Rothschild IMMO


Attached: rothschild-israel.jpg (1078x516, 109K)

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last gasp of a dying family

you don't honestly believe this do you?
there's a reason they're not included on Forbes rich list.
Because they would be the list you fucking muppet

fuck the rothschilds

They're interested in shorting the market. You think old money will let us (cryptos) take over without putting up a fight?

There's a thread on pol now about this

I'm serious; if ((they)) create a stable coin we're fucked again

>tfw not a Rothschild

Attached: 1fe.png (658x662, 59K)

Then again if you spent your life as a Rothschild, you'd probably in some sense wish you could just be a normal person.

>Another interesting fact which may well be a mere coincidence. In 1988, The Economist, controlled by the Rothschilds, openly wrote about inventing a world currency by 2018


Because its private information they dont run many publicly traded companies

go to 20m 55s


kek, user these goys aren't interested in pathetic trading, they own the infrastructure and make money whenever anybody else does anything with it. they are not emotionally attached to fiat currency, they don't give a shit if you use bit coins as long as they get their slice of the action.

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Attached: ADL Vitalik Rothschilds IMMO.png (545x468, 60K)

>“In February, it became known that the Tether accounts of Bitfinex were opened in the Dutch bank ING, owned by The Rothschild Group. At the same time, the profit indicators of this bank have grown significantly. On February 26th, the Fintech company, Circle, the main shareholder of which is Goldman Sachs (also The Rothschild Group), acquired Poloniex, a US-based crypto exchange”, – Zycrypto states.

Well shit. This explains why tether hasn't completely collapsed when all other backed pairs have failed. Guess the bog memes were real after all.

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Well user, he might be on something
Same as IPOs/ICOs
If anything goes public the dump follows
Power grows behind the scenes
Them being exposed to public means incoming downfall
The true elites are hidden to fags like us

Damn money skeleton is burning them hard
Old-money socialites is pretty accurate description
Royalty are dumb fucks, dumb in math, computer science, the fuck they think they are going to last parading themselves at banquets
I'm not saying it's a bright future , but people like Vitalik will take over


This can only be a bad thing.

They have to money to dump coins and start their own coins

>Tether accounts of Bitfinex were opened in the Dutch bank ING, owned by The Rothschild Group.

Yeah but they own fucking everything, so what?

>Not so fast, Rothkikes

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Why do people hate wealthy jews so much? I mean at least they earned it. White people still get free money cuz muh birthright.

Sky will btfo the old model.

Why? They are liars and cheats and view anyone who is not a jew as less than human, an animal. They have siphoned money from the entire globe for 200 years with their global banking scheme of inflation, interest rates, etc. 8 billion people will be working together in a more natural financial growth model that has a built in funnel from yearly generated wealth to keep the world livable in the best way possible for everybody.