren't annoying.
Your people took their culture and their way of living.

because they weren't alive for the real bad stuff and many struggling americans wish they had the privileges they're afforded

Chiapas conflict.

US Banks pressured the Mexican Government to Attack the Zapatistas.

Zapatistas rose up against the Jew who tried to take their land. Eventually Mexican Military backed up and gave suspended from NAFTA provisions and gave the Full Autonomy.

Attached: Zapatistas.jpg (760x486, 155K)

Reminder that the entire amerindian family tree descends from 70 people

Zapatistas rose up against the Jew who tried to take their land. Eventually The Mexican Military backed up, suspended some NAFTA provisions and gave them Full Autonomy.

They Run a pretty neat Village with 0 Help from the Mexican Government or IMF Assistance.

This. We're not at war with them any more. But it's an uneasy coexistence.

Many of them lived through the residential/Indian school era on top of inter generational trauma.for 80 years up until 1978 native religious practices were banned.

they're ignored in the US since theyre not a powerful voting group or whatever like blacks and latinos.

They are treated terribly, most of their land has been stolen and most of their people killed first of all. They do get free college and some welfare programs, but that doesn't really offset the hundreds of years of genocide, land grabbing and more recent and current forms of oppression on Indigenous populations.

Reservations were designed to fail. They were forced to live on the least desirable land. Look into boarding schools and mining on indigenous land. The half assed welfare programs also create an illusion to idiots like this that they have life easy

Good post

>because they weren't alive for the real bad stuff and many struggling americans wish they had the privileges they're afforded
You are such a fucking idiot if you believe that line.

Most Indians alive today were old enough to either have experienced brutal residential schools or have parents who lived through that.

White amnesia.

Not burger bad, but not good

>and many struggling americans wish they had the privileges they're afforded
But they DO. White people consume large amounts of welfare and participate in everything from food stamp programs to scholarships.

Daily reminder Native Americans lost the right to vote in North Dakota


Zapatista uprising
Bunch of natives declared war on the state because of the NAFTA agreement, took several municipalities, then the army arrived
Zapatistas were eager for a fight, army said fuck it sent in the armoured vehicles and planes
This caused an uproar amongst the rest of the country because muh poor indigenous peoples
So they lost the war but won the political victory

Attached: Chiapas1994.jpg (880x600, 126K)

three comments all basically saying the same thing

I would say there's still some racism, subtle usually, but most of the time they are treated normally, much better in comparison to just a few decades ago.

Also, although isn't actual racism and isn't actually new, government after government did little or nothing to improve the rural indigenous areas of our country, for instance, just a decade ago most of the natives living in the rural parts of our country lacked electricity access, even though this has changed in the past decade, from 30% to near-total coverage in rural areas, it shows how little mattered the native peasants for our past governments.

Video related, it shows how natives live in the remote Andes mountains of the Ayacucho region, in many cases lacking basic government services such as public schools or hospitals.

Attached: quechua village cotahuasi .jpg (5759x3016, 2.27M)

Not bad, in the way of killing and segregating them all ( like what happened in the colonial times)
But not good either,there are still some hard feelings between the state and the land owners and the mapuche because of historical factors and violence, sadly, there are some political parties that take advantage of the indigenous people as a whole just for them to mark on a paper.

Alpacas are possibly one of the comfiest things about living in rural areas of Peru, is a hard life but it has its comfy part too

Attached: Quechua village in Calca.jpg (1600x1067, 361K)

Very bad here in Germany. Our government wants to get rid of them.

In Europe there are no indiginrous laws or distinction therefore as if us don’t recognize amerindians as natives but just American