Wallet user where is the update?

Wallet user where is the update?

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give me the name of a fictional character

They miss every deadline and don't communicate, what do you expect

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Right here user. I keep my excel sheet at my wagecuck so won’t have update til Tuesday. Bibox wallet is less than 50k right now and the coin is doing well in terms of sats and USD. Things are bullish. Enjoy your long weekend user :)

t.anons first investment


whoa that green dildo

Easy money

Thank you based walletanon

Anyone else not fully understand how a DAO works? So SEED gives Jibrel $180MM which they use to buy JNT for jBonds, which is going to drive the price up. Once the $180MM is spent where does the money come from to buy additional JNT to stop the price dropping below liquidation point for the bonds. I understand that they can sell JNT when it is above this point to build up reserves of money, is that it? For what it's worth I'm not trying to pointlessly FUD here, I know DAOs work as they already exist but it's a confusing concept sometimes.

Bank holiday?

A DAO isn't able to buy up 180m worth of tokens at price X...

don't worry
the two arabs don't know how it will work either

Stefan please. A DAO isn't something new

I know it's not going to happen all at once but the question still remains who pays to eat up all the downward pressure from people selling.


I'm Stefan, you nigger.

Please not this again...

Long story short, because i wont explain you a whole fucking DAO.

X amount of tokenizing will obviously build a floor at mcap x and its mathemtical impossible to drop lower than X. The DAO wont and isn't able buy everything up at Y price, therefore the price per token will most likely be way higher than the amount tokenized.

Shut up, Wojak.

look through the catalog
the earlier jnt threads were really informative and full of good discussion, with people who knew their shits
you'll find your answer to pretty much everything there
recently the jnt threads became full of MOONGANG lambo kiddie retards who have no fucking idea what this coin will do, or how it will work, they just think their lunch money amount of jnt will make them super duper rich

I think most of us are still here desu, it just gets old trying to explain the same shit over and over again. More fun to just call each other niggers and dream of lambos

the earlier jnt threads were full of pricks who told everyone who questioned the magic jnt-tokenize-to-the-moon formula that they were just too stupid to understand it

suddenly, the two arabs figured it won't work in the promised way (surprise)
since then, jnt threads are mostly bagholder delusion and cope
thirsting for every little shit announcement
as if that would change anything regarding the change of tokenomics
sold in the last pump and happy with it, will eventually buyback sometime when the arabs figure out what exactly they want to do with the token other than empty promises to bagholders

seeing the retardgroup (dat boi, frank, ricardo etc.) running the tg and making the 10+ shillthreads a day here, i should have sold earlier

looks like the autistic uninformed memefudders didn't leave either
my folio is getting pretty close to an ath (and I hold only jnt) and I started more than a year ago, guess crypto is just not for you?

Jesus it is the guy who will shill XTO soon. Careful guys.

The fuck is XTO

Ask Stefan.

why? i'm very pleased with my results
don't have to be retarded for not liking your shitcoin
so i assume you are one of the presale guys?
talal promised a 600 dollar jnt price with the magic formula to you to get the 32 mio
sounds totally legit

xto is a shitcoin from a known shitcoinconman
guess youre not old btctalkpeople, you would know him

tell me a single coin (team)
that has achieved as much as jnt in such a short time period
>inb4 you deny all their achievements and meme about delays
I'm waiting

nigger i don't fucking care about their archievements
i care about the change in the promised tokenomics
>inb4 you tell me the new made up bullshit is more bullish than the promised old formula used to get the ico money
that's all
i'm not interested in bagholdercope

>nigger i don't fucking care about their archievements
>but I keep hanging around in the jnt threads to shitpost and fud xd
I know your kind well enough, just needed to confirm

ever noticed how jnttardthreads switched from
>we don't need normies to make this moon
>wait until normies find out about all the "archievements"
you notice something?
i guess not

I did notice something
that you post an awful amount of shit despite the fact you don't care about the project anymore
do you know what I do with coins I dont care about?
I filter them, and if they somehow get through I shift click the thread
its almost if...

see actually funny to explore the mental state of jiblets
at least there are not 10+ threads a day anymore

You can thank the TG niggers for that shit. Seriously guys....fuck you. Stop making these stupid fucking JNT threads.

wait a minute, haha, you are one of those retards who sold at 0.16 aren't you
and now you are extra fucking salty and keep fudding in hope the price goes down
mystery solved

>its almost if...
if what? i want to fud to accuhumulate?
tell yourself that

i followed the project closely for some time and just want to see how it turns out
especially for the brainlet triumvirat i witnessed in other tg channels of projects who did shitall for their bagholders
you dicksuckers are a great contraindicator now, you should get paid for that

and the most important thing: my actual shitcoins are'nt even mentioned here, so i can't even shill or fud them

t. sold the bottom

you are really a retard hm?
i said i sold in the last pump

sure you did

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sure you are not one of the three brainlets heavycoping

How far down were you?

doubled down at the bottom and sold the pump
not much profit, but at least something

post your trade history then ;^)

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>mfw i post my tradehistory and frank/ricardo/olitards reply with "nice inspect element"
keep coping, i don't care about you

just as thought

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JNT is close to ATH how can anyone be holding any bags? Unless you literally went all in at 85k Gwei last week

Everyone knows you. You and your "i use paragrpahs" style. Why would you join every JNT thread and spread your non sense agenda. It's okay that you have sold...no need to regret your decision, but never look back and Stop wasting your time, when you clearly don't add any constructive input to the disccusion. You are not even meming. You are annoying af and i am getting eye cancer every time i need to read your shit.

Ahahahaha holy shit, it's so obvious man, stop trying to project your own coping on others. Market is in a downturn while JNT gets multiple big green wicks from market buys a day.

There is only one person coping here, it's you.

Thanks for the explanation. I will look at the older posts later.

That retard fudding is the biggest bull flag. It means it is about to take off soon.

Im Wojak and I prep bulls for a living. Professional bull prepper thats me. The JNT bull will soon be ready to fuck everything

So prepped

stay tuned guys...

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He is in every fucking JNT thread with like 10+ comments full of nothing...but doesn't care about it...fucking ridiculous

Prepped af

Prep Gang

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How much EoY??

>recently the jnt threads became full of MOONGANG lambo kiddie retards who have no fucking idea what this coin will do, or how it will work, they just think their lunch money amount of jnt will make them super duper rich
I wonder how old are they and how much did they invest.

Why is everyone so butthurt about lambo and moon talks, it's more like 24/7 FUD anyway and besides that...this is a fucking mongolian horse trading card board

bought in with fiat before the kucoin listing

nigger, even the two arabs have obviously no fucking idea what this coin will do, or how it will work in the end

>tfw you've only been holding 2 months and it feels like it's been 6 months and you actually have 6 full months before the price moves

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He is one of the TG fags. Probably Stefan with his 100 IDs

It's funny that you appear only when we talk about the moon lambo kids, you are probably one of them.