Think about this for a second

think about this for a second
>there are a billion people on earth just like this
guys wtf do we do in the upcoming race war?

Attached: indians.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

use nukes,tanks and aircraft.

they have all that too plus this

Ours are better.

pajeets are shorter and weaker then almost all the other ethnic groups. that's what a hindu diet will do to you.

>user used dysentery.
>It's super effective!

>All of 1.2 billion Indians are short and weak.

Attached: 2a25a9b9383039cfd80b713731006d0a-imagejpeg.jpg (660x440, 37K)

yes because obviously every indian is like this
you sound like a edgy fascist

did he eat a whole cow all by himself

>A minority ethnic groups represents a country mostly populated by manlet australoids.

there is a reason why Caucasians conquered you tons of times- first in the form of IVC (CHG BVLLS), next the Vedic age (CHG + Yamna BVLLS) and then a bunch of other minor invasions from time to time.

these people are Dravidians, aryan street shitters are weak as fuck vegetarians

"Dravidian" is a language group. Anyone who speaks a Dravidian language can be included in it. if you want to be sensible, then talk about genetic groups. Dravidians came into existence when Caucasian Caucasus Hunter Gatherer/Zagros pastoralist bulls impregnated and filled the wombs of Australoid IHG (native Indian hunter gatherer) women's with their thick and copious semen while the sissy IHG men couldn't do a thing to stop it.

That minority consists of hundreds of millions of chads.

woah what an unit

>inb4 that one deformed lookism reject shows up and derails the entire thread

kek this guy

Attached: indian from int.jpg (640x1138, 41K)

Got merked by Rey Mysterio

Hide in the loos, then ambush them

smear them with clorox only.

we submit

WWE is scripted you retard. In real fight Reymysterio will get killed by him.

This looks like a ripped version of my cousin