Wtf I love Hungary now

Wtf I love Hungary now

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Since when do schools need to be 100% science based?

Sounds like a better way to give feminist a persecution complex than anything. WHo gives a crap about gender studies if small handful of kids want to throw their money away let them.

did someone say ideology

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It's public school, it's everyone's money... I guess an american wouldn't understand

the reason why you need to study ideology because studying it requires critically analyzing what specific ideology does
zizek's harden about ideology precisely has to do with how it can influence our thinking and turn us into doing something we would otherwise no consider doing, by banning gender studies Hungarians lose on the chance to critically analyze gender ideology in an academic format even if it tends to form consensus rather than dissension, gender ideology doesn't come from nothing and fear is the ultimate anti-learning, their cowardly stance reflect their ignornce rather than some political savvy

a really good thing
this gender garbage is totally nonsense

Allowing people to spout nonsense allows nonsense to flourish

“Gender studies” and other meme subjects are feminist cults that exist to brainwash students into aligning themselves with certain political groups. It’s no different to Nazi propaganda about the supremacy of the Aryan race, it’s only taught because it serves a political purpose.

>by banning gender studies Hungarians lose on the chance to critically analyze gender ideology in an academic format
Let me assure you that the people who used to teach this crap weren't "critically analyzing" it.

they arent "studying ideology" that would be something like political science if anything. its an indoctrination center.

So, are they actually banning gender studies, or simply pulling funding from related faculties at publicly funded universities?

Teaching about the supremacy of the Aryan race was pretty based though.

Well done, Hungary. Sincerely.

I’d much rather have a public school emphasize on something in regards to STEM or at least life skills people will need as an adult than this retarded gender horseshit. No point in making the schools even worse.

something tells me this is sensationalist bullshit. I highly doubt its actually "banned" in that its illegal to study

Afaik they only stopped the funding. But they might have just pulled it off from universities

grow up fashy spastic.


The last time I heard about the topic someone said there was only 7 students a year. If this is true then making a huge deal out of banning this shit is nonsense.


Gender Studies shouldn't be banned (no studies should), but funding them with taxpayer's money is utterly ridiculous. Courses like this belong in private universities.

there's a difference between studying ideology and studying AN ideology
t. zizek


Good. Now they'll have to discuss their lunacy on tumblr where it belongs.

Learning gender studies without the political context wouldn't enable us to correctly analyse it. I can assure you that gender studies would be even more pointless in Hungary, than it is in America.


its just no funds for it and the interest rate is less than 10 students, who can still finish their education

a course with low enrollments gets thrown out of the window because it's not efficient
but why not also make a political statement out of this if it fits your agenda

unironically based

yes the ban was clearly not ideologically motivated, based hungarian centrists.

Teaching children something so deliberately controversial as if it is fact is despicable.


>grow up fashy spastic.

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I bet they just have an authoritarian "conservative" retard who just playing with his uneducated mob. The meaning is "I want to stay in power for corruption and for my ego so I will tell people any garbage that they want to listen to".

Hung Aryans are the true master race

Hungarians try hard to stop the unstoppable, which is the demise of western civilization.

Attached: i-am-not-saying-white-people-are-dumb-but-white-people-are-dumb.jpg (480x360, 88K)

Orbán is very based, and very very red pilled.
