>Canada legalizes weed
>Netherlands planning to legalize XTC AND WEED now
is this the start of something beautiful? An arms race in drug legislation?
>Canada legalizes weed
>Netherlands planning to legalize XTC AND WEED now
is this the start of something beautiful? An arms race in drug legislation?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Netherlands planning to legalize XTC
nice, when?
Truly legal MDMA? Please, when Holland?
I remember going to the park on canada day and apart from all the stalls selling weed or giving it to you for free, there were also stalls selling shrooms and magic truffles
>pic related
the article says they want to do small scale research first so only experimental places with legal xtc and probably pick it up from there
its worth noting they wanted to legalize xtc much sooner (having it be illegal only creates more problems) but now in the current enviroment with many countries opening up to legalizing weed it may finally be the right time for it to happen
But weed never was illegal in Netherlands no? I did hear they made it illegal for non-citizens tho a while ago.
>see short qt selling mushrooms in the thumbnail
>open full image
I haven't done xtc in a veeery long time but yeah if there'd be legal dispensaries I would. No more weed for me though, I lack the discipline to only do it occasionally.
its neither legal nor illegal, its just as retarded as it sounds
you can buy it at coffee shops and coffee shops can sell it, but coffee shops aren't able to buy it legally which makes it illegal, but still legal
what does xtc do to you
First time its euphoria in the none meme way, you'll be super happy and filled with love and you'll love everyone and everything, also a ton of energy
Weed lowers IQ by 8 points
I'm in favor of legalizing drugs because they would make Social Darwinism work fine for me: People who did drugs would fuck their brain up and I'd be one step ahead in laboral aspects.
first time ever only, or first hit of the day?
sounds like me on shrooms
I'd still be high IQ and i hate doing math anyways. Haven´t smoked in like a year, being anti-social makes it hard to get it.
Fuck yes, best trip ever
Why tho? Weed is harmles, exctacy is not
As long as PCP and Opiates arent legalized I don't care.
Can't wait to see the fall of the west desu
Only MDMA or also other amphetamines? I need my speed to party
XTC is harmless when used safely, its important to stay hydrated and not use too much.
The problem with pills comes from fake XTC, other substances that are harmful being added in sometimes to replace XTC. A normal person taking a normal pill with MDMA will experience no long term issues, outside of a small dip the next day.
popping e baby
Long time effects of using extacy are very bad. It literally makes holes on your brain.
now society will putrefact in a pleasant stupour rather than endless malaise!
But most people don't do the recommended 6-12 weeks breaks in-between to recover the serotonin
You should take long brakes between your rolls. But unironicaly, it’s a great trip when doing it in the right location.
Youre only meant to take it once every 3 months because it causes brain damage and isnt as fun doing it lots.
Talk to a random nigger.
Thats on their own, most people dont drink responsibly either. XTC is less likely to become a problem though, its not addictive at all. Infact it rewards you with better rolls if you wait in between. Popping multiple times in a short period will have less and less of an effect. Like the other user said, you should wait 3 months in between.
thats fake from anti druug propoganda, there is 0 evidence for this.
You know we are at the middle of it right?
so its the weed fault?
sounds like torture
>live 20-ish years, know what feels good and what doesn't
>suddenly some miracle substance that makes all your past life feel like a fog and now you see clearly
>you can only experience this 4 times a year
would rather not even do drugs for this reason, it's either OD or be depressed
point is you can only use it ever couple of weeks/months or so, simple amphetamine is actually safer, just look at adderal, if you did that much mdma you would be straight fucked
I dunno, for me it was fun for the moment (like the best euphoria ever, drug induced or not) but I can't say that I crave it at all or think about it at all, it's just a thing that happened. I pretty much forgot about it after a week
Im not OP. But XTC is one of the least harmful drugs in the Netherlands. Which is mostly due to the culture around it. People usually only use it occasionally at parties. And not really during normal daily activities.
Thats why the currebt policy is that are allowed to have 1 xtc pill on you atm.
I said you're only meant to take it that much for safety reasons.
Just like you're only supposed to take Valium a maximum of 2 weeks or drink 15 units a week max for addiction and safety reasons.
Also Ive done MDMA a few times and prefer regular amphetamine anyway.
>some miracle substance that makes all your past life feel like a fog and now you see clearly
youre thinking about Morphine/Heroin/Oxycodone
Heroin has gone extinct here. The average user is now 55 years old.
Most new users are east europeans that bum around on our clay.
No drug is 100% safe. There is huge variability in individuals reaction to mind altering substances
Geez youre a wise one finbro, nothing is 100% safe, you could die walking outside right now. Infact youre very likely to die in traffic. Point is that XTC is practically harmless and safer than alcohol, idiot
best feeling ever. full of love and energy and you get a nice light visual trip. it's better than cocaine for me.
