It's the first fucking day of this shit being legal and already half my college class has shown up high

It's the first fucking day of this shit being legal and already half my college class has shown up high

The entire campus stank, there were people just lying there smoking up in broad daylight

I fucking hate Toronto

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>B-b-but weed doesnt reduce productivity!

Caught a whiff of it outside of save on foods today, thats about it. Im not a big smoker myself but im still pretty pumped its legal now

told you so....

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that's just the first days and you know it

Same here lol.

Get danked on square

Get danked on square

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because its the first day

How does weed smell?

fucking horrible

not as bad as the really strong cigars, but only just


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It must smell somewhat similar to cigarettes. Unless it smells like hemp seeds, which just smell like grass.

Yeah, because it's the first day of legalization after decades of it being illegal. Of course people are going to cut loose for the next few days.

The stuff they smoke here has additives that make it stink

I'm hoping that as people's stashes are smoked through and replaced with store-quality stuff it won't smell as bad

Potheads are the only reason I'm against legalization

They're like vegans and crossfitters. They dont shut the fuck up about it, their entire perception of the world is based around weed, these people think countries are fascist if they dont have Le dank weed (funnily enough, weed is illegal in their holy land of Sweden and iirc Norway)

Fuck potheads. I'd totally set up my own Weed plantation if it werent for them being such annoying pricks.

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As soon as it becomes legal, it will start losing its counterculture identity. It will always have a tie to stoner culture, but that will fade until those people are weird fringers rather than norm.

Fact: the fun part about smoking weed outside was the ever so light feel of being somewhat rebellious

I love weed but nowadays I mainly smoke indoors

Smoking indoors is a great way to ruin your property value

> like a cup of coffee in reverse

you ever smell a skunk?

I live in a shanty house in a shanty neighborhood so no biggies

I sure as shit hope it does

It just annoys me how these dipshits literally judge nations based solely on weed and only focus on that. Go on reddit and you'll see a billion upvotes for weed legalization, and about a hundred upvotes on an article about Chinese government camps in Xianjiang. Their priorities are just weed, I could run for governor and include "Holocaust 2" in my manifesto and these potheads would all vote for me so long as I also supported legalization

Fuck off kid.

>Living in Ontario in the first place

Nigga just move literally anywhere else in Canada.

but I like ethnic food

Albertan here. Nothing's changed. I still have no idea how weed smells and I've been in multiple places today: home depot, safeway, scotiabank movie.
I guess all this shit happens in Toronto. Calgary is pretty much the same.


Shouldn't you be worrying about food?

Why does Jow Forums get so triggered by fun?

says the fag who didn't have to smell weed all fucking day while writing his midterm

I like the smell of weed chang

It has this horrible vomit-inducing smell. A bit like smoke, a bit poisonously sweet. It's hard to describe but very distinctive, if you've smelled it once you'll recognize it forever.

That is the most childish and petty reason lol.

ITT: Things that never happened.

OP is objectively right, your subculture is cancerous and cringe inducing. I understand enjoying weed, but the 13 year old attitude gets really old really fast. You're literally stoned vapers. We get it it, you like weed. But if you can't be bothered to tone down the obnoxiousness I can't be bothered to associate with you faggots. Now fuck off

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that's odd. it is like imagine the first day the gay marriage becomes legal, there would be gay couples having sex everywhere

Not a single person at my campus was high afaik

Fuck stoners and their degenerate pasttime. My best friend from high school started smoking that shit regularly after we graduated and suddenly he didn't feel like going out or even playing games.
Later he started with meth and I haven't heard much from him

/blog post
Bottomline, fuck these retards and their drug "culture"

>wah wahh wahh MUH ANECDOTE

Stop lying, there's only one weed store in Toronto.

Don't be such a burger, please. You're making a fool out of yourself.

Perhaps, but these people insist on smoking everywhere and revolve their identity around it. They're annoying and should be bullied and ostracized

I didn't see or smell any more potheads than an ordinary day in downtown Toronto.

>Go on reddit
no. now fuck off back there cuck

Like onions or armpits

Like someone trying to cover up the smell of skunk with the smell of grass.

