Scared money don't make money

Who else is literally all in on crypto

I have about $4 in cash on me and everything else is in Digital assets.

Suck my fucking dick, whales. I'll happily buy that cheap BTC you're dumping.

Attached: 3a-iron-hand.jpg (632x433, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

$500 in bank account
$21k in crypto

eating 100/month in food and prepaid 12mo rent at the start of the year
i got this.

I've accumulated my alt coin of choice and am not fucking selling.

I'm going to make it or I'm going to ride this shit to zero.

9k poorfagfolio
0$ cash
0$ savings
0$ bank accounts
3k credit card debt
10k student loan
200 000$ mortgage

Sergey pls deliver us to the promised land
Living on 5$/day Paycheck to paycheck (monthly) in a first world high cost country

Jokes on you when everyone pulls out of the market but you.
No, not one is buying back in and blockchain technology will fail.
What will you do when your digital assets are worth 0$?

hang in there, anons.

We will all make it. Iron hands to the promised land!

I took profits on last pump, and all that's left is $3k of play money I don't give a fuck about losing. I have a 10x long waiting around 6.8k in Bitmex inverse perpetual.

I'll go back to being the same broke nobody I already am, except I will have at least made an effort to better my life.

>I'll go back to being the same broke nobody I already am, except I will have at least made an effort to better my life.

TFW sitting in a coffee shop just reflecting on my life and wondering how the fuck I got here and why things haven't turned out as well as I hoped, and then take a break and read this and, think, fuck, this user summarized it all.

Thanks user.

TFW Trying to better myself in a bunch of different ways -- lifting, trying to find gf/wife, build up consulting business, and everyday staring at ceiling in the middle of the night freaking out b/c seems about 2% chance that any of it is going to work.

But fuck me, at least I can look at myself and know that I fucking tried.

Thanks user.

its too bad crypto is nothing but desparate neets and nobody with real money would dare enter this corrupt unregulated market

Normies have no idea whats coming, and sadly, most anons dont either. Right now you need to have as much crypto as possible. We are at the ending stage of early adopters, meaning the masses stage is next. For many of you this is literally your one shot. Get it in.

This is how you make it. Pay attention boys, only the strong survive and that means having balls.
$10k in bank
$400k in crypto

Ponzi scheme is falling apart. Bagholders get rektd.

All leisure money goes towards crypto, and I got a loan out just so I can be sitting on a few k when BTC reaches absolute bottom.

$250 in the bank

3040 ETH in cold storage.

Starting to question my life decisions..

I'm like $70k in crypto-arbitrage and $230k in actual holdings and/or active trading.

Call me cautious I guess. I' convinced that by 2022 we'll be all set though. Those who started trading over the last year or so still think there's some possibility that this will all fade away like beanie babies. Those of us who have been trading for a few years in this space know they're wrong. That's it.

Never stop trying user.
The moment you stop trying you relegate yourself a meaningless existence.

depending on these numbers i will go all in on peepcoin

This man speaks the truth. Also he got dubs so you know it's true.

This scene is also known as, the shit that made your hips wider.

fucking retard

an u made frens along the wa-
*Sees tripfag*
lol fkin loooser

in time you will find out I am one of your best frens.

balls fucking deep and holding til I make 100mm after taxes

With what? You have $4. You're already all in.

same like most of you balls deep riding this bitch hard and not stop til my portfolio pops HARD

normies still hate crypto
once its regulated and normie approved and they finally understand what Bitcoin even is one btc will be worth 100k

>Suck my fucking dick, whales. I'll happily buy that cheap BTC you're dumping.
why did not

I'm literally all-in with 150k REQ. I am a patient man, and not a retard that actually cares about Jow Forums at all.

Got 10k in crypto, no real cash on hand, but I gotta a good income.
I'm putting in 1-2k a month in crypto for the next few years regardless of what happens. I'm working hard in my career, so worst case scenario I'll be further along with that if this all goes to shit.
Key is to not rely on one thing to make it, easier to be disciplined of you have two plans. In my case I got crypto, and if not I'll make it long term in my career.

Dude, I'm in the same fuckin boat! $180 in the bank and $30k in crypto. Rent paid for the year

>t. doesn't know The Despair Code
1. money itself is a ponzi
2. that's all I can say

Attached: image.png (770x1215, 746K)

>crypto as your sole income stream
are you really this scared of working?