Born without my consent

>born without my consent
>kindergarten until 5 in abusive household
>I start school and my dad leaves
>do 13 years of school with no father figure and I'm practically autistic at this point
>become sick and get put on disability bucks
>now not only was I born without my consent, but I was set up to fail from the very beginning and I had to get a debilitating disease to rub it in

So this is what my life is. Atleast I get to piss off the richfags paying tax so that I can leech for 50 years and die.

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do something easy and meaningful like brevik

study programming

>being able to be a neet without the disapproval

what disease?

I have money, there is no incentive

ofc there is, programming is basically playing with legos all the time

There is a lot of disapproval

At least you were born white and in one of the richest and highest HDI countries in the world.


I'm a programmer. I work because life on welfare would be stressful and crap and I want to own some land on which to be a recluse. Wouldn't mind just being on neetbucks and staying home all day everyday, though, if it was more comfy and less stressful like in Scandinavia.

At least you went to a Kindergarten. I an pretty much you without going to kindergarten. I had to get up every morning at 4:30, driven by my single mom to my grandma, sleep for another hour and get ready for elementary school.

I turned out ok though I guess

harden the fuck up mate

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>tfw not living as a mountain man in montana

Holy shit you fucking pussy you live really priviliged, yiur ancestors ate dirt and grass to survive under excuviating hunger and pain.

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I was thinking of somewhere in Washington. Been looking at houses on zillow that have nice surrounding nature.

Shut up retard you're living in like the best country on earth. Sack up

Why Washington?
>tfw you don't have a farm in vermont to make maple syrup during autumn

OP does not know pain or hunger or thirst...
What a sack of shit..
OP needs a grip of reality by physical training and going to gym where he cant move any muscle tgen he will get a grip of real life and not mind fuckery.

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I like the pacific northwest's weather and nature and find it very comfy. Also would like to be not too far from some cities/towns for the occasional takeout and grocery run.

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Real life is physical exhertion gathering resources, establishing the home, securing food, getting women, establishing friends and connections

>norwegian complaining about life

>Pacific Northwest

Why not Oregon?
It seems comfy there.

>285,000 dollaridoos

that's like, 1,100,000 BRL kek

Based turk

This faggot gets 2k neet bux has shelter all food and entertainment

What a sack of trash he is

Fuck off we’re full
Unless you’re an Indian programmer because you’ll get hired anyway without our consent
But if not, fuck off

Tax situation seems to be better in Washington so it would be easier to save up enough to eventually go fulltime neet but I wouldn't rule out Oregon (Oregon, Colorado, and New Hampshire were my other considerations). Anyway, I almost have enough money saved up for a 20% down payment on that house or one like it. Once it would be paid off and enough money saved up after that it would be Jow Forums or nature alone with a dog friend all day everyday

I'm a non-indian programmer. Hoping to get a remote job after another year or so at my current job (only allowed to work remote once or twice a week, have to go into the office most days) so I can move to your nice state or somewhere else maybe (Oregon, Colorado, and New Hampshire were my other considerations).

do you have guns?
can you hunt therE?
seems like a nice plan m8

wahhhh wahhh waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't have guns but I would like some. I'd hope to go hunting and fishing. Thanks dude.

beware the skinwalker

you get disability bucks and your internet is almost certainly faster than mine
you're living the dream