Face it, you all live in a British world

Face it, you all live in a British world

>English lingua franca
>Steam engine and industrial revolution which led to the modern age
>Theory of gravity which helped create modern physics
>Theory of evolution which explained how life develops
>Antibiotics which have saved hundreds of millions of lives
>When we stopped being a superpower, one of our old English speaking colonies took over
>Former British colonies have excellent living standards and government
>Still a UN security council member, one of world's top economies and massive cultural influence

How do you deal with the fact you'll never be British?

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I love the english language to be quite honest with you guys, family.

God Britain is great.
Add free market capitalism to that list. It unironically increased and disseminated the wealth and development of the world exponentially.

only natural, it's ours, perfect language at that too

A lot of the banking Jewery we used was pioneered by the based Dutch

que senor?

i mean, we basically are

based cunt

Why are British writers so good?


the list is just endless

wheres the banter

based. Why couldn't Spain or Poortugal do such a good of a job as bongs with thier colonies?

Nah, fuck you

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you're going the right way to get your behind smacked young man

Not white. Obviously

And you're fixin to getting thumped upside the head mister
If you lot weren't such snobs and maybe what you said would be true
Dommage que tous les Britanniques sont pareils !

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If only we were as famously modest as the French.

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were you born a homosex

Because they fucked the natives rather than driving them out

Britain should've let France get smashed to bits in 1914, they wouldn't be getting stabbed in the back by France and the rest of formerly Allied Europe.

luckily british men are all paedos and gays so it wasnt a problem

This thread is quite excellent

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And this is why people hate Brits.

It's hard to not be modest when you're a piss-poor peasant

Aye, were you for being born on Britain?

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everybody loves mexicans

i thought the american influence was much stronger in australia

australians are basically sun burned brits

i was more thinking from an ethnic perspective, also this

i feel sorry for you aussies cursed with milk white british skin in that baking heat. no wonder you all get skin cancer. it must be fucking annoying having the put sun cream on so much but its better than cancer

i actually figured out a failproof method of overcoming this that i've implemented with great success, it's called being a shutin loser who barely goes outside

At the moment there's more influence from America coming in but we're still much closer to England. Especially in the base of how people interact and society is set out, but also most things really.

Spain and portugal are not good historically or modern.

not a longterm strategy


unironically this.

>not a longterm strategy
Neither is being alive

Who said I had a problem with that?


I recognise that borders are just a social construct and that all human achievement is just human in the end

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what about the most contagious shit that is coming from here? like consumerism, feminism, pc, obsession with social media, etc?

>in the base of how people interact and society is set out,
good for you!

>all human achievement is just human in the end

ah yes the australian aborigine tribes deserve just as much credit for the works of isaac newton as does europe

they deserve as much credit as you do, random brit non-achiever

>but user, he was possibly my greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat second cousin's inlaw
oh wow you're so superior

u trolin son

i bet your underwear has holes in it

the only hole around here is the dripping wet one behind me that belongs to your mother

why would i be mad you're satisfying my mother's needs?
all human achievement is human

i just wish shed stop charging 30 euros its too mujch for the service on offer

for dealing with your old underpants i think it's a bargain

english is lingua franca due to USA and you forgot faraday, heaviside, and based maxwell

is it true isaac newton invented gravity whilst having sex with a massively obese brazilian MILF

>english is lingua franca due to USA


Face it, you all live in a German world

>English language has Germanic roots
>Printing enabled us to rediscover science and opened the doors to a modern world of science & technology
>Theory of quantum mechanics which helped create bleeding edge physics
>Bacteriology which explained how life works and diseases spread
>X-Ray, Aspirine and Morphine which helped diagnosing and treating conditions
>When we stopped being a superpower, one of our adversaries took over
>Has the whole EU by the balls and regained control of Europe without force

How do you deal with the fact you'll never be German?

Face it, you all live in a Swedish world


How do you deal with the fact you'll never be Swedish?

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Face it, you all live in an Australian world

>Australians are the true masters of mankind's destiny
>apex predators who conquered the harshest fauna and flora
>literally a flawless country
>uncontested cultural dominance of the world
>innovative, uncompromising, playful, beautiful
>jobs and growth

True! Ever since I learned about Bendigo I am a big fan! I wanna go there one day and get me a green cube! (No, seriously, love you guys)

Whiter than you, achmed.

fck you anglogayman

>he's still butthurt all these years later

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Peruvian potatoes saved europe from famine so all modern european achievements are peruvian by extension

death to all *Ngloids

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Thanks for gravity lads! Without it I couldn't sleep in my cozy bed. Good morning tho

no worries m8

go to request permission to the queen to be, coward! coward as those who sink a ship out of the area of conflict or use mercenaries from their colonies in wars, the lack of balls is typical of all who carry the union jack on their flag

hahahahahahahaha, as the old scottish saying goes, touch not the cat bot a glove
you brought it all upon yourself


Mate have you been to the UK lately?

It's a fucking shithole

Don't get me started about london

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I hate Britain.

>you all live in a British world
that explains why it's so shit

inferior to germans in every single way

it's an american world now tho lol

But the Bogs are Russians living in France

bongs delusion lmao, we live in an american world manufactured by chinks.

Bring the empire back.

inferior to Chinese in every single way.

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Yet the best countries don't speak English