Viets and chinks are big into the black market now
in details. you first start feeling very warm, then eyesight gets more sharp, then the you start crushing your jaw and sweating. then you feel huge positivity and waves of dopamine exploding and spreading through your body like physical wave and you feel as you are long time friend with people and touch feels sensitive. then you start tripping if you took enough. i tripped and colors of objects started changing, lights began flickering and lasers popping out of them and finally space started narrowing and flowers started growing out of concrete floor and then stars in sky started merging and turning into small animals running all over sky.
Drug legislation lets me filter the degenerates with greater ease.
>its not addictive at all
Massive lie
Yeah I've seen white hairs grow out of peoples faces and traffic signs looking like beautiful women in the distance. XTC is great but too much will fuck you up something fierce.
not really, proved by statistics.
>hard to get it.
In Portugal? there's people asking if you want it at every corner lmao
I read that the short term effects just go away (when tested after 19 weeks) for people who use it for 2 years.
But according to the university of amsterdam people who have take more than 55 xtc in their lives score worse in memory tests than people who have taken less than 55 pills in their life.
And women get worse damage than males. Because they have less mass so more shit reaches their brain.
I once ate 2 lego presses at the same time and it fucking blew me away to smithereens. Friend was driving around 120 km/h and some sick acid techno started kicking in and when I blinked I literally tripped I was in spaceship and lights outside felt like stars turning into lines from which spheres and cubes start popping out and I tripped sticker of monkey he had in car started talking to me and throwing bananas at me. Shit is fucking insane cause it feels like combo of several other drugs.
With males they couldnt prove brain damage. But with females they could. Which just means it takes a bit more to push a male over the edge.
what, xtc makes you hallucinate?
I don't want to see crazy shit
nigga, they're the ones making the push
we're getting reverse opium war'd
If you take too much yes. If you take half a pill, you'll just get a nice rush of excitement, love and huge sensitivity. If you take more you are in for a ride.
Have you ever taken 2cb? If you don't mind tripping balls and getting enveloped by music I can really recommend it. Fun even to take with just a buddy at your or his place and to stare at images posted on Jow Forums with some cool music on.
No, it's impossible to get it here.
Nah, just kidding mate.
as an XTC dealer in England this might mean my market might go down
I hate weed, but I want it to be legalized here since narcotraffic is skyrocketing. I live near "la pablo" and every fucking weekend those fuckers start shooting when the drug arrives
Can you send me 10 pieces? I'll give you 60$ in bitcoins.
Fuck. Many of our tourists come here mainly for weed. Our tourism industry will suffer from this.
You should legalize MDMA in Goa. You'll get some serious cash from domestic and tourist groups.
1 pill here I sell for £10, which in USD is close to $17ish
I sell in bulk to dealers 25 for £180 which is like $250ish
don't even get me started on the fact that I'm going to make you have to pay extra for the risk since I still live at home with my mum and if I get caught for that with basically no reward it's super autismo
if you ever come England though I will sort you out 10 pills for £70 which is very very cheap, just because you're also le 4channer dood
If you're ever around my ends just ask around my hood for "The Turk" (the only Turk in my hood so it's not hard to find me)
I swear I was tripping on acid on my mates sofa and I watched some coronation street and some old women nicked some milk so the paki chased her out of the store and she died of a heart attack.
Shit was weird as fuck.
Damn. 1 pill here is 5.92 pounds. You in London?
probably sells to students who have no idea about anything. You could probably get like 10 pills for £15 off the interent.
>The only turk
in his hood
What kind of loser degenerates use drugs?
What part of London do you think is virtually Turk free?
nope not london but south of london, a lot of londoners here, it's essentially little london (protip: it's the only real hood south of london barr 1 other place)
I sell to dealers for £7 a pill who sells to sesh kids and polskis £10 a pill
we talking about neighborhood. here neighborhood can be just 30 people or it can be 1000 people. but which city you think he's in.
I'm not baiting out my location but it's south of london, and most places south of london are posh, except this town and the town next. I consider about 70% of this town my hood (excluding the surrounding """boroughs"""" that only got integrated in the last 2 decades). I know everyone here, the drillers, I've done jobs on people with here, every single person I see I know and are affiliated with or they're an opp (see: enemy, opponent).
I think I know which one. If I'm ever in area I'll post on Jow Forums hoping you'll catch it.
you could just add my discord Cem#7958 looool
ok cool
Yeah it's not even that easy to get here, I've had to go through several dealers back when I still did that sort of thing. Try it if you find it though, those little bunnies make for a very pleasant and lengthy experience.
it's fake hashish dummie
you can just buy it off the web and it takes like a day to get there why the fuck would you buy it from other people just cut them out and buy it yourself retard
If you're from the Netherlands and have a problem purchasing drugs consider suicide.
> tfw it's Amsterdam dance event and every drug dealer i have ever come in contact with starts messaging me with special offers
buy 5 pills now and get a 50% of your next drug purchase
collect these stamps for a FREE acidstamp
And we cant even buy wine from normal shops.
Not fair :/
envious desu