I think it smells better than tobacco.
Um cheiro doce mas enjoativo

>Go on reddit and you'll see a billion upvotes for weed legalization, and about a hundred upvotes on an article about Chinese government camps in Xianjiang.

OMG people have a natural inclination to care more about things that affect them personally and happen in their vicinity instead of things that happen far away!

This confuses and enrages the Ameritard.


Colorado was the same way, they'll get over it.
Eventually it will just be low end apartment buildings that smell like weed and that one guy who shows up to work high anyways

>hurr durr fucking Plant is more important than people having their basic human rights violated
Fucking Krauts

Smells like the zoo, like animal shit.

Kind of like alcohol huh? Now you know what it looks like from the outside when youre knocking down some brewskis with the bros.

>even though I care WAY more about human rights, I prefer to post in threads about weed instead of starting threads about human right violations
>it's just THAT important to me

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>You should care about things that dont affect you more than you do about the things that do

How about you donate your money to Africa for the starving niglets instead of shoving food down your throat while browsing the web in your comfy heated house.

>you cannot post about more than 1 topic or on more than 1 thread
Were Jews the only smart people in Germania?

I actually do donate to charities that help out the Keedz in Central America. Not Niglets, more like Mayans

>I'm still not actively engaged in the very topic I care SO much about, but YOU should be

American ethics.

The kids who were smoking weed in school are now a decade later all doing harder shit. It can't be coincidence

Maybe Australian kids are deranged, but weed doesnt create addicts. Theyd end up doing some hard shit eventually. Those who arent prone to addictive behaviour wont even try hard drugs to begin with

Bruh, in Canada something like 50% of the population has smoked weed. If you exclude immigrants and people over 70, it's probably even higher

>exclude immigrants

Fucking BIGOT

By age 15? I was exclusively talking about the ones who start early. It's a trashy people thing

It smells like sweat and it's really strong.

Stop virtue signaling and actually do something then. Just a suggestion

smells like a combination of the after smell of mowing gras and fertilizer

>It's the first fucking day of this shit being legal and already half my college class has shown up high
>The entire campus stank, there were people just lying there smoking up in broad daylight
Based af
Why is it that 'productivity' somehow always means either wage labour or ensuring the conditions for future wage labour?
I ain't nobody's mule, nigga.

Why not live more modestly without heated home and internet so you can donate more? Is browsing int more important than the lives of people to you, you monster?

Are states legalizing it for 15 year olds? No? So why even mention it?

>muh productivity
Get fucked CEOs

Nah man, just look at us.

like pokemon go, at the beginning is like that, in a couple of days no one willl care

irrc in some state, think it was ohio, the stoners voted no for some weed related ruling because the law that was proposed only gave a few big corporatioms the right to distribute
don't think they only care about weed they're just dumb

weed smokers can be more annoying than some hard drug users, their drug of choice is one that makes them content to not be driven ofc they wouldn't care to think things out

seems anecdotal, pretty sure no studies indicate this
could it be that the people who glamorized drugs the most obviously would have gotten into the most accessible drug first, and be very vocal and undescrete about it? And then moved on to others due to being so inclined

>He donates to (((charities)))

Hey buddy i have this car for sale that i think you would love

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100% of alcoholics drank water before. Water is a gateway liquid.

Sewage obscured by a strong half-rotten grass odourant.

>im so cucked by capitalism that i base my entire worldview and identity on consumer products that dull the mind

Stoners are faggots, just get drunk at your school and fuck women

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same here man

fuck it the ones who started with ecstasy are doing better than them

that's just cuz the kids who are at school smoking weed are already destined to be dropkicks. if it wasnt weed then they'd be drinking vodka that they've chucked into a pump bottle instead

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oh and how could I forget the cool new craze with dumbfuck kids in my city, smoking synthetic marijuana (which is legal) that's 10x more dangerous than smoking cannabis or tobacco. shits fucked

Smoking weed turned me into a bisexual opium addict.

How can they already sell it in stores if it was illegal yesterday?

Laws aren't retroactive. This isn't the roman republic.

they were already selling it in stores for years it's been decriminalized

ahh, just like how americans/whites will be offended by everything and help other races be offended