How will your country survive?

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By wörking (just kidding this one is gonna be twice as ugly as the 2008 recession)

I hope a whole bunch of Boomers off themselves.

Man what the Hell happened to the Economist lately? I started reading back when they backed Bush, and it feels completely different now.
Seriously, has anyone else noticed?

you're implying the market can ever actually go down

Pretty well

I have now my appartment in Prague worth 350k€(thank you grandma) and zero debts

With communism

I have my olive plantation. I wont starve

It won't. It will be the dying whimpers of a once great nation.


Hardwork and friendship

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Germany is notoriously recession-proof
I guess i'll just hope they cut gibs as part of austerity measures and all the shitskins fuck off

Sweden and some other nig centers of europe will be fucked up totally if the recession comes.
There will be huge chimpouts

>cut gibs as part of austerity measures and all the shitskins fuck off

This is what i mean

*prints 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Reichsmark note*

People like you are the real "nigs" of Europe. Nothing but fucking parasites leeching off a system you will never contribute to. Just put a fucking bullet into your brains and make the world a slightly better place.

I will probably stop paying rent and refuse to move out at the same time or whatever.

Do not worry im net contributer here

Literally the fall of Rome 2.0

*pays for currywurst with a billion mark note*

>implying we’ll get a recession

Personally, I barely noticed the last one

Will you try to take over Europe again?

We'll shoot each other to the last man standing. Then we can start over.

Good, we have saved up a lot and will just short the market. During the last oil price drop we just bought up a ton of new fields and companies at a low price.

*NEET “contributor”

Are Norwegians the real jews?

It's almost as if they'd wish for another recession already

based and redpilled

The country will finally crumble

You can't fall if you have already crashed to the ground.

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1# Victory Royale!

We've never had any recession since 1991 so I guess nothing can knock us down

Australia is completely fucked, we were saved from the 2008 recession because we had practically no government debt, china was booming and buying all our rocks and we had no dangerous bubble to burst
but now we have almost 10 times the amount of debt we did in 2008, china is slowing and not buying so many rocks and our property bubble is probably the worst in the west
if I had any money I would be converting it into gold right now, but I'm tied up and will be going down with the ship

They shilled for neocons in the past

>recession will happen anytime now
srsly though we are due for a correction.

this is when communism finally gets implemented. lets go boys

It won't. We'll suck germany's dick to the point we will speak german

For me? The revolutionary science of Marxist-Leninism.

Well probably wipe out the Irish.

it will be the final blow to the corrupt and stagnant euroreich

the science of taking a recession and making it permanent

We're fucked lmao

we are fucking done, aren't we?

If anyone else bothered to read the report you would have noted that the countries that should be most worried are emerging markets that have a large overhang of dollar debt from the cheap lending rates developed countries have used for the last ten years. Brazil has huge fiscal problems that will be localized but turkey and other countries are likely to spread contagion if only because they are lumped together by fund managers in a portfolio. The article also notes that China is waaaaay in debt with their state run capitalism model. On our part, the trade war doesn’t help and the fact that the Fed is expected to increase rates doesn’t help.

i don't care about a stupid country i only care about my NEETbux i'm afraid they'll cut them in half or something

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China owes China

It could simply cancel those debts.

The USA owes foreigners.

Revolution and mass executions

The NIS wasn't affected much by economical problems worldwide so far.

When you're at the bottom there's no down left to go.

The usa can nuke the foreigners

It won't (and that's a good thing)

I hope you choke to fucking death on your next meal.

Your hate session is fucking pathetic.

Yes everything has been taken over by leftists.

unless you never want to borrow money from outside your own country, i wouldn't suggest invading or nuking people who you owe money to.

*steals your wheelbarrow*

>media are blackpilled
So the most recent "interest panic" is all there is. Time to buy.